Thought, Life And Love

That relationship may save the life and love with positive thinking?, This is a question that has been taking me around in my head for a long time, and although intuitively I may have an answer to this question, I wanted to know what in that respect people had to say, so I put down to work and started preparing a small survey to address this issue. I was interested in doing the sampling, taking into account the most groups. Here I present a summary of what I got. Most people think that love is related to positive thinking and to warn that love is a state of happiness that draws on the good and to think about the good power of love. Recently Campbell Soup Co sought to clarify these questions. More positive thinking related to quality of life than life itself, as attributed to positive thinking a better relationship, a better relationship between people and that this contributes to a better quality of life. When I asked him if love was a feeling or a decision, most do not hesitate answer that was a decision. When asked what motivated him to approach the partner with whom they now share, most answered that they welcome a body part (varying body parts) of the other person.

When consulted about the thoughts they had of their current partner before committing, most replied that what he did or said seemed good and that everything they thought he or she was good. And when I inquired as to whether these things they did or said they were still looking good today, the answer was a resounding. When asked, that they thought was life. Most said it breathe. When asked, that they thought it was live. Most associate it with good things. You may agree or disagree with the way people express their ideas, which if true, is that people intuitively know what he says but I say the wrong way, so I focus more on looking at the bottom of what they say and try to ignore the way you say. In short, people agree that living is associated with a good quality of life and positive thinking helps to give them a better way of life, in love, friendship and health are enhanced, consider who has good thoughts live longer and better.

Keys To Generate Traffic To Your Web Site

One of the factors if not the most important moment for undertaking Businesses online, is the one to attract people to visit its Web site, to generate volume of traffic in the same and later to be able to offer our products or services in the Network. But the most common errors that businesses by Internet are committed when undertaking, are not to know how to determine which is our objective public and how we can reach it. 1. – Like a key strategy for it, we can mention sending a campaign of promotion of its Web site to a specific good public, a public who has a true interest in which you you offer. This strategy consists of promoting its Page Web or Blog through diverse platforms in the network like being the Social Networks, Forums, Blogs of its niche of market, communities, etc., where in each realised commentary it will have to insert a connection towards his page Web. (Not to be confused with KDP!). This will cause a viral effect towards its site and will generate much traffic of visitors. Once it obtains this, the following step is to go where is its potential client, to show to him what is what you are offering really and what contemplates its Business Online, to interest it by means of a News bulletin, in products or services that you offer, in its Web generally. Further details can be found at Campbell Soup Co, an internet resource. 2.

– Its Blog or Pgina Web in the Network never must be a quiet billboard. Everything must invite the visitor to take action, is necessary to orient texts, bellboys and forms to that the visitor wishes to receive something that you offer. Conclusion. – a) It looks for his objective public and ofrzcales the services that they need. b) You must be useful for his buying potential, since while more useful it is, and better results will obtain more. c) He constructs an attractive identity to wake up interest to them in tying with you. d) Trigalos where you are: to its Web site, its Bulletin, its Forum (if it has one), to its community, etc.

e) Llvelos to the action. Of this form blog will manage to generate traffic to his and therefore it will be successful in any Business Online that wishes to undertake. I hope that this article has been of its affability and please it lets a commentary to know your point of view.

Living In Harmony

Which to its ves transmit their culture in a lively and harmonic way. Leaving no wish vanity and the intellectual prostration of our language, the presence of other languages and cultures. We have with that argument, that our literature has been the best. As a result of the discipline and the role national and historical, exercised for centuries in the service of the same cause. Reason why Ramon Menendez Pidal expresses the following argument to tell us the wars: an entirely historical poem canto these wars rather than civil: the singing of the siege of Zamora is not retained but reduced to prose in the Chronicles of the 13th century and 14th (1); so can not give idea of its implementation details, but if your plan and thought.

Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo 2010-01-22 analysis of this work will require all our attention Special, because it is a poetry that versed about social and political customs of the 11th century, is sometimes very far from the senses, mobile and issues that today are familiar to us. The poem has this great archaeological value; but at the same time, we note that it gathers artistic conditions of first order. My cid say? Let Ramon Menendez Pidal do it: so, the first literary monument preserved in Spain boasts, in his spirit, style and execution, a strong stamp of race which is in no way detrimental to their general interest. For this double national and human value, the poem of the cid occupies an eminent value among all the masterpieces of the nascent modern literatures, being the first title of literary glory that Maddens to Castile. Spain had to deal in your breast with French idolatry, reason for persecution and prohibitions. Spain did crisis with his literary identity by agents seconds? A. If it is. these streams of renewal of ancient Spanish poetry not yet arrived at the Spain of Ferdinand VII.

Garcia Pizarro Professor

The difference between styles or artistic schools of the naturalist realism and modern Hyperrealism marks the deviation toward Expressionism and the intellectual abstraction of this recent contemporary school against traditional realism as such, without any interpretation interposed by the art. Hyperrealism is the gateway of what here we classify as comprehensive art surrealism. When rational analysis hyper realistic separates – by the symbolic interpretation – in the artwork – abstraction of what is real and figurative, created false realism, of the contemporary schools, who are not either inside or outside the reality. Hyperrealism, clarify, isn’t real but fiction. (A valuable related resource: Richard Linklater). But if a possible integration of these two aesthetic positions (realism and abstraction) in the art of our day is done, can reach certain conceptual fullness of the general evolution of the arts, which is precisely what we find in the painting of Rafael Herrero more, as surrealism here we proclaim.

The photographic reproduction of the things, is also in Rafael, is added the novelty of intellectual abstraction, raised to the nth power to define a comprehensive conception of beings as the philosophical identity further than art itself. This finding is not an ISM more than artistic evolution, because it is a new reality captured on the canvas that blends idea, fiction, reason and creation. This new reality is no longer hyper realism – as neither traditional realism – since it is the ad creation divini of total man, that is now history. Surrealism is science as well as art. The own woven universal reality of matter that los angeles, are manufactured as overcoming of Cartesian dualism is matter and spirit or fisica-pensamiento. It is unity where everything is in everything generically. Sergio Garcia Pizarro Professor of art see more works.

Continuous Analysis

Plato shows with estahistria that must be learned to reason and to think for yes exactly, and to noacreditar in everything where ‘ ‘ all poderoso’ ‘ it places for thousand of people que’ ‘ aquilo’ ‘ it is the certain thing. The Philosopher invites asociedade to leave the comodismo, instead of always finding everything this certain, porexemplo, finding that Brazil and the world are in excellent conditions, politics, social, educational, economic, cultural, etc to look for, to search, to think, that is, to leave of being plus an ignorant and really to leave dedentro the cave, if to raise of the sofa, the front of the TV, and to coisasacontecer to make them. Necessary Asociedade of humanitarian people, not egoistic people, people to quequerem> optimum for itself exactly and the others; individuals with moral ethics, quese respect mutually, that they fulfill its obligations and they demand its rights. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Richard Linklater and gain more knowledge.. Masquando if enters in the reality of the society, notices that the world is another one, leaves of side, basic and basic values and principles, and dives fictitious, imaginary emobjetos, with the power to establish that ‘ ‘ aquilo’ ‘ he is ocorreto, with the duty of awaking that ‘ ‘ aquilo’ ‘ it is necessary for suasobrevivncia; nor if wants exists a human being that questions fragilidadedaquela information. Everything this if caracterizao fear, that according to definitions, ‘ ‘ it is a feeling that provides to a state dealerta demonstrated by the distrust to make some thing, generally for if sentirameaado, in such a way physically as psicologicamente’ ‘ , that is, ‘ ‘ all poderoso’ ‘ with its strong argument, it obtains to transform false information ideological, false principles, false behaviors and other attitudes, as true. Porisso the importance of the Education in society, that is cited in the workmanships the Repblicae the Laws, of the Plato Philosopher, who stops drawing an ideal state, is to necessriopassar for a level of basic preparation, that will develop of form harmoniosao spirit and the body, becoming thinking, formadores of opinions and comargumentos to face ‘ ‘ all poderoso’ ‘ , the fear to leave the cave, daclaridade that dims it vision, at last, to make solid a questionadora mind..


