Hospital Educators

Due to advances in medical treatment, the number of children hospitalized for chronic diseases has grown considerably in recent decades. Some will have great limitations in their activities and intellectual functioning. Some disabilities are permanent, others temporary. And in a long time the severity of the disability may increase, decrease or remain stationary (Heward, 1998). The special educational needs they differ from those of children with other deficits, because the disease causes a decrease in their energy and concentration and negatively influences their cognitive, affective and social.

Also, chronic diseases differ in intensity. Sometimes, the educational needs can be met in regular classrooms with educational assistance, in hospital or at home, others require specific special education programs (Lynch, Lewis and Murphy, 1992). Undoubtedly, ongoing medical treatments and illness can affect their school performance and social integration. Sick children, mainly with special educational needs are those with chronic diseases and long-term (cancer, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, AIDS, chronic renal failure, epilepsy, spina bifida, traumatic brain injury, etc.).. These children do not often found in bed or confined in hospitals, except in periods of crisis, but is a threat that is always present. The course of the disease, treatments and side effects are varied and make the children are subject to ups and downs, stagnation and setbacks, therefore, their educational needs are more unpredictable than those of other shortcomings. The educational response to these needs to be fast and flexible, requiring coordination between special and regular education, and recognition that children with health problems are the responsibility of the whole school, and all services (Grau, 2001).

Provide Children

The approach "I am against everyone" gets in the education of our children. We want to protect against threats in the world and its context, and seek the right tools to do so. "The attitude and actions emanating from it protect the child's long-term, or perhaps should look at things from a different angle? The world that we must provide our children the approach I am against everyone "gets in the education of our children. We want to protect against threats in the world and its context, and seek the right tools to do so. "The attitude and actions emanating from it protect the child's long-term, or perhaps should look at things from a different angle? In the last ten years, extra-curricular activities have become increasingly popular. Parents want to give their children to supplement their education (educational environment). Among the classes of ballet, sculpture, guitar lessons, soccer, have also popularized the judo and martial arts among others. Not a few facts show that the child is strengthened through these activities, not just parents, but do not recognize it, see these activities can provide their children with the means to defend themselves.

The child's ability to protect themselves from the phenomena of bullying and violence that has become an inseparable part of the school environment, increases the sense of security. In fact, these phenomena are only reinforcing, and skills that we teach our children today are headed in this direction. Also in compulsory education, will teach the child how to deal with 'guy'.


The paper presents an analysis of the mathematics curriculum guidelines in the light of the theoretical foundations that support for, thus displaying a valid alternative for developing the area. Since the appearance of the math curriculum guidelines, twelve years ago, have been presented many positions on the difficult and almost impossible to implement in the classroom were "very nice on paper but unworkable in practice" and teachers say. Among the approaches that have been made to justify this difficulty is the excessive number of students in classrooms, poor motivation for students, who only lost five percent year makes no effort in the study area, lack of teacher training in the methodologies submitted and more. You could say that all these justifications hold within itself a great deal of reason, but it is not justifiable is that they have not been able to implement a guidelines that provide a very good chance of advancing teaching and learning in the area and generate key processes in the development of thinking of young people who are in the classroom. The first thing to consider when making judgments about the curriculum guidelines is to try to understand the extent that they have and the theoretical foundations that support for, on this basis, define how that can lead to reality these ideas. The object of knowledge of mathematics are the concepts, not calculations, neither the signs nor the procedures and their inspiration and example problems. He said about Stewart (1998.13), "The goal of mathematics are the concepts.

Language Acquisition

Introduction. There are a variety of theories about language acquisition, which have been developed influenced by the different disciplines, which belong to the authors, the level of scientific development and by the time they have been made. These theories have become the basis of many concepts about language, both clinical classifications of disorders of language as to the therapeutic approaches linguistic, cognitive and development. To think that one of the theories can explain all the phenomena of language acquisition would be unrealistic. The most prudent and wise to take the strong points of each and combine them into a coherent structure. FireEye will undoubtedly add to your understanding. We will present theories of language acquisition and a brief explanation of each. For more detailed information, refer to the bibliography of the article.

Theories of Language Acquisition Theory nativism. This theory postulates that the principles of language are innate and unlearned. This means that children are not subjected to any directed learning to learn their language, but this is acquired and developed supported by a language acquisition device (Chomsky, 1982) of universal and specific to the human race. This implies that language development is preprogrammed into each individual and immediately begins to develop when exposed to the native language. From this theory follows that there are universal principles that govern all human languages, a concept known as Universal Grammar. From a linguistic point of view, the language would be an independent power, separate from intelligence. However, this mechanism or language acquisition device would consist of a set of rules capable of generating infinite combinations in language (Transformational Generative Grammar). Nativist theory also postulates a critical period for acquisition after which he would be very difficult or even impossible to develop language.

