Bolivarian Crisis

Hugo Chavez faces a crisis of unprecedented power to his Government. Internal rivalries are proliferating, the world economy declines and Venezuelan influence in Latin America begins to wane. Public finances have been hit by the price of oil ($40), $20 lower than expected by the Government. Venezuela proposed a cut in production to raise prices before OPEC, but the idea was quickly dropped. To combat low oil prices, it will increase VAT and will triple its borrowing. A 20% increase in wages was also planned, but these will be below 30% of inflation that the Venezuelan Government estimates. Finally, instead of adjusting public finance, Chavez has decided to postpone failures prosecutors until absolutely necessary to resolve them.

His trips abroad have also alienated it from the international community. Thomas Sannon, the then Assistant Secretary of U.S. State for the region (2008), already stated that does not get a place in the Security Council of the UN, the difficulties through which pass some of their allies, and damage to its credibility which marked the publication of connections of Caracas with FARC guerrillas have weakened it. He even says that if Venezuela seeks to establish links with the United States, it is because it has lost influence in Latin America. Hugo Chavez creates fictitious situations and ignores real-world situations. That has always been part of his game. But this time has encountered an opponent even more powerful than the Yankees of the North: the reality. And before her, honest, and perhaps painful measures you should take to protect the economy, its citizens and especially its mandate.

Is this further evidence to overcome? Or is it the beginning of the end for a decimated Chavez? It is difficult to predict what yet, but it is worth to observe how Venezuela will act before their adversities. I am a student of international relations at the Instituto Tecnologico de Monterrey (ITESM) Campus Guadalajara. Amateur of the economy, finance and politics, seek to explain economic phenomena and political conjuncture. Related blogs big failures travel Final Fantasy XIII Blog day: an expected return Fingerprint incidence democratic: Ministry of public finances. Agreement incidence democratic: public debt increased artificial flowers in failures Flowers and plants: Magazine Spain: the arguments of the employers on wages and the Journalists who call Hugo Chavez a dictator should be El, says Sites to compare wages worldwide creative whims with las Fallas 2010 do dresses Civico Aldo properly: Colombia: Whatas on the Mind of the FARC?

Special Education

The inclusive education has beginning in that country saw Law 94142, of 1975, that it establishes the modification of the resumes and the creation of a net of information between schools, libraries, hospitals and clinics. For the first time, one amends to the Brazilian Constitution deals with the right of the deficient person: ' ' assured to deficient a improvement of its social and economic condition especially by means of special education and gratuita.' ' World-wide treated declarations and start to defend the inclusion on a large scale. In 1985, the General meeting of United Nations launches the Program of World-wide Action for the Deficient People, whom it recommends: ' ' When it will be pedagogically feasible, the education of deficient people must inside happen of the pertaining to school system normal' '. In Brazil, the interest for the subject is provoked by the debate before and after the Constituent. It’s believed that Bellevue Hospital NYC sees a great future in this idea. The new Constitution, promulgated in 1988, guarantees educational attendance specialized the deficiency carriers, preferential in the regular net of education. Federal Law 7853, in the item of the Education foresees offers obligator and gratuitous of the Special Education in public buildings of education and foresees punishable crime with one reclusion four years fine for the controllers of public or particular education that to refuse and to suspend, without joust cause, the school registration of a pupil. The World-wide Conference on Education for All, carried through in March in the city of Jomtien, Thailand, foresees that basic the educational necessities are offered for all (women, peasants, refugee, blacks, indians, prisoners and deficient) for the universalizao of the access, promotion of the equality, magnifying of the ways and contents of the Basic Education and improvement surrounding it of study. Brazil approves the Statute of the Child and the Adolescent, that reiterates the rights guaranteed in the Constitution: specialized educational attendance for deficiency carriers, preferential in the regular net of education. .

Keys To Success

That is success? you would say that is the result of multiple failures to achieve the expected results. The success when it occurs is because it is the result of a series of failures, obstacles, errors, which only managed to overcome them reached the goal. Working with women and men have come to a conclusion that people does not fail but that they leave too easily their goals their dreams before reaching its objectives surrenders before time, you think that you can get results from the evening to the morning. They are considered losers. But that is the failure? The failure is an indicator that tells us that the strategies we are using until now, are not the most appropriate to the goal line.