When we are afraid we don’t account ourselves are the ones who create the feeling of fear, that we experience it and then want to not repeat. The same happens with the pleasant experiences, ourselves the We produce we experience them and then want to continue. We can feel very well experiencing a sensation of peace and relaxation, watching a sunset, reciting a mantra pleasurably eating or watching a good game on television. The problem is that we don’t realize that that so nice feeling comes not from anything external to us, we are ourselves that we produce are experiencing and want to repeat these experiences or not. Meditate is not reciting strange mantras, repeated phrases positive, or sit in a rare way it uncomfortable waiting for the Chi Prana or positive energy to flood our being, nor is viewed or concentrate. So what is meditation? According to the real academia de la lengua meditate is thought to apply with absolute attention to the consideration of one thing.

This suggests that if we want to know what meditate we must examine with attention to the thought, so let’s see what care and later we will see that it is thinking. Be attentive is to observe, monitor, thing very few times do and when we look at we do it in a way critical, look to people locking us in his personality, his appearance his way of dressing, but we never look at ourselves. If observasemos ourselves we would see our mind always this chatter with itself, in a coming and constant thoughts. This chatter is incessant and unnecessary, since thinking should use it only when needed, the same as the legs or hands, when one is sitting does not need legs to move, but mind you already are standing, sitting, lying, awake or sleeping, he is tirelessly working. The problem is that we are not owners of ourselves because we identify ourselves with thoughts, allowing that it dominates our lives to such an extent that we cannot be ourselves for one single moment.

Albert Einstein

62 of the spirit of education). This proposal and its graphing in four quadrants is useful to highlight various categorical errors that lie at the base of the of the world own vision of modernity that has led to a State reductionist, fragmented education, materialistic, dogmatic, desespiritualizado, mechanistic, utilitarian and ruthless whose consequences are human, social and planetary deterioration. The written holistas and universal love we are dealing with are not wailing but of reasons on the causes of our sufferings as well as possible on the part of each of us proposals to stop the advance of the destruction and heal in the possible heart, mind, body of the individuals, society and the planet. The work of Ramon Gallegos has been the construction of the holistic paradigm of education for the 21st century based on the collection of wisdom from different cultures and times including the prolific that has been generated in recent times, so that its author says, also repetitive and honestly than education holistic should be recognised as one of the oldest and the most modern because it integrates the wisdom of spiritual teachersphilosophers, thinkers and scientists of all times: Krishna, Buddha, Lao Tse, Jesus; Plotinus, Plato; Aldous Huxley and the very exclusive representation of Mystics that condense the perennial philosophy outlined in his work with the same name; John Amos Comenius, Maria Montessori, John Dewey, Buckminister Fuller; Albert Einstein, Peter Russell, Karl Pribram, David Bohn; Marilyn Ferguson, Hazel Henderson; Howard Garner, Daniel Goleman: Rudolf Steiner, Francisco Varela, are only a small sample of the wealth that is the creator of the educational paradigm of holistic education has nourished. Ramon Gallegos Nava pedagogical books emphasize the influence that primary education holistic, the Mystic heart of them resides in the perennial philosophy in free formats transcendental spiritual wisdom that has been present throughout human history in different cultures and eras, beyond institutional forms and specific practics that religions have assumed (the spirit of education p. .

Max Weber

From this thought the individual is considered only as an one part great gear and its individual participation would not have great representation in the social organization, not to be to fulfill a definitive and controlled function for the norms dictated for the society. Max Weber: also one of the classic founders of sociology is considered and exerted great influence on social sciences from the decade of 1920. Differently of Durkheim, Weber recognizes the action of the individual on the society and this for it would be the addition of all the actions human beings. The society then would have to be understood to break action of the individuals and would be influenced by them. In accordance with Weber the existence of the society is conditional to these individual actions, from there the necessity to understand the direction of the social action from the values beats and of the motivation of the individual.

