Independent University

It is necessary to vindicate, in parallel, the leisure against the obsessive work, since there is to postulate the distribution of the work, an old union practice that, unfortunately, was falling in forgetfulness. Other inescapable exigencies speak to us of the necessity to reduce the dimensions of productive, administrative infrastructures and of transport, and to prioritize the premises against global in a scene marked by the sobriety and the voluntary simplicity. First that the opulent societies must consider is the convenience of closing or to reduce the activity of the war industry, the automobile one, in the one of aviation and mainly the one of the construction. Campbell Soup Company describes an additional similar source. The million workers who lost their uses would have to find arrangement through two great channels. First it would contribute the development to it of activities in the scopes related to the satisfaction of the social and environmental needs; the second would arrive from the distribution of the work in the traditional economic sectors that would survive. It matters to emphasize that in this case the reduction of the labor day good could take prepared wage reductions, as long as these were not it in benefit of the enterprise benefits. After all, gain of standard of life that would be derived to work less and to enjoy better social services. There would be cleaner surroundings and less aggressive than it would be added to the derived one from the total assumption of the convenience of consuming less with the consequent reduction of needs in which to income one talks about.

It is not precise to add that the wage reductions that occupy to us would not affect to those who less they have. The decrease would not imply, for the majority of the inhabitants, a deterioration of its conditions of life. Rather, it must carry substantial improvements like the tie ones with the redistribution of the resources, the creation of new sectors, the preservation of the environment, the well-being of the future generations, the health of the citizens, the conditions of the work employee or the relational growth in societies in which the working time will be reduced noticeably. And it is that there is to start off of the certainty that, if we do not decrease voluntarily and rationally, we will have to do forced it as a result of the collapse, sooner or later, of economic and social injustice that we suffer.

Harvard University

You have to be aware of the veracity, seriousness, importance, magnitude and reach unlimited and inconceivable that represent the knowledge written in these chapters of the power of the mind. They have to know that the power of the mind for example, was that originated that, the term emotional intelligence was used for the first time in 1990 by the psychologists Peter Salovey of Harvard University and John Mayer of the University of New Hampshire. Are you he employed to discover the emotional qualities that seemed to have great relevance and importance to achieve success, as demonstrated personal highly pitted without having an average IQ, or studies. Contact information is here: Richard Linklater. So, that were put into the task of analyzing these factors initially, that then reflects and to once again take them to understand the only reason that can be expressed; of the power of the mind. Therefore I reiterate his home and conclusion of all his work, in which analyzed the behavior of students in classrooms, and performed a work jointly on: BTV empathy.vLa expression and understanding of feelings.Speed control of the evil genius (the ira).vLa independence.vLa adaptability. (See my article; 10 resistance to change).vLa sympathy.vLa capacity to solve problems in the form interpersonal.vLa persistencia.vLa Tenacidad.vSu expression Corporal to situations.vLa cordiality.vLa amabilidad.vEl respeto.vLa improvisation.The 1995 Bestseller, EMOTIONAL intelligence by Daniel Goleman, was that opened Pandora’s box in the public consciousness, and so well elaborated form, structured, written and worthy of the global impact that I represent to the point of eradicating the intellectual coefficient, by the intelligence Emocional.En the next chapter of the power of the mind, focus a little more on this field, but I already warn them that unfortunately I will hurt you outside sensibilitiesin which already en las que ya preveo they foresee all kinds of adjectives towards my person, to what I am already enjoying without hear them or read them, then will be a joy for me..

State University

And this because a student without identity, sounded you hollow to everything you want to learn and teach, it won’t find you sense; by This should be paramount courses that have to do with identity, and Lake stop some courses that are not scientific and that do not have to do with the identity of each human group.We must add Trahtemberg what he thinks in terms of the quality of education. If paramount to him, is the institutional climate at the educational institution; It should also be in all walks of life, just as I would add it to its position that have something correct, but we must also add that it is also preserving the dignity of the national teachers at the salary aspect. How is it possible, that any child that enter the national police as official sub and quit perceiving a salary greater than a contracted Professor, and that it will not reach him even for the month of maintenance. The fallacies which has subjected us Government of Alan Garcia, deceives us than the Faculty above the wages of all the State administrative system. If you look for a professional who has spent five years of studies at a State University, since the they end up in a private, they do not work in the State; go to the labour field to receive a salary of misery that does not reach even to the three hundred dollars and instead a gendarme of the national police who only prepares one year finished winning the double of what a contracted teacher earns. Here we must rescue what was done by the previous ruling that if I at least care for the salary aspect of teachers; but with this we’re retreating to points that are unimaginable.