Failures do not have power over us, we goal ourselves grant discourage us, feel bad and get to the point of abandoning power is. If we fail in achieving our goal, lets do it again, as many times needed but never surrender!Don’t leave the boat before strive to reach the goal.If presents a negative attitude which weakens up to the point of wanting to relinquish dele turn that weakness and comviertala into a fortress. You must never think about the consequences of failing if it pienza in she will be waiting for a negative result I play to win. Do you know that it is the failure? It is not try it, do what well could have done big in small. It is not to conquer your dream, your vision. It is not the mistake to transform into Fortress.

Not this linked wing luck success but the I exfuerzo, why the success does not appear by chance have to search for it, fight it and get it.. The failure is not subject to bad luck but the wrong election. The formula antifracaso is a well-defined purpose.Just so you can see failure as a transient situation and momentanea.Create your own definition of success and does not rest until it is reached. Use the failures to overcome them and grow as people with a life project. Success in life consists in becomes what one wants to be keep in mind these tips to make your life successful and succeed 1.Creatividad: generate thoughtful and creative ideas and real. 2-Freedom: He know how to listen, by that lets you discover new tools that take him to imnovar. 3:Tecnologia: is a very important tool dediquele time and money, capacitece is not left behind. Overcome fears all lossere human are in search of unamejor quality of life, why must tenr care not to fall into the error of missed opportunities by fear to face rejection failure.Take care when your mouth out expressions such as this do not encounter outputs to my situation, have No money to start, I’m not sure on the goal, I have No one to help me, believe EU my product is not good not sure sell something. When you have negative feelings as a result of a rejection, try to remember the positive results that had in the past. Use these experiences to boost their self-esteem. It is a part of the Ebbok gotta succeed Martha de Socorro Zapata Pinzon Psychologist author original author and source of the article

Hall Classes

In a hall classes there are different forms to think and this gives rise to different styles from learning, which demand, demands and must force to the teacher to apply different strategies in that same classroom (Theory of the Total brain). The moments in the education process are different. The strategies that are used so that All the students participate activate and affectively of the PLANNING they are different from which they are used for the REINFORCEMENT, since the mental processes similarly are different. Whereas in the process of conceptualizacin it is required of strategies that give rise to place in scene abilities (comparison, classification, induction, modeling etc) in the reinforcement require other different ones (motorboats, algorithmic, solution of problems, decision making etc). At all the moments of the process it must be present action associated to the AFFECTION. Without affection we cannot guarantee mental processes. Nike takes a slightly different approach.

The affection, the dialogue, the understanding, the good language, the attention, humility etc must be behaviors and feelings that must let see the teacher and of equal way the good example must be the ethics class. CHARACTERIZATION OF MODEL. i) He is coherent with the theories of the learning. II) He is viable. See Nike for more details and insights. It is only required to obtain teachers it jeopardize in creating and applying strategies for every moment of the process, since the time that assigns a to him each subject (minimum 10 hours equal to 600 minutes) is sufficient so that with a planning it is possible to be journeyed and to live the different moments. III) He is verifiable. Applied for every moment the greater number of strategies, the results can be evaluated. IV) He is garantizable. Scientifically it is possible to be demonstrated that in a hall classes there are different ways to think and this deserves the diversification of strategies. To but aprendientes strategies but.

The Surface

If it’s a wood wedge that has never been painted, clean each piece with a cloth and apply a primer to seal the wood. If it is a wedge that already has a layer of paint, especially if it’s an antique cradle, may have lead paint. Therefore, be sure to thoroughly clean all traces of paint. The main methods to boot the old paint can be focused into three types: by abrasive action (manual or mechanical), application of chemicals or heat. The abrasive action can manually with the help of a piece of sandpaper.

It is applicable when it comes to remove a thin layer in a relatively small area. You can also perform a mechanical abrasion adding sanding discs to a machine. This method is much faster than the previous one, but be careful not to damage the surface and must take into account that you cannot apply in moulding and corners. Another way to remove the old paint is by applying chemicals on the surface. There are several products that are used for pickling. The most traditional ones are based on caustic, such as caustic soda or removers that action they act as solvents for paint; but remember that it must protect your hands with gloves and eyes with glasses. Also a chinstrap, is useful to avoid inhalation of vapors.