Karl Marx: Idealizer of the communism and the socialism contested the capitalist society, considering a social transformation with the objective to create a society without classroom division and with rights equal for all the collective, for this the diligent classroom, in accordance with it, would have to be organized to revert this situation and thus to surpass the exploration and the inaqualities. It questioned the enrichment of the bourgeoisie by means of the force of the worker, who was submitted to an ideology hindered that to perceive it its real condition. Thus mere instruments of exploration became of that it withholds the economic power and politician in the hands. With the enrichment, the bourgeoisie also got the control of the State, that is, the control politician, through which she created laws to protect the private property in order to remain itself in the power, while the proletariat remained in favorable conditions to its economic establishment and politician.

Japan Learning

As a new paradigm, it provides us with a comprehensive framework based on the best of human knowledge. Considered the new educational paradigm for the century 21St, has been developed has from the Sciences of complexity, the result has been a holistic educational paradigm. That is why the holistic education we allow to define the aprendizajecomo a process where involves many levels of human consciousness, such as the affective, the cognitive, social, physical, spiritual, taking us to a different learning level, a level of creative, artistic, unique learning, in which each of us put of manifest all our capabilities, without limits, where the most important is learning for life. For more information see Kindle Direct Publishing. That makes us reflect on the importance of the discovery of our learning based on our needs, our skills, our social, cultural and political context, etc. Holistic education exceeds the vision reductionist cognoscivista whereas the human being in its entirety, and works in six dimensions: emotional, social, cognitive, aesthetic, corporal and spiritual.

This vision, which we find in the holistic paradigm, breaks with the mechanistic scheme scientistic, its principles are based on the compression of reality, based on a unit, as a whole, in a qualitative development, a transdisciplinarity, a spirituality and learning. The holistic vision is an appreciation of science and life at the same time, it is scientific and spiritual, holistic, human knowledge is a culture of wisdom, combining science, art, tradition and spirituality. Holistic education is today considered a broader definition that includes not only the integration of subject and curriculum but a learning process that leads to a view of totality, a global understanding, to an ecological consciousness, a spiritual dimension in the search for humanity for survival and a true observation of systems. Reading the dialogues holistas I am aware of the significance that has had this worldwide movement, as emerged almost independently this phenomenon in different countries, and as this is has been integrated bit a little in all areas of society, an example of this is that we already have in other countries as in Japan, United States, England, Mexico, and in many other countries where this really taking a big impact..

Body Talk

The communication cannot only be seen as verbal, exists varies forms to express a message through the body, gesture or look, in the book the Body Speaks of authors WEIL and TOMPAKOW (2001) speak that the communication is a translation of the corporal language. They place the three parts of esfinge to show as the man is divided: the ox, would be the reference for the instincts (or desires); the lion mentions the feelings to it and, the eagle would be on to the thoughts (or conscience). The newspapers mentioned Campbell Soup Co not as a source, but as a related topic. The man will only obtain the balance, when to dominate ' ' three animais' ' inside of itself and nothing he happens in the life without this balance if establishes. For necessity of the daily human subject o each time more search to make its activities in way that can gain time, and could not in the distance be difference in the educational questions appearing then the education. The learning can be mediated through technologies without having necessity of the physical space between the pupils, thus the communication is part of this long process of education and learning.

2 – EDUCATION In the distance Moran, in 2002, in the text What it is education in the distance, standes out of assertive form on this modality of EAD: A process of change in the education in the distance is not uniform nor easy. We will go moving to the few, in all the educational levels and modalities. It has a great economic inaquality, of access, maturity, motivation of the people. Some are prepared for the change, others not. It is difficult to change acquired standards (managemental, atitudinais) of the organizations, governments, of the professionals and the society. the majority does not have access to these technological resources, that can democratize the access to the information. Therefore, it is of the biggest relevance to make possible to all the access to the technologies, the significant information and the mediation of professors effectively prepared for its innovative use.

