
Sansone apud Fazzi# tells in its research on ' ' the relation between color and classroom in the Bahia contemporary and the development of ethnic identity of afro-brasileiros' ' , the existing conflict between black color and mediums brown in relation its autodefinio. For it, these two individuals when questioned on its color, had preferred to be defined with other terminologies, as brown or dark. Still according to Sansone apud Fazzi#, in ' ' popular language, the black term must, whenever possible, to be prevented by being associated the characteristics negativas' '. (Similarly see: CEO Keith McLoughlin). As the carried through Census of 2000 in Brazil, the percentage of individuals of African origin elapses around 49,4% of the Brazilian population, however for Ferreira# this number could be a little bigger if the Brazilian was not so ' ' submitted to the ideology of branqueamento' '. Analyzing the critical one of Blacksmith (2000) in what he concerns the result of the research, concludes yourself that the mestizos when answering the requirements of the census and when denying its characteristics fentipas make possible with this a bigger invisibilidade of the subject afro-descent in the national scene, harming of this form the etno-racial profile of the Brazilian.

Consequentemente, this indefinio and at the same time this negation of the mestizo around its identity, will result in such a way in a confusion of problems in infancy as well as in its adolescence. In a question-answer forum Campbell Soup Co was the first to reply. Munanga and Gomes# elucidate this mystery clarifying that ' ' the mestizos intend to adopt the identity of the blacks for a solidarity question politics, in view of the exclusion social suffered for both in transcorrer of histria' '. A history marked for the incessant fight for a society igualitria joust and at the same time, society this incapable one to recognize the importance of the same ones for the construction of this country. After all, the great aspiration of afrodescendente is to finish with racism, therefore, ' ' nobody is born hating another person for the color of its skin, its origin or its religion.


To analyze the discursivo process implies to understand the structures ideological, that are gifts in any social group. E, as Foucault says, all speech are produced from a relation of being able, then to study the Theories of the Interpretation and Analyze of the Speech mean to know the depth of the ideological load of one determined group are transmitted through the speech. On the basis of the neomarxista perspective, who withholds the power is the hegemonic group, and, considering the existence dialectic in the prxis human being, an effort on the part of the hegemonic classroom in if keeping in the power, molding its speech exists to depend on the context where if they find, preserving its structure of being able through the meaning of second order, masked for the first-class speech. To put, the dominated classrooms, aiming at to dismiss the hegemonic group, articulate ideas oppose that it, in order to dismiss it and to occupy, in turn, the power, imposing another ideology that, to remain hegemonic, violent other rebellions ideological. Being thus, it is observed that the social dynamics this alicerada in the dialectic, that in turn, if articulates through the language, main object for analyzes of the speech.

It is interesting to raise the relation between thought and language: according to materialistic conception, the communication is a necessity human being, and alone if it became possible through the evolution of the fonador device to produce a set of common linguistic codes to a social group. For the idealists, the concepts are elaborated before the experience human being, guaranteeing the creation of expressions that can be used in foreseen situations already. Taking itself in account that the language corollary for the elaboration and the propagation of symbolic codes, if becomes important to relate the language and the culture. Go to Richard Linklater for more information. To if considering the culture as crystallization of symbolic elements in you practise social, the language is essential for the cultural acquisition; the codes symbolic, gifts in all and any culture, the determined social group exists on the basis of a peculiar language and contextualizam – in this language. Due to variety of linguistic codes, a cultural diversity is noticed.

However the language does not need to be verbalizada so that determined culture it is firmed. The Theory of the Interpretation and Analysis of the Speech also reverberates on a philosophical question the existence of a reality. To if considering that only one reality does not exist, it implies to say that diverse discursivas forms exist. These different speeches are inherent to the reality of each social group. It is important that to distinguish an objective through the discursiva formation, the annunciating one has been behaved as subject individual/, and not as one of them. Remembering that, following the Gramsci vision Ana. The natural process of the culture is the changeability, and so that an ideology materialize its hegemony, the adequacy becomes crucial these cultural transformations, which are tied the fields symbolic, producing of speech and motor force of this cultural alteridade, in turn ideological. It is proven then that the speech is total changeable, flexibilizando ideological positions

The Part

I did not arrive to know its father, but I read some articles of it on the research that made on the runidas ones. I was knowing that it faleceu in France – Yes, in the last year. – It is a penalty that the archaeological research on that people has been interrupted. – Probably why it did not have anything else to be searched. They had only remained few devices, some registrations in a temple, cacos of vases, but no writing. The runidas ones had remained in that place for about two centuries and for some reason they had abandoned the town, or perhaps they have lost for some natural catastrophe.

