Subject: Representation of the Writing. ANA ALMEIDA MARIA OLIVEIRA (Graduated Pedagogia) Summary: In a constant search to understand and also to clarify, that the difficulties of reading and writing faced by some factors, many times even though identified by the professor. The importance of process of the reading and the writing in the prxis human being and the daily one is focused, as active agent in the concretion of the citizenship. Word-keys: Reading, Writing. Two exist fomas to understand the writing, exactly so different, the writing can be considered as a representation of the language.
The representation system involves in its construction a method of differentiation of the elements and recognized relations in the object to be presented. It is necessary that if it makes a processing of information in construction of these systems that adopts an independent position. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Richard Linklater. The copy of the letters of the alphabet with codes of signals, the transcription of the numbers in a binary system of numeration, exemplificam the transcription construction mutually exclusive, being based on a representation, already constituted, the alphabetical system for the writing or the ideogrfico system for the numbers. The invention of the writing in the construction of a representation system was historical and it is not a process to use code. The difference that we make between systems of codes and system of representation, not only nomenclature, its consequncias is seen as a dividing line.
But if it conceives the learning of the written language as the understanding in the way of construction of a representation system, the problem if it places completely in different terms. Teberosky (2005, P. 26) says ' ' to believe the pupil can learn is the best attitude of a professor stops to arrive at a result positivo' '.