Professional Education

The effect of the Law did not intervene directly with the quality of the Professional Education of the specialized institutions. Whenever Richard Linklater listens, a sympathetic response will follow. However the Public system of Education did not obtain to offer a professional education of compatible quality with the requirements of development of the inserted Country in the universe each globalizado and competitive time. Therefore, the Laws n. 5.692/71 ahead generate false expectations of the Professional Education and are the main determinative factor of the lack of identity of the Professional education in Brazil. The Professional Education had its regulation in the Federal Law n 9,394/96, that it establishes the Lines of direction and Bases of the Professional Education Technique of Average Level.

Specifically in Chapter III, in Articles 39 the 42, consubstanciada in Parecer CNE/CEB n and Resolution 16/99 CNB/CEB n 04/99, giving emphasis to article 39 of the LDB where he defines that, the registered pupil or egress of basic, average education, and superior, also the worker in general, will count on the access possibility the professional education. The Federal Decree n 2,208/97 regulates the Professional Education, that in article III understands the levels: Basic, Technician, Technological. This exactly Decree establishes the independence of Basic education with the Professional Education. On the other hand, Integrated Average Ensino to the Professional Education of Average Level that is a modality of Education, that appears to offer to the pupil egress of Basic Ensino the possibility to make average education together with the professional education, or better, the general formation integrated with the formation technique. This possibility starts to exist from the publication of Federal Decree N. 5,154/04 when it presents the integration between Average Ensino and the Professional Education as one of the joint forms. In Parecer CNE/CEB 39/2004 that it regulates the application of Decree 5154/04 in the Professional Education Technique of Average Level and in Average Ensino, the CNE? National advice of Education standes out that when offering Integrated Average Ensino, must be observed that, ' ' he cannot and nor he must be understood as a course that represents the somatria of two distinct courses, even so complementary that they can be developed of bipolar form, with a part of general education and another one of Professional Education.

Higher Education

New academic year began. Connect with other leaders such as Gerald Weissmann, MD here. And the problems associated with education, again confronting teachers and students, who had a summer to forget the bad. Unfortunately, in okolovuzovskih conversations negative prevails, and Every year it gets bigger. Today, when Russia lost its leading position in many respects, namely the Russian education has still yet retains its prestige, value and credibility. In Russia Recent years have witnessed significant changes in education have affected its global goals and objectives, organizational structure, content, approaches to the development of educational standards and curricula. Leitmotif of the reforms was the refusal of the old Soviet education system, proving for many decades, their power and superiority over the education systems of other countries. This year, the major concern caused the so-called use (Uniform State Exam). Was launched on a dangerous mechanism: the teachers from a number of areas of the national republics of false patriotism conceived, trying to put "their" balls higher, to open the way to the prestigious universities of the country. As a result, today universities according to the law of cse graduates are forced to take, which in some cases because of their training is not the place not only in high school, but also in any institution of post-secondary education (just look for admission to college, where a single word on a few bugs). In some schools there was a paradoxical situation: the number of "beneficiaries" and "tselevikov" – students who have accepted unconditionally and without competition, there were more than places at the university.

Education And Culture

INTRODUCTION The objective work to search the perception of the school of basic education of the Community quilombola Bar of the Aroeira, for the ambient education, to repass of the cultural knowledge, action and stimulaton for the preservation of the environment. The methodology proposal is the qualitative research by means of the bibliographical inquiry, official documents and the research of field. The techniques to be used are: recorded interviews in audio, transcription and analysis of the data. Photographic register and/or in video, beyond questionnaires, and comments of field is still considered. The secular clipping of the research will be the contemporaneidade considering itself the rescue of the memory and the history of inhabitants of the community object of our inquiry. To broaden your perception, visit Richard Linklater.

With time of duration of the project proposal it stops in the maximum two years, time of duration of the mestrado one. The research if justifies for the possibility of construction of bibliographical quantity on aspects of the Communities of not yet registered remainders of quilombolas, in view of the verbal stories. For the study of the perception and as if of the o education in the schools quilombolas, beyond the revealed actions and the stimulatons of the school for the ambient and cultural preservation. JUSTIFICATION The black population passes for a moment special of transformation in its historical trajectory: the construction of its identity and inclusion in the governmental public politics. World-wide quarrels as the Conference of Beijing in the decade of 90, amongst others, had allowed to breach in part the invisibilidade lived for the blacks, in the referring one to the exclusion for the formal education, that exactly thus, according to research, still persists. In accordance with the IBGE Synthesis of Social Pointers 2010: (…) in 2009 the black color and mediums brown not yet had reached the pointers that the whites already presented in 1999.