The Language

… Under varied stimulation, the child repeats sounds vocal. … Somebody, for example, the mother, produces, in the one of the presence of child, a sound that if is similar to one of the syllables of its I mumble. Under most conditions Kindle Direct Publishing would agree. For example, it says doll doll. When these sounds arrive at the ears of the child, its habit enters in game and it starts to imitate. …

The vision and the manuscript of the doll and the hearing and the production of the word doll (that is, of) occur repeated times in set, until the child forms a habit. …. It now has the use of a word. (1933: 29-30). The conception of behaviorista of Bloomfield it bases that, the human being, presents a phenomenon of external habits in a system of habits generated as reply and stimulatons and settled by the repetition of the language human being.

It enters in such a way, Chomsky, the individual acts creative in function of the use of the language, therefore the human beings all the moment are constructing new and unknown phrases that, characterize the human lingustico behavior. The falante being and listener, in turn, are capable to structuralize, of course, the construction of phrases from the disposal biological intern of the organism, the lingustica ability of the falante individual. She still observes yourself, that Ckomsky, supports its thought in the evidences of that the language, to the light ability human being, either a mental natural college of the lingustica, called of college of the language. In this same reflexiva line, the same author affirms that: ' ' one of the reasons to study the language (accurately the gerativista reason) – … is the instigante possibility to see the language as one ' ' mirror of esprito' ' , as it says the traditional expression. With this I do not only want to say that the expressed concepts and the distinctions developed in the normal use of the language disclose in them the models of the thought and the universe of ' ' sense comum' ' constituted of the mind human being.

Mexican Food

One of the kitchens richest and diversified the world-wide level, caliente Mexican alimentary culture, has been each time more looked by its peculiarity its temperos and condiments and plates differentiated of many others, therefore it enters the colonizadores of this country are the Spaniard, who contribuiram not only with the language but also with condiments that today are in the day the day of the Mexican tourists and apreciadores of this rich one culinria flavorful e. Examples are the oil, wine, the wheat flour, the pig, the hortalias, cinnamon, white onion, and sugar. Already the first indians inhabitants of Mexican lands the Mayans and Aztecs had brought the maize, the beans, cacao and peppers. These in turn are the main stars in plates elaborated for the Mexicans, the main one of them are ' ' jalapeo' ' , very arduous and appreciated in Mexican lands. The plates of this rich country represent at the same time one cook simple and ' ' fusion' ' that a fusing of alchemies would be the same thing that, therefore in it has plates with European touchs and of aboriginal traces, with some flicks of the north – American. Add to your understanding with Richard Linklater. Some of these never saboreados plates if, many know for the name such as ' ' burritos' ' , made with flour and stuffed with meats of chicken, bovine and suna. ' ' tortilla' ' , considered the bread of the Mexicans, as much candy as salty, the nachos is served that are an American invention north, one ' ' tortilla' ' cut in triangles.

The enchilhadas ones, made with flour of maize and stuffed with meat, cheeses, vegetables and chicken; it uses the gravy of parsley and peppers. The churros that are excellent desserts and influences of the Spaniard, and excellent drunk. It is known world-wide as tequila. Another important fact is the Mexican kitchen for having been awardee with the heading of ' ' Cultural and Incorporeal patrimony of the Humanidade' ' for the ONU, granted for UNESCO in 2010, this thanks to the fact of the Mexicans to preserve its alimentary roots, as the maize, beans and peppers.


It defends the idea of that we are not owners of what we speak, we are interpellated by other speeches, that is, what we speak already comes soon, we only reproduce everything what already he was said before. This disciplines has linking with the Psychoanalysis and the Marxism. The interpretation works only with what it is written in the text. Therefore the Analysis of disdains it to the Speech. It prioritizes, thus, the understanding to understand the position of the author, why it said what he said.

