The Ambient Education has as to funopropiciar values, ideas and rules in way what! they can develop one ‘ ‘ relao’ ‘ healthful with the environment, through practical preservacionistas. Others who may share this opinion include Levi’s. For Libneo (2007 p.76), ‘ ‘ the ambientalistas conceptions are the ones that play in the environment externotoda the performance force on the individual to configure its behavior sexigncias of sociedade.’ ‘ The current society requires that, osindivduos assume an ecologically correct position. It fits, then, the educaoambiental to promote the sensitization of the individual in relation to the questesambientais. Therefore: Its basic intention is shows economic correlations, politics, social, cultural and ecological of the world, contributing, therefore, for the one development spirit deresponsabilidade and solidarity between the individuals and the societies. (Amncio: 2009 p.01) Understands for Ambient education umprocesso that objective: (…) to form a population mundialconsciente and worried about the environment and the problems that dizemrespeito it, a population that have the knowledge, the abilities, estadode spirit, the motivations and the direction of participation and lhepermita enrollment that to work individually and collectively to decide the problemasatuais and to hinder that they happen again (…) ‘ ‘ (SEARA SON. 1987 P. 43.) Thus, we stand out that, the Ambient Education has between its proposals the seusobjetivos to promote individual and collective actions aiming at to the sensitization daspessoas in relation to the environment. Development the Ambient education is configured in a formative process quecontribuiu for the development of the citizenship. Therefore, to (…) ‘ ‘ desenvolveruma population that conscientious and are worried about the environment and comproblemas that them they are associates. A population that has knowledge, abilities, attitudes, motivations and commitment to work, individual ecoletivamente, in the brainstorming for the existing problems and parapreveno of novos.’ ‘ (Chapter 36 of Agenda 21) In this way, the sensitization econscientizao of the people in relation to the ambient question, becomes them crticase responsible for the way which are inserted.