Antonio Carlos Dos Santos Xavier

For Diomrio de Queiroz (2007): ‘ ‘ to point out the process teach-learning in the new world, where if it conceives a pertaining to school organization that also learns estimates the democratic management, the mutual respect, pluralism of ideas, the Inter education and to multidisciplinary, the integration with the community and the humiliate to always learn in set with trouts.’ ‘ the new school, however, demands this reflection. Soon, at the moment where this requirement to leave of being ‘ ‘ a rule impasto’ ‘ the school for itself to understand that he is right of the citizen to construct to its process of formation integrated with the reality contemporary, the professor will start to understand that front to the use of the TIC does not have to be limited for a taking of attitude, so that the fragmented resume more does not exist. Thus the banking education will lose space for the new didactic of education, for the innovative methods and the pedagogical space can come to be a pleasant environment of exchange and search of knowledge therefore, the ideology of this necessary society to surpass the limits of archaic education in a so different society for as many diversities. This only contributes for the internalization of incapacitates or losses of chances. REFERENCES: A new school for the new world.