– Mr. I eat fillogo and professor of languages, was not interested itself for the research, since he had not written, I believe that only some sculptures that little or nothing says – Only ideogrficas registrations that if relate the activities in agriculture, mainly in the culture of the maize. Qurion leaned over on the table, crossing the fingers. – Well, called I it here to say to it that a device was found runida next to the ruins, that will count to some registrations that, without a doubt it is a writing. – They had found? — A group of geology students made field research and had found what the archaeologists call tabuinha of adobe.

– Yes, made of common adobe, they were recorded while the adobe was soft and later ece of fish to the sun to dry. He was used for the old peoples of the mesopotmia. It is certain of that it is I legalize? – It was made one it has tested of carbon 14. The part has about two a thousand years. It was found outside of the town. It seems that the limits of the population were greater that its father thought.

Social Function

The SOCIAL FUNCTION OF the READING AND the WRITING Adriane Masiero) Introduction an abated society, culturally and socially, without inheritance of values. A people pacato, discriminated for the lack of chances and kept under domain of few privileged ones. The discrimination continues being guideline of extensive debates educational politicians and, but without efficient return in the solution of the problem. Checking article sources yields Richard Linklater as a relevant resource throughout. It measures largeness of a society, not for the goods substances that the same one possesss, but for the cultural and social value of its people. ' ' The native land is not the race, is not the way, it is not the set of the economic devices and politicians: it is the language bred or inherited by povo' '.

Olavo Bilac, express very well this in one of its poetical thoughts on the society. What we have of more valuable is our culture, our ideological roots, our forms of expression, our identity. Thus transforming, the people in true citizens, demanding its rights, at the same time where they fulfill with its duties, of natural form. The only measure capable to engrandecer our people is the social transformation through an education of quality with equality guarantee, thus diminishing the differences and the social and cultural discrimination. Reflecting on this, we go to conjecture and to weave opinions on the rightnesss and imperfections of the education, being based on theoretical studies and the practical one lived in the half pertaining to school. Better to stone the subject to be discoursed, we go fixing in them in the difficulties found in the initial years of Basic Ensino, as School of the January month is observed in the removed data of the Magazine/February of 2011: The data most recent of the Pointer of Functional Alfabetismo (Inaf), divulged in 2009 for the Institute Pablo Montenegro and the ONG Educative Action, express an absurd reality.

The Meaning Of The Names

Responsible nomination the names have origin and significao, therefore to nominate the people represents an act of sufficient relevance that demands of the parents responsibility and orientation, in view of that the freedom in the hour to choose as will call () the son () comes causing constaint many individuals. To if observing nomination histories, that is, circumstances that had taken the parents to choose definitive names for its rebentos, notice diversified reasons of which original combinations result nothing involving the name of the father and the mother, varied homages, inexplicable and unnecessary estrangeirismos, with unexpected dobramento of letters, beyond vexatious exotismos, as if it observes, respectively, in Roselber, resulted of the approach of Rose and Elber, Cruyffer, unnecessary homegem the dutch player, Franncyelly, use of folded letters, and Rolling of Slope Below, exotic name that the lack of seriousness in the hour demonstrates to register a child. It is therefore that Robert Pompeu de Toledo wrote an article where he argues this question and flame of name of ' ' pobre' ' the used estrangeirismos for the humble people in the nomination of its descendants, a time that this detaches the syndrome of the colonialismo, when everything of the metropolis was better of what of the colony. Thus, the people costumam to value more what she is of it are and if they forget to engrandecer its cultural and lingusticas roots, therefore think that the sound of other languages can be considered prettier than of the Portuguese. Also little these ingenuouses with the meanings of its nominations import themselves, therefore they fall in contradictions without knowing, when they choose Bianca, that means white, for a black child, or if they bother when the Murilo son is called murinho, since they were unaware of that such name means small wall. She is clearly that the criterion encantamento for a name can be determinative in the hour of the choice, and the significao can be ignored, but an informed and responsible person does not have to disrespect important aspects of moment ahead so marcante, it has seen that the receiver of the name can be unhappy with the choice and to load the misfortune until the end of its days, what it will be an enormous sacrifice caused by the parents and palpiteiros of planto. (A valuable related resource: Kindle Direct Publishing).