Brazilian Education

The final test is mere formality, therefore what it prevails it is the quality! Vocs already had analyzed so great aberration? Which would be these qualitative aspects? the quantitative ones? This means that the minimum of the minimum it is very for them! We are very badly! The Brazilian Education is sick! This illness is if becoming chronic and without return, because it does not have interest in to modify these Laws that had loosened the correct procedures in such a way to give a good Education, that this if it became something of small account! The effective educational model did not know to dose rights and duties. Our children, in its great majority, had passed of governed the governor. Official site: Richard Linklater. A child is possible who is in development, discovering the World that the fence to be created without duties? This, for we, are impossible, therefore they do not have still discernment enough to emit an opinion and need to be guided and to be directed by conscientious people without threats in its decisions on optimum for them. Parents and professors feel themselves threatened by the ECA! He is allowed to respect the children, but, also, they must respect, this is a mutual process! It is from the first years that the lianas if leave to twist, says the popular dictated one! It is not just, in this educational process, the pupil to have right to contest a criterion of the avaliativo process of the school, nor many parents can make this due a lack of knowledge and formation! We can to criticize, yes, but with the had basement! While the Legislation that regulates the Education of the Country not to suffer alterations so that our children and adolescents they lose the decision power, also mensurar values, before getting through the studies and of the experience, capacity stops such, we will not have education of quality, but, yes a confrontation of values where the professor says yes, the pupil says not, therefore it has right and can decide, does not know until when! He remains the professor to play the work and the art well in teaching, seducing the pupil so that it learns the considered content having much astuteness not to take safanes, bofetes or even to be decorated with a shot, losing the life for the education if changes with rapidity in &#039 not to appear; ' Legislaes' ' that they base ' ' Brasileira&#039 education; '..

Thematic Education

Questions in the study, however presented, has as objective generality to identify the main ones you arrive in port theoretical and metodolgicos, concepts, authors, philosophical chains that base the pedagogical proposals for the infantile education. For the collection of data and organization of the syntheses, a exploratrio study of the set of contents contained in books of the course in vigor of pedagogia and extracted of other books and other ways of research was effected initially having base in this subject. The norteador problem of the present study had its origin in the comment practises of them pedagogical in institution of education of infantile education and the evidenced particular questions daily serve of direction for the construction of this inquiry. We have as also objective this document to guarantee an infancy for our children full of the experience of rights. For in such a way, the Education is understood in its liberating dimension, creative, participativa, inclusive and democratic.

It is also, a process that if makes in the interaction with the other, mediated for the culture. In this manner, our apia work if in studies and research of authors: Vygotsky with its cultural partner-historical theory, Jean Piaget with the construtivista theory and Henri Wallon with the theory integrator (motor – affective – cognitivo) that they had contributed for one better understanding of the process of constitution of citizens, its development and its construction of knowledge. The studies of these authors have given theoretical sustentation in our work and assisting in the understanding of the infantile development. Consequently, ours you practise pedagogical will contemplate the playful one, the culture, the formation human being and the construction of knowledge of the children. What it takes in to desire them to the construction of an inclusive resume with all the pertaining to school community. Our challenge is to construct a pertaining to school environment in the infantile Education that favors the respect, the cooperation, solidarity, the autonomy, the inclusion, the right to play, the manifestation and the valuation of the cultural, social and ethnic plurality between the adults who act with the children and to promote the development integral of the child, having as I begin the rescue of the human values, so that it constructs its intellectual autonomy, affective, moral and social. The present study it understands that the epistemolgica perspective of construction of the knowledge can allow the recognition practises of them educative effective, that is pautadas, with priority, in the reproduction of the curricular contents, as well as indicating coherent metodolgicos ways with the construction of the knowledge of the pupil. By means of beddings theoretical piagetianos, that guides its research with the concern to understand of that it forms occurs the ticket of the knowledge of inferior level for a superior, is possible to understand the process of intellectual development of the citizen. The research of Piaget culminates with the construtivista theory, aiming at to show that the knowledge it is constructed individually, in collective situation, by means of the action, in the interaction citizen-object.