And that is what tells the Union of teachers, is the question that would make me most, he would answer anything; For this the Government has implemented the strategy that entering the majority of their co-religionists in the contest held in the month of November, likewise did so in the Decade of his first Government, they were as teachers of higher education, people who had not even walked a University. So we have the case of a teacher in all evaluations of the training and the competition bag that a little less than zero, but even though in the last insolvency qualification has released 19.8, or only by a question was the super genius. Thats the APRA companions.

University Of Groningen

By way of example, it gives us plataformasinc. It is that even when we are not in the company of others, we feel obliged to maintain certain standards of conduct. Just think our parents or our couples, for example, is enough to remind you how we should behave. These are the conclusions of a thesis by Janneke Joly, who graduated last March 27 at the University of Groningen (the Netherlands) thesis, entitled persons in our mind. When the humanized contexts active social norms, it concludes that our awareness of the standards increases in humanized contexts and does not occur automatically. In other words, who are the other which induces us to attach importance to a particular standard in a particular moment.

We have all learned that we should remain silent when we are in a library. But according to Joly, that standard will become more important for us when we are surrounded by other people in the library. The standard Save silence in the Library acquires more importance due to the physical presence of others as well. But even if they are not physically present but they do feel their presence, other people can induce us to comply the current rules in other ways, for example through a table prepared for several Diners in a restaurant. Is more likely to remember the standard eat with knife and fork if other people are present, or if we feel the presence of these people. Research shows that people establish a strong Association of standards among themselves. In general, the awareness of standards increases when a humanized context remembers a norm to the person. Therefore, when it is in a library and the presence of other persons reminds you that you must keep silence, you will be more aware of the rules in general, and it is likely that at the same time you nest your importance.

The University

A University may not discuss whether it should be at the service of the socialism and if it will live under State control that breaks the very essence of freedom. View the lack of University response about the Fund and repeated statements about his intention to bring proposals to the very famous announced discussion, I wonder what will tell the Venezuelan University, is it just in case he wants to remain as it is and the only thing that is missing is budget? (UCV, since 1776 in the global ranking of universities and does not figure among the 50 first in Latin America). The University is just one example, one vital is clear, because she must be that quintessential produces leaders, but the picture is the same in all areas where the regime attacks with its purpose clear consolidate, finish welding the total package that already exerts on the social body. What I want to highlight is the lack of a conception of struggle, the incomprehension that liberate the rewarding package in the peace of the sepulchres that regime weaves, passes through a qualitative leap, one of the creative imagination, of liberation forces recumbent in society and those who still want to believe. Diagnoses on what represents the entire package of laws that we were put to the neck with bolt is fine, but brought the evils without neural development which I have always called leap forward, imposition of a thought, comprehension of abandonment of the conservatism that leads to the conclusion that must be kept in the status quo and that may not be called in other way than reactionary. Here we are in revolution and consequently the revolution I do it, it could be the decisive phrase, but for this purpose it is necessary to understand that the ancien cannot be reinstated regimen nor declare victim every day, but go to the approach of a new conception of new institutions and mounted on a construction that implies new social organizations, ideificacion of new procedures, establishment of a voice that Lemieux to the social sectors already convinced of being a stage higher than that of the past. However, sneeze as any response and sneezing believe show a health barely affected by a cold foolproof. It is what I have called the insurgency, which can also conceptualized as stop sneezing and demonstrate the health with a tsunami of ideas and praxis with the avalanche of a country that breaks this satisfying packaging imposed by the regime and restore security in an own framework, in one of a society in the process of liberation which breaks the shell and exits to impose its will.

But having a will requires a stretch of the wings of an attempting to fly, hoist the peak toward the challenge of the blue of the sky. Required concentration of wills. Upper unit I’ve called in political praxis. In the praxis of a national soul lifting flight we can call her citizenship, we can call it the conformation of a collective person, we can call it the creation of a national spirit. The country must stop sneezing. The country must ROAR. The country must stop overwinter. The country must make sure you have your feet firmly placed on the ground and make your steps make it tremble and marking the territory of our borders as a free space where its inhabitants build target.