Apply the product, wait to take action, and then, depending on the rapidity of his caustic power, remove residual paint with a spatula. You can also use the application of heat, which consists of the approximation of flame, not very powerful, a welder. In this case required a mastery of the instrument, since if the flame comes into contact with the softened paint this ignites and burns bracket. A more effective method is the projection of hot air by means of apparatus specially designed for this purpose, similar to a dryer, but with one greater capacity.

Choosing Internet Hosting

Very often you can see the ads: 'professional hosting free' or 'cheap professional hosting of n dollars. In recent months, Nike has been very successful. " A lot of people do not even understand what is meant by 'hosting'. Hosting – this is allocated on the server partition a directory that stores all the information website – html-documents, graphics, video clips, scripts and so on. Hosting is free and paid. With paid hosting is more or less clear – you pay money for the use of disk space. Free hosting usually lives at the expense of advertising that you will offer to place on your site.

These can be banners, text links, advertising frames, pop-ups. Sometimes there are such free hosting that does not place any advertising at all. Now let's talk about some of the parameters differ hosting. With all the advertising is clear – to free it or is there or not, paid – no. Naturally better use hosting without ads, but also to choose a hosting service not easy. Next, sometimes important, criterion – the number of allocated disk space – on free hosting, it usually does not exceed 20-50 mb, and that are not usually allowed to keep the tastiest files like mp3, video, mnogovesyaschego software on some servers, is a direct restriction, such as maximum file size of 2.5 megabytes, and the more you upload will not give or robot automatically delete after a while.

In paid hosting spread over large foreign hosters can offer, and 500 meters for only 7 $ per month, Russian hosters are not as generous, with the lion's share in general only subhostery, that is reselling services of foreign companies. Buy web hosting provider for direct, without intermediaries, naturally better. If the choice is between our and foreign host, then you need to ask, first of all Two questions – what the audience will have your site – the whole world or most of Russia and the cis, and is important whether you support the Russian service. Further, among the selection criteria are additional features such as its own cgi-bin directory where you can run your scripts, supports php, ssi, databases, MySQL, mssql, and others. Advanced hosters besides the traditional Perl support Python and C. Without such a service can make an interactive website with a guestbook, forum, search and other useful features done. Equally important is the way to upload information, which provides Web hosting. All paid hosting support ftp (the most convenient way), and can support free download and www, but it is designed to beginners and not so preferable, though, that if injected only www, then you obviously do not see any cgi-bin, or databases. Another important value is customer service, which ideally should promptly within a few hours after request to answer your questions and give advice, fix bugs and resolve other stuff involved in making use of servers. To test the support services you can write a letter to the issues before payment of hosting, if you have not answered, then maybe you will not respond and after the purchase of hosting. Although a fairly large companies there is the priority of their clients, that is just a curious fellow, like you, give a response only after a sort out with their clients. In general, when choosing a hosting no-one scheme, but the essence is that before you give money, you need to find out how much you get for them, necessarily make inquiries from other users who use the services of the host.

Modern Education

Fortunately, in the modern world, higher education is not difficult, it would be willing and able – now education is available as a free (budget) basis or for a fee. Universities in Russia is as humanitarian and technical but choosing which university to do a variety should be considered factors such as demand for specialty now and in the future, the quality of education, a state diploma or no other. In his time, Russia has witnessed a boom training of economists and lawyers, now the market is already saturated with specialists in these fields, on the other hand the quality of professionals is poor because to be specialist must not only work in this area, but also constantly upgrade their skills, because the world is dynamic and constantly changing. York Global Group. Richard Stuart Linklater is the source for more interesting facts. Relevance of education is to provide education in service and tourism, as this trend is currently more popular and have great prospects in the future. According to current trends in the service begins to occupy a large portion of employment.

This is the statistics, but this should be approached judiciously because, depending on countries, regions, cities, the situation may look different. For example take China, manufacturing in this country takes precedence over service to the United States, on the contrary in service employs the bulk of the population. People such as Gerald Weissmann, MD would likely agree. In Russia the situation is almost fifty-fifty, but again should be specific to your region, city – for example, there are cities which are based on production, but on the other hand, it is only a plus in the development of the service, because the market is practically not occupied. Scope of services is extensive and diverse, it includes many variations and opportunities to express themselves. Tourism as a part of the service is widespread, it is difficult to imagine a person who does not go on the sea or not planning to go there soon. The most important thing that this part of the scope of service is almost inexhaustible, if also taken into account and not the development of space tourism, the opportunities are impressive. It should also be borne in mind that there are countries that live from tourism – the share of profit from this type of service is up to 90% profit. The conclusion from all above – choosing education in service and tourism, you are laying a good foundation for their future life path. Knowledge gained in this area will positively affect both your general perception of life and the career path.