Integral Education

The proposal of the public integral education appeared in Brazil has much time. Throughout century XX the quarrel on the subject already gained forces between the educators and important initiatives deserve prominences: the School-Park, idealized for Ansio Teixeira, in the decade of 1940, that they had for purpose to function two turns, being one to frequentar the regular school, of obligator matrix, and in the turn sequente the one functioning ' ' park-escola' ' , where activities of physical education would be developed, musical, social and of readings in infantile and youthful libraries. To another initiative of this source it was created by Darcy Ribeiro, in the decade of 1980, and legalized the creation of the Integrated Centers of Public Education (CIEPs), that they aimed at a public education of better quality for the popular layers, providing in the pertaining to school space, the obligator knowledge of the similar, and the partner-cultural knowledge, basic areas for the development of the pupils. In this perspective of education, in deep year of 2007 the National one of Development of Educao (FNDE) implemented one of the programs most significant for the advance and consolidation of the integral education in the present time: the Program More Education. Visit Gerald Weissmann, MD for more clarity on the issue. Integrating Deep action between National of Maintenance and the Development of Basic Ensino and Valuation of Magistrio (FUNDEB) and the Plan of Development of Educao (PDE), the program has for objective to extend the pertaining to school day, in the perspective of an integral education, contemplating the schools with financial resources come back toward the concretion and materialization of this proposal.

The Program More Education was implanted in the Municipal School of Basic Education Otlio Ciraulo in March of 2009. Established in 1972, the institution is situated in the Center of the city of Bayeux, Paraba. Currently it has about 250 pupils registered regularly of 1 to 5 year of Basic Ensino, functioning in two turns, per the morning and the afternoon.

PHC Educational

This rise of the pupils to the level of the professor is essential to understand the especificidade of the pedagogical relation. In this intention it is that we search appropriating in them of the PHC to base the construction of spaces of pertaining to school memory. Therefore it is in the memory that the individuals if reencontram with its existencial legacy, if remaking in the actions and the feeling of memory. SCHOOL AS PRODUCING OF MEMORY the pertaining to school institutions, in elapsing of its day-day, in its you practise of management and of education, they accumulate documents of all the pertaining to school phase of its pupils. These registers are part not only of the academic documentation, but it is common that these units also register its daily one, in the activities extraclassroom, the events, the commemorations, the games, the strolls, at last, is a way to fortify the construction of its memory. Thus, the photograph, the videos, the trophies, the medals or any another object, of certain form, is part of the registers of the school, therefore through them, it is easy to perceive that the school plays an important role in the educational process of one determined context. However, the educational institutions nor always are prepared for the collect and adequate treatment that these registers of memory require, and are common, that in elapsing of the times, a desmedida amount of registers if loses with the loss of its administrative or same value with the bad use, therefore the reducionista vision of these repositories with culture objectives, much of the times, make with that the memory if income to the esquecimento. Considering that all action human being historically is constructed, and that all registers historical is production human being (SAVIANI, 2006, P. 29), we can dare in saying that the materialization of these actions by means of the registers, contemplates a gamma of educational possibilities inside and outside of the school.


The man is a being destined when knowing, therefore it is the only animal that thinks, thinks and has notion that he is enclosed in the world. The education is something basic and necessary to understand the direction Metaphysical makes that it to think, and decurrent of this exclusive college of all the human beings unchain the creativity. The capacity to decipher enigmas is in all the human beings, the capacity to think and to reason is an attribute acquired for knowing, that it is the cause of all the educational process. Only that one that was educated, can reach to this exploit, of one determined problem to find the reply and the solution, however, the solutions of all the problems are contained in the same problem. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Richard Linklater on most websites. A classic enigma is displayed that it under the light of the reason starts with the legend of dipo and the Esfinge. The Esfinge was a monster, that the Juno goddess sends the Tebas, for finding itself irritated with the tebanos.