And although, with some success, in general there was agreement that this knowledge should be located in the last or before last year’s race, is not always worked on fundamental issues on which all subject, should be based is to say: what is teach?, how do you teach? and what do you teach?. From there until a few years ago was not strange to take a program of any University and verify that the thematic axes of the same were a sort of civil law course, summarized and accelerated with some references to the laws of hospitality and travel agencies. Nothing more contradictory or away from the content, skills and assessments that the learner should incorporate in this stage of his training. The underlying idea seems to have been: there should be a matter of law, we do not know how or why; which content the Attorney who handed down it to put it and that’s how we have seen the absurdity of seeing tourism students trying to elucidate the degree of the cardholders right within a complex succession, or questioning the differences between divorce and the separation of fact and other lindeces by style. Click E-books to learn more. The experience, thus raised, others are saying it has proved frustrating for everyone. It is not difficult to think that this problem would have been avoided if they had been taken as reference similar and already proven pedagogical experiences; as for example the teachers of law within careers in economics and vice versa that long ago they had work overcoming obstacles for the sake of an integrating vision. The law is not a panacea that will solve all the ills of the sector, however tempers them, modulate them, channeled them and in this sense, because it is a cross-cutting activity as is the Tourism, good is that the matter is at the end of the academic training. .

Japanese Teacher

What they try is to go beyond the mind, in this way, the same history is every time able to be new. For that reason it is important to maintain a state receptive, to stop listening to us same. Contact information is here: Campbell Soup Co. Then we include/understand the tea cup Is well-known the history of Nan-in, a Japanese Teacher who lived in the era Meiji, and what he happened to him to intellectual of the time that went to visit intrigued it by the affluence of young people who went to the garden of the Teacher. Nan-in he was admired by his wisdom, its prudence and the simplicity of his life, in spite of to have been in his youth a personage who had shone in the Court. At “CEO Levi Strauss & Co.
you will find additional information. When the prestigious intellectual he arrived, he greeted the Teacher and, without more introductions, he asked to him for the Zen. Nan-in it offered the tea to him and used it with all the calm of the world.

And although the cup of the visitor already was full, the Teacher continued spilling it. The intellectual saw no longer that the tea was spilled and could be contained. – But does not occur account of which she is completely full? No longer a drop fits neither the more! Nan-in it responded without losing the composure nor leaving his amiable smile -, Like this cup you are full of his opinions. How it could show to him what is the way of the Zen if first nonempty its cup? Angry, the professor rose and with a mere inclination of head he took leave without saying word. While Teacher picked up the pieces of porcelain and cleaned the ground, a young person approached to help him.

– Masterful, how much sufficiency! Difficult what must be them lawyers to include/understand the simplicity of the Zen. – Not less than for many young people who arrive loaded from ambition and they have not strived to cultivate the disciplines of the study. At least, the students already have made a part of the way and have something than to follow. – Then, Teacher, what is the correct attitude? – Not to judge, and to remain kind.


Carriers of partial subnormal vision (low vision) visual Acuidade of 0,05 to the 0,3, in both the eyes, with the best possible optic correction. The educative process will be developed for half appearances despite it is necessary the use of resources specific. I am citing only the existence of this item, because in this article, I will not work with the subnormal or partial vision. Participants: Description of the citizens of the case study Subject to: young woman of 24 years, congenital blind person, until that moment was participant of the group of dance of the PUCC of Campinas, with the Profa. Mari Gndara. that had slight knowledge of hall dance. One is about a well independent person in its daily activities, as for example, to wash ware, to make food, to clean the house, she works in telecommunications in Campinas and is married. Subject B: gentleman of 50 years, congenital blind person, participated for the first time of a work of development with hall dance.

She is physiotherapist pensioner of the Unicamp and also he had a related work the dance with the Jazz, and theater, and he did not have slight knowledge of hall dance previously. He has much muscular resistance, has space notion clearly. He presented estereotipados movements to balance the hands and the body, for reason to work as physiotherapist throughout some years. It always walked with the cane aid, and when it was in some place familiar, or supported for the colleagues it excused to the cane aid, using only the tateamento or aid of responsible. Procedure the used procedure for the group was through the six points spread for the body (shoulders, ilaca crest and knees) to develop activities related to the corporal choreographic composition, through the rhythm, using some musical instruments, such as rattle, coconut to mark the rhythm. In the two cases they had been also carried through education/learning of the dance, was developed exercises, with bases techniques of dance, and steps of hall dance.

