Apenltima question asked for a personal opinion on what the educator to consideravaser the playful one. In the answers diverse activities had been cited as the games, musics, tricks that if join to the act to learn. Astima and last question asked for that if it commented something on brincadeirasantigas and current and was cited cantiga of wheel I shot the wood in the cat comoexemplo and opening space so that others were remembered and cited. (A valuable related resource: Richard Linklater). Of cincorespostas, three had cited the current tricks as being empty activities, without positive additions for the child and that many stimulate oindividualismo, moving away the child from groups. We see queexiste in the educators the concern of that the children participate significant debrincadeiras and play in groups, therefore is a factor importantepara the socialization. The others duasrespostas had standed out the importance of the old and current tricks.
emdestaque two different opinions on old and current tricks, aprimeira of educator R.B.S and second of educator K.R.B: ' ' The old tricks rescue values and contain positive contents. The current tricks are empty with few positive additions. ' ' ' ' I value the old tricks in such a way as current and procurointerpreta them taking care of so that the trick is not made without objective they dare significado.' ' Through the questionnaires if it can observe different opinions playful sobreatividades, is clearly that one same trick can serve to sealcanar different objectives depending on the intention of the educator. Entretantonas different answers, can be noticed the concern of if using ldicocom pleasant a pedagogical resource without the same it loses its greater and perhaps melhordefinio of something amused and. REFERENCES ANTUNES, Celso. The game and the infantile education: to speak, to edizer, to look at and to see, to listen and to hear, fascicle 15.
Petrpolis, deJaneiro River: Voices, 2007. BORBA, Angela Meyer. Playing as a way of being and being nomundo: IN Basic BRASIL.MEC.SEB.Ensino of 9 years: Orientaes for aincluso of the child of six years of age. MEC: Brasilia, 2006. BRAZIL. Ministry of the Special Educao.Secretaria of the Human Rights. Estatutoda Child and of the Adolescente.Braslia, 2005. National Curricular BRASIL.Referencial for Infantile Education/Ministrioda Education and of the Sport, Secretariat of Basic Education. Brasilia. MEC /SEF, 1998. Volume 1. National Curricular BRASIL.Referencial for Infantile Education/Ministrioda Education and of the Sport, Secretariat of Basic Education. Brasilia. MEC /SEF, 1998. Volume 2. FRIEDMANN, Adriana. To play: to grow and to learn it infantile rescue dojogo. So Paulo: Modern, 1996. GARDNER, Howard. The preschool child: as she thinks and as aescola she can teach it. Porto Alegre: Medical arts, 1994. REDIN, Euclides. The space and the time of the child: if to give tempoa people plays. Porto Alegre: Publishing company Mediation, 1998. RIZZI, Leonor; HAYDT, Regina. Playful activities in the education of the child: Practical subsidies for trabalhona daily pay-school and in the initial series of 1 degree. So Paulo: Publishing company Stokes, 2002. SESC. Module of Education and Culture. Available in:. Had access in: 20/10/2009 23h16.