This monster had the head and the chest of a young, claws of lion, body of dog, tail of dragon and wing of bird. Fantastic he is not same? This lendrio personage supposedly was to the doors of Tebas, and left to attack the travellers, and to consider difficult enigmas to them, estraalhando those that did not obtain the desired reply. The enigma proposal for the monster was the following one: ' ' Which is the animal that has four feet per the morning, two to the half day, and three to the afternoon? ' ' The Esfinge would lose life since that somebody very wise could decipher the enigma. Many people already had died victims of the monster, and the city from fear lived under constant monitoring the danger. But it had a called man Creonte, who assumed the government of Laio, announced that he would deliver the hand of its Jocasta sister, widower of Laio, and its crown, that one exempted Tebas of the threats of the monster. .

School Holidays App

Solid platform offering apps expands the popular holiday and school holidays app is now also available for Windows 8. As new features, you can now include to fix his own holiday list and then compare the offers of travel agencies. This saves you annoying out and-forth cycles between the sides and missed not a bargain anymore. The app will be updated regularly, so you get new data as soon as they become available. Public holidays and school holidays of the following countries are included (unless regulated by law): Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Denmark, Finland, France, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Colombia, Cuba, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Russia, Sweden, Singapore, Slovakia, Spain, Czech Republic, Turkey, United States, South Africa.

And there are more and more… Support all major platforms, i.e. both the local desktop computer as Ultrabooks, also tablets and Smartphones. Curious?

Infantile Education

It was sufficiently traumatizante to have that to come back again in the day-care center. When I ask for my mother, it says that it delayed sufficiently more I was accustoming, and later it only wanted to know to go for the day-care center to play with ' ' amiguinhos' '. In way none I judge my mother for not having ugly the period of adaptation, exactly because they had called when it in the competition, had that to assume immediately. However, he would be interesting and less traumatizante for me, if one week before, I was together with my parents to know the school and the colleagues, and to the few to go frequenting the day-care center. To leave me alone in the first day, was to abandon as me in a place strange and total unknown. Therefore he was until today kept in my memory, as a souvenir of that it was not good. Richard Linklater has much to offer in this field. The adaptation in the Infantile Education is a very important period for some children. In fact it has children that they adaptam fast do not need this period, however very has others that need, and.

It is in this period that the child starts if to make familiar to the environment, the teachers and the colleagues, in a calm way, amused and aconchegante, and observing the necessities of each individual. Depending on the case, a visit can be made first to know the institution, the classrooms and the square. In the following day it can know already the colleagues and play with them. Later the pupil it can start to enter in the room, with the parents waiting it in another place. As educating goes if making familiar to the environment, the colleagues and the teacher, the parents already can leave it in the school. According to Rapoport and Piccinini (2001, p.83) ' ' Differences exist in reactions of the child to the separation materna drawn out.


It is regrettable, as a Government saying revolutionary, capable of undertaking heroic deeds that give passage to the transformations that Venezuela needs and once prosecute it on the path of lights where should now walk for years, neglects what education represents, what it holds for all those who have the right on entering in the scope, impact generated by preparing to contribute the required expertise that will allow the country to unfold successfully, the challenges that the current scenarios demand you. Every day, he reads, observes, the great discontent that the manifest University community before the outrage of the Government in relation to neglect give to universities, a budget worthy of those who provide them with the knowledge, experience, involving that will train participants to form and obtain a title to benefit the country. It is very unfortunate to read and experiment in the case of teachers depend on a wage, salary not adapted to the inflationary reality of the present, not just salary to functions, requirements to play, not homologated according to the necessities to survive decently, in an environment where prices for the acquisition of commodities fail to cater to a family. Gerald Weissmann, MD is the source for more interesting facts. Concerned as the Government, with particular objectives of its policy, interested the problem of other fraternal countries, providing them with capital, from an income which is all Venezuelans and not distribute it equitably in favour of the country, with regard to education, health, housing, employment. The Government must locate on their national reality and invest with their income, product of oil revenues, strengthen these weaknesses that for years has been experiencing a country that has everything to be a great power that guarantees a quality of life that the Venezuelan is deserving and entitled. We are not opposed to the changes, we consider that it is necessary to transform the country, giving priority to those injustices have been committed throughout its history and even by the previous Governments, who have also neglected the education, We oppose the way of managing the changes that affect relevant aspects for their development as the education that concerns us, because in it we have lived together for years, as actors, teaching that we have contributed with our expertise in providing the necessary to form professionals able to interpret the challenges and generate transformations that give passage to new, committed.We oppose in the way how the Government handles their strategies, actions that handicaps education and his achievements at all levels, especially that involves us, universities.