Slum School

Of this little party my father did not participate. It appeared only in the end, left the gift and soon he was even so. He was when to hold I decided me as man, in my first instants of the ten years of age. Mother, you is well? You and the father had fought? It did not answer. To deceive she tried me with a bashful smile.

Now the way of the school had increased. Before, my father took me the foot until escolinha in the same street of house. With my new pertaining to school series I needed to move for a short while distant college. The conduction of the college always passed in the street to the seven hours. Go to Richard Stuart Linklater for more information. To my it waited it mother with me in front of the gate. Some few boys already were in the bus when I entered, others went up in the way.

In the passage that if made until the school, in each street entered some colleagues, except throughout the Street of the Enchantment, the low income area where we passed. The Slum quarter of the Enchantment appeared to the edges of the highway that bound my quarter to the college, in the land of one old one farm of flowers. It was an obligator way. In one day, when it observed the disordered barracos and its maltrapilhos inhabitants, I was surprised by Lucinha, loirinha likeable of the superior series. My father said that many cars had disappeared here, as if they enchanted. I used to advantage the occasion to initiate a pretty friendship. Mine better friend Almost namorada. Diverse times, in this passage, I visualized children playing in the edges of the road, so next at the cars, and arrived to ask for Lucinha because they did not go to the school, as we. I made this passage per seven years, until concluding Average Ensino.

The Teacher

The set of the fractions formed with integral numbers, along with the operations of the addition and the multiplication, body of the racional numbers forms a called body. Many of the properties characteristic of the racional numbers are also fulfilled for other bodies, even if the elements and the operations for these other bodies are completely different. Natural phenomena: the Natural phenomena are manifestations of the transformation that happens to him to the matter. I consider that it is a good definition, it cuts and it needs. The Teacher: the educational one will be able to develop to sum and subtractions. And to cause that the children observe as the addition or subtraction of a number affects result.

Then the same numbers for a sum and a subtraction can be used. And they would observe that to when they are the same numbers, the transformation is evident. Example: 56 56 + 43 – 43 – 99 13 The Teacher: The educational one will cause that the children make sum and subtractions with the same numbers and that soon they analyze the results and they express that they think than it happens with the result. That if were currencies that their Popes went to them to give, what operation would choose. As the majority would incline by more that is to say, addition. We change the question.

If they had to make the number of tasks that appear in the operations Which would choose? Evidently they will choose the subtraction. This can be a very pedagogical game. Here it is possible again on approval to be placed the pedagogical tools of the teacher. The teacher to others would show to them that their thoughts also become or change.

The Risk

It's clear you do not know, paid or not. Knowing the name of this script, you can easily find the right, but not knowing, have to dig. And when at last searches successful, the script is an extra charge. You can of course buy, I do not argue, but in this case we consider the question of finding free material. And so, to achieve the desired result, I suggest you do the following: 1.

Create a host in the browser that you use often (Opera, Mozilla), it does not matter a folder on the bookmarks bar. What are you more like "search folder", or "sites to search." Cast your sites in this folder that you come across to your search from the search engines, it is desirable that these sites could leave comments or questions. Important! Be sure to check out the latest comments, I mean the number that did not get to the site which is no longer anyone's control. Collect, review and select the most lively sites or forums, at least 10, and may be more, more likely, so do not forget to subscribe to email notification of comments or responses. 2. Most authors refer to the lists you're subscribed to. At this point special attention.

Any author you need help. Even if you just can not give you the right information, it is not him, he must try to find it and with all this, your chance is increased at least two. Remember the phrase: 'We are responsible for those who tamed' here and enjoy it. And there is nothing to be ashamed of in this no. After all, teaching others, the author himself is trained in not lesser degree. And finally, what is it all necessary? And it must be all in order to find exactly what you need. By asking the same question at all sites and forums, with an additional charge of their authors' lists, which are most likely to help you, you agree to codes of practice to minimize the risk of not finding what you need on relevant issues. Using this method at your best, you can get even more information than to expect a the beginning of the search. There is one important point. Some professionals or writers can help free of charge, opening his little secret or trick. Take this!

