The new University course management for engineers & technicians at March 04, 2011 starts at the continuing education center of the Technical University of Vienna for the first time the postgraduate university course management for technicians – corporate governance and legal aspects’. People with technical and scientific background have acquired a problem-solving skills in their training that they soon enables teams to lead and manage projects, “so Univ.Prof. Dr. Adolf Stepan. The more successful the career home runs, the sooner you should consider, what responsibility on the other hand takes over the management”. The economic responsibility for the performance of the company here, the positions of project management and business leadership differ from the principle only the personal risk a new dimension now gets little. Individual responsibility in the project will be replaced by an overall responsibility in the company. Of these The continuing education center developed based on requirements TU a university course, to graduates of technical scientific studies to the requirements as to prepare CEO Vienna.
Management competence for executives apart from creativity, intuition and technical expertise are managing director liability, bankruptcy and labour law, tax law and tax law only some of the matters that now in addition to determine the action”, as the course Director of the postgraduate program further. But also the access to important business information systems change in leadership positions. Controlling must be well designed for the needs of the management. In addition to these legal and economic aspects, the postgraduate programme includes a module to human resource management. Because a Managing Director above all which belongs to the abilities of a Managing Director, in addition to the strategic human resources planning and communication with the Works Council and the public Motivation of all employees away from divisions – or Gruppenegoismus. Because negotiation is the foil, before all this happens and makes visible results, a negotiation skills course block completes the University course.
Negotiating skills is essential, its presence is attributed to often mystical properties. You can learn much. New technology-supported methods to prepare negotiations and objectify the possible scope for good results”emphasizes Adolf Stepan. While studying the compressed time design of the course (24 lessons organized in weekend modules) is also the professional situation of the participants takes into account like. “Petra Aigner, Executive Director of the continuing education center, out: the tight schedule of executives makes it difficult often to work and study under a hat, for this reason we have deliberately very compact designed the course”. Learn more about this University course, see Contact: Technical University of Vienna like continuing education center.