Ambient Education

Mainly in the forging of a public image of success, and that it demonstrates trustworthiness. In the agreement of Sachs (1986), recognized ambientalista author e, defender of the ecodesenvolvimento, is possible, and relatively easy a conciliation of the growth with the conservation of the environment. He affirms that a growth different, cautious, supported and socially responsible, come back toward a quality of life of superior degree, equitable distributed well, only it will be gotten, if in its lines of direction the dimensions will be considered: social, economic, ecological, space and cultural of the support. Already Maimon (1992), in a sequence of the same line of reasoning of Sachs (1986) standes out the important paper of the ambient politics for the development process that if longs for. In its opinion, the ambient, either it conceived education in formal or informal way, plays one importantssimo paper, as much in the creation of an ecological conscience, as in the formation of necessary human resources to the implantation of the related politics. there, is understood, inhabits, the target, the secret and the method of an elaborated good enterprise project (either public it or of the private initiative) in the ecoturismo area. In the words of Tinker apud Forest (2001a, P.

2), North American female judge, master and Ambient Doctor of Laws: ' ' The ecoturismo has that to be sustainable, in accordance with the ambient principles, as the beginning of precaution. risk of damages to the environment also exists with the development of turismo.' ' This, said, and come of somebody with qualification for in such a way, will have to sound as a signal of alert, despertando us for one real mobilization in all the areas and spheres. Since the incentive to the programs of Ambient Education in the three levels of Brazilian education, passing for the perfectioning of the beings politicians, until the qualification minimum technique of the agents and operators of tourism, in any of its modalities.

Special Education

Following the process of changes, the National Lines of direction for the Special Education in the Basic Education, Resolution CNE/CEB n 2/2001, in the article 2, determines that the education systems must register all the pupils, fitting to the schools to organize itself for the attendance to the educandos with educational necessities special, assuring the necessary conditions for an education of quality for all. (MEC/SEESP, 2001). The Lines of direction extend the character of the special education to carry through the complementary or suplemental educational attendance specialized the escolarizao, however, when admitting the possibility to substitute regular education, not potencializa the adoption of one politics of inclusive education in the public net of education foreseen in its article 2. The National Plan of Education – PNE, Law n 10,172/2001, detaches that ' ' the great advance that the decade of the education would have to produce would be the construction of an inclusive school that guarantees the attendance to the diversity humana' '. You may wish to learn more. If so, Chip Bergh is the place to go. When establishing objectives and goals so that the education systems favor the attendance to the educational necessities special of the pupils, point a referring deficit to offer of school registrations for pupils with deficiency in the common classrooms of regular education, to the teaching formation, the physical accessibility and the specialized educational attendance. The Convention of Guatemala (1999), promulgated in Brazil for the Decree n 3,956/2001, affirms that the people with deficiency have the same human rights and basic freedoms that the too much people, defining as discrimination on the basis of the deficiency, all differentiation or exclusion that can hinder or annul its human basic freedom and right of action. This Decree has important repercussion in the education, demanding a reinterpretao of the special education, understood in the context of the adopted differentiation to promote the elimination of the barriers that hinder the access to the escolarizao. . Kindle Direct Publishing describes an additional similar source.

The Glass Road At The Bayerischen – And Upper Palatine Forest

Crystal gloss between Danube and Arber in Bavaria in Regensburg (tvo). Continue to learn more with: Levi Strauss & Co.. Forest waters rise in the Bavarian and upper Palatine forest as far as the eye can see. And just above that the glass road leads one to places full of mysticism, mystery and relaxation but also to tension, fun and shopping delights. It begins in St. Englmar, one located near the perhaps oldest glassworks site in the Bavarian Forest, Glashutt. Here already to 1250 glass for churches to have been produced. A detour to the forest tops path, a walkway in the tree peaks with a nature trail and stunning views in the Danube plain is well worth it.