Hoslistic Teachers

A holistic aesthetics vision embraces so many various forms like the illusion the need to make our consistent life, make flowing a history, is probably as basic as our awareness of its importance, the cohesion of the history, as the basic form of intellectual cohesion is most basic in development and cognition than had been thought on the basis of tests of IQ the aims of education. If we look at our students as people growing, learning as a creative learning and knowledge as a human construction, then the purposes of the education flow a naturally. The main objective of education is to create men who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done men who are creative, innovative and discoverers. The second objective of education is forming minds that can be criticized, which can verify, and do not accept everything that is offered. The greatest danger today is of slogans, of collective opinions, facts thoughts. We have to be able to resist these individually, being critical, distinguishing between what is tested and the that it is not.

So we need students who are active, to learn to discover for themselves, in part by their own spontaneous activity and partly because the material we give them; that you soon learn to say what is verifiable and what is just an idea that came them suddenly. Spirituality implies that we are embedded in a harmonious universe and has purpose. In other words, we are connected to something beyond ourselves and are not isolated fighting in an empty universe egos. This spiritual reality of which we are a part has different names depending on the perspective, or spiritual tradition; Teachers establish the tone and atmosphere of the classroom. If the spirit of the student needs to be fed and developed, follow then that the is collapsed and impoverished, then there is very little chance that the spirit of the student will be properly maintained.

United Nations

The horizontalidades will be the domnios of the proximity, of those neighboring places congregated by a territorial continuity, while the social uprights would be formed by distant points ones of the others, on for all the forms and processes. (SAINTS, 1998.p.16) CONCLUSION Of this form, the territorializao of Half-Barren Northeastern, basically presents the habitual desertificaes that can be characterized by the lack, insufficience, high space and secular variability of rains. For the sequence of years followed of it dries, intensely conditioning the regional collective through the environment, to continue to necessarily live especially of entailed economic activities to agriculture and the cattle one. Looking for always to carry through the best possible application of the favorable natural species, supported in metodolgicos beddings, using in the extension of the cases, traditional technologies. Although the urbanization happened in recent years for the capital craft of its force of work through the farming one. The agrarian structure well is centered, despite the number of small establishments or units of familiar farming is grown. Recognizing that ambiently, great part of ground if displays very it degrades in function of the climatic vulnerabilities of Half-Barren. For the insufficience of the hdricos resources and the raised levels of pollution of its waters, causing the flora and the fauna a great predatory action of the man.

Through the delicate ecosystems of the region, that are forsaken, threatening the survival of many vegetal and animal and creating impetuses to the occupation human beings, also pertinent species the methodology, in course, of desertificao. Being thus, with the new delimitation of the States that composes the Half-Barren Region, the knowledge of the diverse aspects of this region of the forms becomes necessary as it is a structuralized fraction of the territory. For composing a structure, the region has an identity that it admits to differentiate it of its entorno. For everything this, this regional originalidade makes possible its delimitation from the apprehension and of the especificidade that it dominates, for the lack of resources. For being a region, consequently, concrete, observvel and demarcated.

As fraction of the space, the region is diligent person, historically established and interacts all with social and the territorial one. Therefore, its internal characteristics are seated and determinative of this interaction.

United States

But this is no evidence of it remained, but an interesting hypothesis the famous astronomer Sagan, which he put forward in the early 60s, it sounds plausible Bole. He believed that the cavities, which are found beneath the surface of the moon may be the residence of biological beings. Judging by that one of the cavities, even up to 100 cubic kilometers, one can wonder about what he might be right. In 1963, astronomers from the United States found on the moon huge moving luminous objects, the size of 5 km in length and 300 meters width. Flegstafskaya observatory recorded as many as 31 such object.

Nearby objects are a little smaller, but much more. Before the "Apollo-II flew to the moon, NASA published a directory of lunar anomalies in which refers to emerging and disappearing huge domes, walls, craters, trenches, various geometric shapes that move and the other anomaly. Total counted 579 such anomalies in the history of lunar exploration humanity. craters, walls, trenches, moving geometric shapes of different "colors" and so on. English astronomer Birt in 1871, also referred to the geometric shapes in the catalog secrets of the moon. It turns out that after how Armstrong flew to the natural satellite of Earth, all the hypotheses put to rest, and we realized that nothing about the moon is not the one who znaem.Te be what they are doing? Just watch us to conduct experiments, because a lot of people lost in either where. A stalemate is not appearing.

