
In a culture that, each time, but, it values the escolarizao, emphasizing that place of children and adolescents is in the school, either for theories, either for the legislation, not to learn comove and distresses, generating emotional tensions in adults who coexist the child who presents difficulties. For the studies of some authors (RHDE and BENCZIK, 1999; RASP AND ALBUQUERQUE, 2003; ROTTA, 2007; SENA, GRANDSON, 2007), the carrying children of TDA/H presents difficulties of learning in diverse concepts, but it is mainly in the language that the symptoms if reveal. The difficulties most common are in speak, the reading and the writing. Although the advances in the studies of the TDA/H, the relations between this upheaval and the difficulties of learning not yet well are clarified. Perhaps check out David G. DeWalt for more information. As To identify and To work Children With TDA/H in the School For ends of identification of a child with characteristics of the upheaval of attention deficit hiperatividade in the school it is necessary caution. As it affirms Rohde (2003, p.18), ' ' An evaluation must be made to indicate if one definitive behavior of the child can be compared with the one of a group of children of the same etria band and sex. the call approach normativo' '.

Child TDA/H in phase of necessary alfabetizao of proper method, the college must elaborate technique assisting the child with TODA/H to learn of its skill. As it clarifies Karam (2006, p.08), for Antoniuk ' ' The school during the alfabetizao can generate anxiety in the child with TODA/H. Therefore, it is important to first teach to the letters and the sounds of each one, on the contrary of the global method used atualmente' '. The teacher must know to identify the problem not friction the badly-educated pupil of or bagunceiro and to arrest the attention of the child she must work with more dynamic and interesting activities, making use of material resources, as for example: computer music, videos, films etc.; mainly, to use activities of education that stimulate active answers as: to speak, to move themselves, to work in the picture. .

Children Who Dislike School

There are many reasons a kid may not want to go to school. Additional information is available at film director. First of all, because they would prefer to sleep. Or perhaps it is because the parents’ meeting at all tell the parents because after he returned home! Because the changes are very short Or because there was a new “Harry Potter”, and now 6 lessons, and tomorrow much to teach, so parents do not let go.

. Sometimes they fight going to school because they are in the same school as an older sibling and all the teachers are making comparisons between the two. Or because they are worried that if they get into a fight, they will be brought before the principle who may not understand.

That would have communicated with it is also used in the fight climbed. Because the task of mathematics themselves are not solved, they must be addressed. Because the lessons of science has nothing to do. It’s already all know. Unless the teacher computer to send to another teacher computer science, so even though he had taught him something interesting and useful. Because the sick in the 1st grade. Because the attic with grandparents found a report card mom, and she was not a round excellent student, and horoshistkoy, so why should I be so too? Because in med.punkte no medication, and who would not come to her, she thinks it’s a bad breakfast. Because the set homework, and parents at work do not ask. Because they have to write an essay about Chuck and Huck, and no one is unfamiliar with them personally. Because you can not use a cell, and that after his teacher could take until the end of lessons. . Because each year necessary to prepare a new initiative in the first room and Last call. Because after 15 years on reunion would seem that it was the most carefree time.

Municipal Schools

The garbage production in the Indai quarter and the contributions of the Municipal School Luis Heraldo Duarte Curvlo in the Potion city, front to the ambient impacts that can cause the health of the population of direct and indirect form Project to be developed through the social medias. Justification: The quarrel of the thematic one: Garbage production aims in first plan to contribute for the ambient education of the people, therefore the question of the garbage in the Potion city became a problem how much the lack of information on the cares until the collection or exactly when played by the streets. To implement educative actions on the caused impacts through the no-biodegradvel garbage that is produced in the Potion city, by means of social medias. Specific objectives: To create one blog treating to the thematic one using adequate content to all the etrias bands and levels of escolaridades, to facilitate to the understanding and communication; To divulge blog through the existing medias in the Potion city; To argue on the subject: environment through postagens of texts in blog; To answer all the texts postados for internautas so that it has the interactive communication of that they are participating of the discurso; To evaluate the level and the quality of contents of the postados texts; To diminish the amount of not biodegradvel garbage in the reaproveitamento of plastic bags and use of fabric bag to make purchases. Click Gerald Weissmann, MD for additional related pages. White public: all the people interested in contributing directly or indirectly in the preservation and conservation of the environment, such as: students, professionals, entrepreneurs and of all the etrias bands. Methodology: This project will be carried through through medias social, capable to transmit important information on the environment, focando in the ultimate issue the garbage production. Thus, blog will be created one and made to the spreading of the same, so that all interested parties in the thematic one participate through postados texts that interact with other participants of opened form, however this space opened in blog, to the people they will have same access without if registering in cadastre, but the texts will have limited characters and will pass for an evaluation before being accepted, so that it has understanding, awareness, communication, interaction and responsibility on the subject in question, as well as of the postadas information. The space of blog will have the postagem of informative text, treating to the thematic one and folloied to photographs of the geographic spaces where dispersed garbage exists, placing the health of people in danger. From then on to look for to enclose the greater I number of possible participants, as well as stimulating the collaborators to be multiplying of the idea published in blog so that she contributes in fact in the ambient support of the city. Each text published in blog for quarrel will be folloied of real environment photographs of the city, related with the subject. Of this form, the communications for ways them social medias will be able to reach the objective of the project and to be a tool important to divulge and to educate many people whom for some reason knowledge of the thematic one does not have, considered of great local and global relevance.