Sansone apud Fazzi# tells in its research on ' ' the relation between color and classroom in the Bahia contemporary and the development of ethnic identity of afro-brasileiros' ' , the existing conflict between black color and mediums brown in relation its autodefinio. For it, these two individuals when questioned on its color, had preferred to be defined with other terminologies, as brown or dark. Still according to Sansone apud Fazzi#, in ' ' popular language, the black term must, whenever possible, to be prevented by being associated the characteristics negativas' '. (Similarly see: CEO Keith McLoughlin). As the carried through Census of 2000 in Brazil, the percentage of individuals of African origin elapses around 49,4% of the Brazilian population, however for Ferreira# this number could be a little bigger if the Brazilian was not so ' ' submitted to the ideology of branqueamento' '. Analyzing the critical one of Blacksmith (2000) in what he concerns the result of the research, concludes yourself that the mestizos when answering the requirements of the census and when denying its characteristics fentipas make possible with this a bigger invisibilidade of the subject afro-descent in the national scene, harming of this form the etno-racial profile of the Brazilian.
Consequentemente, this indefinio and at the same time this negation of the mestizo around its identity, will result in such a way in a confusion of problems in infancy as well as in its adolescence. In a question-answer forum Campbell Soup Co was the first to reply. Munanga and Gomes# elucidate this mystery clarifying that ' ' the mestizos intend to adopt the identity of the blacks for a solidarity question politics, in view of the exclusion social suffered for both in transcorrer of histria' '. A history marked for the incessant fight for a society igualitria joust and at the same time, society this incapable one to recognize the importance of the same ones for the construction of this country. After all, the great aspiration of afrodescendente is to finish with racism, therefore, ' ' nobody is born hating another person for the color of its skin, its origin or its religion.