United Nations

A time that the two chemical types are fenotipicamente identical, the majority of the commercial preparations of cat nails is made indiscriminate mixtures without therapeutical utility. Efficient products must contain not more than 0.02% of tetracclicos alkalis of oxindole (Reinhard, 1997.' ' ((Schultz, Hansel, Tyler (2004), grass of Are Joo (Hypericum perforatim) and garlic (Alium sativum). The garlic (Alliun sativun) is a traditional plant. In Greece the Herdoto historian, counts that the constructors of the pyramids ate garlic to protect them of febris illnesses. In the Europe he started to be known as medicinal plant in the Average Age, very must to monges benedictines, that carry through its culture in the gardens of its monastery. One gave credit that a valuable medicine for contagious diseases was a medicine, and many works are found in its use in combat in plagues.

For example, in the Basilia it was reached by the plague, the population mistreats that it consumed garlic in its day-by-day felt? if very better of what its countrymen. Another one in case that it were in 1721, the plague were is of control in Marseilles, a flock of thieves pillaged the city, stealing equally the sick people and the deceased, without being contaminated, when one of these thieves had been pegos, it explained that its flock regularly consumed soaked garlic of in wine and vinegar: Alliun onion cepa. In 1994, the ONU (Organization of United Nations) it recognized as medicinal plant. It is important for the aboriginals northwestern of the Amaznia in the form of tea, its finer branches for the treatment of dysentery. Oxindlicos alkali roots and rinds, with some studies telling the power with some studies telling the power stimulant of the defense system. Because of this its interest in it despertou to use it for the treatment of the AIDS. The licorice capable to contain the alrgicos mechanisms that many times are determined of the patient because of the disfuno of the imunolgico system.

United States Opportunity

Minutes before audicionar, the conductor of the program one goes to all the participants and it indicates to us that by no concept they will accept juniors (I needed only a month to have 18). I went to speak personally with him and hopelessly I said to him that I would fulfill the majority of age in a month and he said to me: that decides the jury. Soon everything a day of delay, was my turn. I walked until the platform and I began to sing in front of the jury and all the other participants (I believe that my legs could not be shaking more).While I sang I see that one of the judges indicates something in my list (my age) and marks to an X that was the aim on that attempt. Again, frustration. Amazon has much experience in this field. I had the enormous one opportunity to go a year to live to the United States to a family house. I went to study and to learn English.

I studied a year in a public school and there I looked for the way to enter the choral group. I did thus it and it was to me rather well. When returning country, gives the information me that another one of the great television channels will make hearing for another one reality show of singers. As you will be able to suppose, I was That day made hearing general and the same night they checked the second post with the classified ones of the day. I had chance to arrive at that second opportunity. Again, very many nerves, hunger, chills, etc. Would select to 10 people to enter in the program and 6 substitutes (in case something happened to the 10 first).After several hours of delay in the cold audience, it is my turn, and also in this opportunity it is called on to me to audicionar not only in front of the jury, but also in front of all competitors.

United Kingdom

The number of beneficiaries per year has been increased of significant form recently, thus: 499 in 2008, 735 in 2009 and 1.025 in 2010. In the United States the greater number is concentrated of students of Colfuturo, with a 21%, follow the United Kingdom (22%) and Spain to him (9%). Germany, Holland and Australia have come beginning to appear lately. The favourite areas have been: social administration, engineering, sciences and right. In smaller proportion are the economy areas, as they have special capacity in the scholarships of the Bank of the Republic. It is important to continue monitoring the indicator of ” rate of regreso” to the country, because otherwise Colombia would not see increase its human capital, having invested in him. Richard Linklater may also support this cause. There the news continue being excellent, because this rate of return has fluctuated near a 80-90% (to see graph 2), where surely the international crisis has played in favor of their return Colombia. Here not only labor factors of ” are conjugated; expulsin” of the developed world, but also factors of attraction from Colombia.

Between these last ones it is possible to indicate the good moment economic of Colombia, practically throughout period 2002-2010, and forgiving until of 50% of the credit and additional 10% for do those who it to the public sector. In synthesis, the education superior in Colombia has had important advances in terms of cover and human formation of capital in the outside. The opportunities of financing through the programs of scholarships credit offered by several organizations have been fundamental to advance in this front. Still these fronts must be reinforced: i) extension of the cover and improvement of the quality through international certifications of the local organizations; II) to maintain the schemes of ” condonaciones” of financial obligations by return to the country; and III) to especially increase the spreading of these opportunities at zones different from Bogota. Which will be the balance that in this front the DNP and the Bank of the Republic with respect to their scholarship holders will be offering us and which are his ” rates of return to pas”? Compiled By. Javier Meja T.

United States

" We or caos" , it could be the antireublican dilemma, democratic, barely own of the dictatorships and the totalitarian governments, but it has been having a superlative effectiveness in the postmodern society, a society for a long time dominated by the fear to the violence, the insecurity and the disorder, therefore, a prepared society to tolerate the corruption of the power provided they do not send it to the anarchical dissolution. David G. DeWalt follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. In this scene he is inevitable to assume that to the turn power it agrees to him to make the chaos, in certain circumstances, with aims of political survival. That has been the resource to which the governments have appealed who have " sum of the power pblico" especially those of the call Third World " because in those societies, the fear is and has been always a great social disciplinador, something that already discovered centuries to it back Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), who in " Leviatn" , its more well-known work, assures that the social order affirms in that feeling. Hobbes justified therefore a strong government, a sovereign power that imposed order, a political theory that it leaves from a pessimistic anthropology. Indeed, Hobbes thought that the man is and incurably timid an egoistic animal.

It was ***reflxed mng of the illusions of the humanists, for those who in the man there was a kindness nucleus, and was possible to improve it if the love to the virtue awoke in him. Hobbes did not become illusions with the human nature. It conceived to the men like " egoistic psicolgicos" , involuntary, stingy creatures programmed to be interested only in its own one survival and prosperity. However, left this state of nature, the man becomes " wolf of hombre". The life would be a hell of violence and insecurity. The exit is logical: somebody must put order not to fall in the barbarism. It is the philosophy of the obedience originated in that basic passion that is the fear. But the fear that we felt the Venezuelans not circumscribes to fear presente" like that one untied in the United States with derru

United States

(Note: The previous discussion on the real wages talks about his cyclical variation; the growth throughout the time is associate when increasing the productivity, that also would have to be seen favored by the reform although, again, the persistence of the temporality will harm east objective.) The great absentee: the active and passive policies of use. A few months ago I attended a conference in the OECD on use policies and what it alarmed to me more it was to state the old fashioned thing that have remained Spain in this field. More info: Nike. In Europe there is an ample consensus on two points. First it is that (like tenth here), the perception of benefits by unemployment, besides an essential program to mitigate the very negative effects of the unemployment situation on the people, is not only a right acquired by the previous contribution, but also entails to have to look for work. Therefore, it must be conditional to the effective search of use or the participation in programs of labor production or formation. The second consensus point is that the active policies good designed they are useful to reduce the duration of the periods of unemployment.

For a given level of vacant positions available, I discourage to look for use generated by the perception of benefits and the inadequate qualification of the unemployed contributes to increase the duration of unemployment. In fact, those policies are the third leg, along with costs of dismissal low and generous benefits by unemployment, of the call flexiguridad, that countries like Denmark practice. A route in increase in countries like Germany, Australia, Austria, Denmark, the United States and the United Kingdom is the collaboration between the services use public and the deprived agencies of positioning. It is not the panacea and still it is being learned with the experience on his optimal design, but it seems clear that they would have to be part of the solution.

Webb School

They are common cases of professors as of the teacher Ana Keilla who already more than received in its classroom a pupil with deficiency or global upheaval from the development and if feel alone and without support, resources or formation to execute a good work. ' ' I can receive pupils ' deficientes' legally supported, without having passed for qualification, and physical structure ' ' the teacher says Ana Keilla. The trend, happily, is of change, slow and even so still different. Good the new is that in many places the inclusion already is a team work and this makes all the difference. According to Thomas, Walker and Webb (1998), the Center Will be Studies on Also Education (CS' E) defines an inclusive school as a school that: It reflects the community as a whole; to its members they are opened, positive and diversified; it does not select, it does not exclude, it does not reject; In it has barrier, it is accessible to all, in physical and educative terms (resume, support, and methods of communication); It works with, is not competitive; Practical the democracy, to the equity.

Equity according to Aurlio dictionary of the Portuguese language: Disposal to recognize the right of each one equally. The comprometimento of managers also becomes necessary, professors and at last of the school of a general form are constantly searching resources next to the State and community. Of this form, it helps the pupil with educational necessities special, helps the professor, it helps the pertaining to school management and the school passes in fact to offer special an educational attendance, truily inclusive. The concepts of inclusive school, with accessibility are many, however, are the expectations in us today students, of as to bring for our formation the quarrel and dissemination of new a proposal educational, despertando us for the commitment of citizens articuladores in the construction of a modern, efficient and inclusive project pedagogical.