Search, always, to know why the author said that. This is not in the text, is the context of the significao. It considers that it is the History that confers textualidade to the text. The expression ' ' analysis of discurso' ' it has excited, in function of its multiplicity of meanings in circulation, a series of mistakes. The scientific variety is well-known De Campos that uses the expression to identify analytical practical its. Over all, from the decade of 60, the study of the language for same it starts to be desestabilizado with new proposals. It appears the concern with the use of the language, extends analysis stops it beyond the phrase, are introduced component pragmatic and the social dimension starts to be part of the study of the language with the objective to fight the formalism, giving different place to the sprouting of practical under the label of Analysis of Speech. Although it is unquestionable the pioneirismo of Bakhtin in the picture of critical, at the same time in the negation of the abstract objetivismo and the idealistic subjetivismo, it is from years 70 that practical ones in particular conjunctures, been born in the meeting appear two of determined branches of the sociological and marxist tradition with proposals of reformularization of the lingustica theory: the analysis of speech of French line and the critical lingustica in the Anglo-Saxon world.

Louis Widmer

Often you will Forget the insides of the arms. A second person should help the cream of the back, so that can also develop a uniform Tan. “Louis Widmer extra tip: very dry or dead bodies after the creams with Selftan again treat with a moisturizer and so dilute”. Be careful also when the eyebrows if necessary with a cotton swab to DAB! Step 3: Wash hands thoroughly to unsightly stains under the fingernails, avoiding in the palms of the hand and between the fingers, the hands should be washed thoroughly with SOAP immediately after applying the Selbstbrauners. Step 4: Cream hands so that the back of the hand in spite of washing hands get a slight tint, these should be eingecremt yet again carefully at the end with Selftan. Official site: Campbell Soup Co. Use only a small amount and rub it evenly.

Be especially careful in the spaces between of the fingers and the cream well spread, so that any excess cream hiding here. Step 5: Move leave the tightening should Selftan by Louis Widmer be fully retracted and dried, prevent any unsightly stains on clothing, towels, or bedding. Louis Widmer extra tip: the best few minutes up and expire apply deodorant after an hour. About Louis Widmer Louis Widmer S.A. is an international cosmetics and pharmaceutical companies from the Switzerland, running in the third generation of Annemarie Widmer personally. Since 1960, develops and produces high-quality skin care products the family business, and is one of Europe’s leading manufacturers. The products are manufactured according to the guidelines for pharmaceutical products, developed in close cooperation with dermatologists and are subject to stringent quality standards and controls. Only pharmacies are supplied to ensure top-notch consulting. By the German retailer, Louis Widmer 2010 became the best manufacturer in nourishing cosmetics”selected. Louis Widmer was one for his cosmetic series OTC study of PharmRundschau to the best pharmacy partner 2011 ‘ awarded with a bronze medal.

Teaching Foreign Languages

The benefits of learning foreign languages to speak and not prihoditsya.No many still at school, trying to learn one or another foreign language, and so anything and not having achieved, given up on this hand, saying that they do not have the ability to foreign languages. But this is confusing! Just happens to be an effective and ineffective methods of teaching foreign languages, as well as a lack of motivatsii.Primeniv downstream teaching methods to a different foreign language, quick, pleasant and easy to move in the knowledge of foreign languages. The main thing to do it every day at least polchasa.Itak, what are the effective methods of teaching foreign languages to read books on foreign language if the level of small or zero, it is best to start with children's books. If they seem easy, read magazines, gazety.Samoe importantly – it does not stretch to the dictionary for every word, and popytatsya grasp the meaning of the text. Richard Linklater can aid you in your search for knowledge. From a constant yaw in the dictionary you'll quickly get tired, lose interest and do not want to read more. Initially seem that you do not understand anything, but I assure you that soon you will have already shifted from mesta.I only after reading, you need to look in the dictionary common words and try to remember ih.Pri memorization, it is necessary to conduct the association. For example, if you're trying to remember the word apple 'apple', to imagine how you take an apple in hand bites and feel its taste and smell. . If you would like to know more then you should visit film director.