Data on the size and the nominal value of shares of each member of society are excluded from the list of information subject to requirements in the statute. Society is charged with the responsibility for maintaining the list of members of society. Changes in order to increase the authorized capital society. The procedure for transfer of rights to its stake in society. In particular, instead of the term "concession interest" in the legislation on limited liability companies will use the concept of "Exclusion percentage"; a requirement of notarization of the majority of transactions aimed at the alienation of shares or stake in society changed by the time of transfer of ownership of alienable share.

Changed status to approve the transaction, in which there is interest, and approval of a major transaction (paragraph 29 and paragraph 30 of Art. 3 of the Federal Law N 312-FZ). Law 312-FZ of 30.12.2008 obliges Ltd., established prior to July 1, 2009 to bring in with the amendments to articles of incorporation. – How much time is left to the owner, to amend the founding documents? – Changes to take effect July 1, 2009 Today, companies are still only four months to make changes in the constituent documents of an LLC and register them with the tax authority, so you need to do this procedure right now. In the tax already a queue of Owners LLC …

Habit to postpone important matters before the latter can play a cruel joke. – And how to act to amend the statutes? – Articles of Association shall apply to the extent not contrary to the Civil Code and Law N 14-FZ. – Svetlana, you mentioned that under the new law, the company charged with the responsibility for maintaining the list of participants. What is it, how it is? – A list of the company provides information about each participant: the amount of its share in the share capital and payment of the amount of shares belonging to society, their date of transition to a society or acquisition by the company. – What is the procedure for amendments? – You must hold a meeting of members of the Company, develop and approve a new version of the statute, to prepare documents for state registration in the Uniform State Register and give them to the registration authority. – Specialists of accounting services, GK "TyumBIT" render assist in drafting amendments to the statutes? – Of course. During the year, our center provides clients with legal services. Our guests usually describe themselves, in what areas need help, we take into account their wishes, when developing new services. Legal advice and assistance in preparation of documents – one of the most popular today services. Specialists of the Center of accounting services are trained in the run-up changes in the constituent documents of an LLC and are ready for operational use. – What documents do I need to provide specialist accounting service center, to make the necessary changes? – Copies currently in the constituent documents, extract from the BIN. We are waiting for our permanent and future customers.