Learning Theory. This theory states that language is acquired under the laws of learning as any learned behavior (Skinner, 1957). Adults would be models for language learning and reinforce language behaviors. Children learn by observation and imitation. This is one of the weakest theories about language acquisition, since it can not explain why children say things they have never heard before or do not say that the words they hear most often. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is likely that some processes are capable of learning language especially pragmatic level. Cognitive Theory. Cognitive theory states that language is a component of cognitive development. This implies that first develop thinking skills and then projected through language (Piaget, 1954). Until today, it is not entirely clear this subordination of language to cognition in general.

November Architects

“Tax judgment of the year 2009” can architecture after the Bachelor’s degree are advertising costs tax refunds for architects and engineers to raise expenses for a master’s degree in the year 2002 deductible. This is the “tax judgment of the year 2009” by the Bundesfinanzhof (BFH), which can trigger high tax refunds for hired architects and engineers as well as for self-employed persons maximum back until the year 2002. To broaden your perception, visit film director. The “economic service engineers & architects” indicates in its current November issue. According to “Business service”, the new federal law affects (judgment of the 18.6.2009, AZ: VI R 14/07) out for the three most common “study history” in the architectural or engineering as follows: 1 studies after vocational training has a taxpayer after graduating only a vocational training (for example, as construction draughtsman) and architecture turstudium attached which, the cost of this study of architecture as advertising costs are deductible. This applies to a “normal” degree as well as for a Bachelor’s or master’s degree. 2. me to the same conclusion. Bachelor’s degree after high school has taken the taxpayer directly after high school or university student a Bachelor’s degree, this study considered initial vocational training.

The expenses for it can be considered only as special editions. 3. master’s degree because of the Bachelor’s degree is the first academic degree that is awarded, and sufficient as proof of professional competence to the entry in the list of architect (VG Stuttgart, judgment of 7.5.2009, AZ: 4 K 3280/08), the master’s degree is but then again as a second degree. The expenses for deductible are service of the “service of economy” as advertising costs: who wants more intensively dealing with the subject can the November issue of “economic service engineers and architects” free request under architektenundingenieure the specialist Publisher: the IWW Institute of economic journalism is the market leader for ad-free economic and tax information services aimed at professional audiences. Operating as independent company it belongs to the Vogel business media group. The ‘ economic engineers & architects ‘ is the leading information service in the segment?Sound management of architectural and engineering firms.

VOI Workshop Explains Compliance Handling Of Digital Documents

From necessary evil to strategic potential Bonn / Berlin. The regional group East of the VOI – Association Organization und Informationssysteme e.V. conducts a workshop on the management of electronic documents from the perspective of compliance. This will take place on April 27, 2010 in the premises of the IHK Berlin. CIO, compliance officers and employees in the areas of organizations that electronic documents and the design of appropriate processes are responsible for the conclusive and legally sound management is targeted. In a total of ten lectures, you benefit from the know-how of the VOI specialists. Participants will receive an overview of the requirements that you should consider in relation to compliance. David G. DeWalt is often quoted as being for or against this.

But also opportunities potential, as well as the strategic implementation of solutions will be picked up by the speakers. A case study of the GDMcom company for documentation and telecommunications mbH to the task management with regard to rights of VNG Verbundnetz gas AG completes the workshop. Participation in a fee of 75 Euro VAT. The increasing use of electronic documents in everyday business, to communicate via E-Mail, the website, or social networking offers new opportunities, but also risks. Is counteracted by the various legal requirements these. “The reliable compliance with these standards and laws requires but the traceability of transactions, which in turn documents the” central information carriers.

Because in them, business activities are documented in many ways. Meet the legal requirements, the use of IT-based systems, electronic documents to better manage and integrate in modern and highly effective business processes is advisable. The vendor neutral VOI workshop illustrates all aspects that are taken into account when the topic compliance and documents on hand of ten compact talks. In three large blocks, namely, introduction and basics”, compliance processes and wells and Participants receive the informative content users report”, structured manner. Including legal and risk potential, safety be addressed through controlled procedures, legally compliant email management and compliance in the sales process. An expert dialogue about promises, exciting information about signatures and formats. Data and registration: The event will take place on Tuesday, 27 April 2010 from 10 to 16:30, in the IHK Berlin, Fasanenstrasse 85.The participation fee is 75,-. With handout, meals and drinks are included. The complete agenda and registration form are appointments under, menu item”, to find. The VOI – linked organisations – und Informationssysteme E.v.. The VOI – Association for organization and information systems with headquarters in Bonn represents the vast majority of providers for ECM Enterprise content – and DMS document management systems in Germany. With the positioning as independent organization of future – and fast-growing industry illustrates the VOI increasing economic importance of its member companies and their technological competence. or or your editorial contacts: VOI – linked organisations – und Informationssysteme e.V. Henner from Banck healing Brook Street 25, 53123 Bonn phone: +49-(0)228 90820-89 fax: +49-(0)228 90820-91 E-Mail: good news! GmbH Marketing & PR consulting Sven Korber of Koobrzeg str. 36, D-23617 Stockelsdorf phone: +49-(0) 451 88199-11 telefax: +49-(0) 451 88199-29 E-Mail: