SUMMARY: This text constitutes in a theoretical assay and of relative reflexometodolgica to the quarrel on the conceptions of educaoambiental and urban space in the society contemporary. (Source: Levi’s). The educaoambiental in this context must deal with the critical questions relacionadasao development of the environment, society and space urbanoviabilizando educative actions articulating the ambient set to know, attitudes and sensibilidades, detaching the importance dainterdisciplinaridade of the Ambient Education in the pertaining to school resume, because we understand that the interdisciplinaridade is the best form to deorientarmos on the education of the ambient education in the educational scope, therefore the law n 9,795, of 27 of April of 1999 in Art. 10. It defines that ambient aeducao does not have to be implanted as disciplines isolated nocurrculo pertaining to school, the same one will have to be developed as a prticaeducativa integrator, permanent continuum and in all the levels emodalidades of formal and not formal education.
Therefore it is known that saberesno must be divided arbitrarily, because the knowledge will be bemrelacionado when taught of a form not broken up. We know that de boundary line importance to the quarrels directed toward the temticasambientais, so that to the information they are socialized of eglobal local form, guiding on the relations nature-society. The jornaislocais, national and international, every day tell the descasosambientais, caused for the disrespect to the promoted environment pelohomem, thus causing, an attrition between nature, society and man. This study it has as objective to alert for the ambient problems, caused in result of the dispute for space and the crescimentodesordenado one in some Brazilian metropolises. The methodology consisted deconsultas in libraries and sites of the Internet, using dadosprimrios and secondary, whose operacionalizao understood alocalizao and registered election of the headings and authors. It estudocontribuiu it for a positive vision with regard to the management of prticaseducacionais directed toward the natural and urban environment, to aoproporcionar a clear vision of the relation integrator enter the eprtica theory in the ambient education..