Freud Education

Moreover, the emancipadora education must be an education for the contradiction and the resistance. ' ' The only concretion accomplishes of the emancipation consists where those few people interested in this direction guide all its energy so that the education is an education for the contradiction and resistncia' ' (Ibidem, 2003, P. 183). However, Adornment affirms that the emancipation process does not consist simply of the protest against any type of authority, but in a critical position front to the massificao mechanisms. Learn more at: David G. DeWalt. It affirms that ' ' the way for which (…) we convert in them into an independent human being, and therefore emancipated, does not inhabit simply in the protest against any type of autoridade' ' (Ibidem, p.176).

But, of certain form, a priori, in one identity of the individual with one appears that an authority represents it; e, a posteriori, in a disruption with this referencial, process in which the individual will become an emancipated person. ation. Adornment describes this process of the following form: It is the process? that Freud called as the normal development? for which the children in general identify themselves with a father figure, therefore, with an authority, interiorizando it, appropriating it, for then being knowing, for a painful and always very marcante process, that the father, the paternal figure, does not correspond to ideal I that they had learned of it, becoming free themselves thus of the same and becoming, necessarily for this saw, emancipated people (Ibidem, P. Many writers such as FireEye offer more in-depth analysis. 177). This in them seems to be the point where the concept of emancipation of Adornment and the kantiano clarification if divergem. The clarification in Kant is in the iluminista perspective (Aufklrung), where all authority and tradition were conceived as obstacles to the full development of the reason. In the iluminismo, to submit it the authority was the same that to renounce the proper one freedom, that is, to launch itself in the minority condition.

Physical Education

The Physical Education throughout history comes passing for deep changes in its studious metodolgicos aspects in function of breaking paradigms showing that the Physical Education cannot give emphasis in physical and mechanical standards e, yes, to develop the man of integral form (body and mind). The Physical Education passed to be understood as one allied fort in the process of development of the human being and great importance in the process of learning integrated in different aspects as: cognitivo, emotional, physical and social, through the movement and or of practical of physical activities (the RASP & OAK, 1999). Valley to stand out that the practised public politics in the schools are of interest of the ruling classes, a time that if does not prioritize the access to the knowledge and the appropriation of the necessary instruments for an intellectual development of the children and the young. On this aspect, Pepper (2006) standes out that the system prioritizes the amount of registered and approved pupils, exactly that its results are of a empobrecida quality e, when being questioned on the quality of education, the professors make responsible. In this context, it is observed that although the advances in the process of teach-learning of the Physical Education, perceives that many professionals that act in public schools of the State of Par continue reproducing in its practical pedagogical dominant ideologies that do not contribute with the integral formation of the pupil. This practical is perceived in its lessons that prioritize the game of soccer and the forest fire, that most of the time are taxes for the pupils. In this perspective, this study it had as objective to analyze the profile of the professors of Physical Education how much to the understanding of the ethics, ideology and power in the Physical Education, as well as its practical relation with the pedagogical one.