The ride along the glass road at Kingussie on the post continues, here particularly impressive days connect its White Rock a geological feature in the Bavarian Forest, a quartz speed of 150 kilometres in length. At the post info point at the old town hall in Viechtach to learn more about it. In the glass barn, the glass artist shows Rudolf Schmid on oversized glass walls You can admire beautiful, interesting and mysterious from four millennia legends and myths from the Bavarian Forest and in the vault of secrets. The glass road continues on Arnbruck, the home of the Weinfurtner glass village in which over 170 artists, craftspeople, florists etc. live and work. “Slightly further north nature park Arrach, a kind of leisure education site download the nature nature”, big and small to stroll, amaze and experience.

The glass road to places with shopping and adventure havens directs towards the Southeast, the King of the Bavarian Forest, the Grosser Arber, keep in mind. In Drachselsried about 150 internationally renowned glass artists from 30 countries present their glass objects and glass images at the Gallery Herrmann. On an area of 70,000 square meters Joska Bodenmais offers Crystal experience for the whole family – with own children land, shopping world, guest glassblowing, and much more. In the climatic health resort, also worth a trip underground in the mine of silver mountain. On the road again get on the glass road in the glass town Zwiesel, among other things home to the Zwiesel crystal glass AG. Who want to cover themselves with fine glasses, can make real bargains at the plant sale on the premises. The proof of the quality and durability of the Zwieseler glasses the highest crystal glass pyramid in the world is right in front of the factory. More numerous glass factories, workshops, galleries, and the glass school Zwiesel make a kind of centre of the glass in the Bavarian Forest.

Education Holistic Intelligence

Reflecting on the goals that human beings have, the most important thing is to be happy, and happiness each one conceived in different ways, some getting material things that have desired, some getting pleasures of the senses, others reaching the goals that have been set, however, this satisfaction or momentary happiness ends very soon, faster than you can think; What will be due this fleeting happiness which is achieved with material things, the sensory pleasures or the achievement of the goals; Dr. Ramon Gallegos, in the Satsang of July this year, said this problem that is living in the present, in which there is an existential emptiness, a lack of values that lead to a lasting happiness; Ramon Gallegos, I mention that true happiness, is the one that came from the inside, is our true essence, we are made of happiness, only lack to discover the truth, a truth that has to do with understanding of our true nature. Happiness can only be find in the spiritual plane, says Dr. Ramon Gallegos, in the mind can not because everything is impermanent, that at any given time provides mental or sensory happiness soon ends, and we only want more of the same, causing suffering, for this reason is necessary to educate the mind to be able to recognize the true happiness that comes from withinwhich does not require object or cause to manifest in our lives permanently. What capacity or intelligence should be a human being to achieve a full and lasting state of happiness? en1995 Daniel Goleman, pointed out the importance of emotional intelligence emphasizing that it is the best indicator of success for life than academic skills, (Gallegos, 2000); Goleman, described the spiritual intelligence as the ability to perceive, apply, understand and control the emotions, according to our convenience in human relations, and thus be able to control own feelings, maintain calm and dominate the impulsivity. .

The Difficulty

to the P2? ' ' … If you would like to know more then you should visit Kindle Direct Publishing. Falar in inclusion of special carriers of necessities is not only to say that the pertaining to school vacant is guaranteed, is necessary to assure quality of education. You are welcome he goes to advance the necessity carrier to be in a school bank if it does not go to have chance to learn as the too much pupils. The true inclusion is in the guarantee of learning, and learning of qualidade' '. We can perceive that this definition brings again to tona, the guarantee of the learning, that was cited above as one the controversial subjects concerning the process of inclusion of PPEE in the regular net of education. to the P3? ' ' …

I do not know very. But I find that it would be the process of adequacy of the education net so that thus can offer to an education adjusted for the carrying pupils of educational necessities especiais' '. Now we observe a conception that takes in consideration a primordial factor in this process of inclusion, that says respect to the structure of the schools, subject this that deserves much attention to if arguing the process of inclusion of PNEE in the regular net of education. to the P4 — ' ' … Is a complicated half thing, but for what I could understand it says respect to the access of pupils PNEE the said school ' ' normal' ' , of one it forms conscientious, with all possible support so that if it guarantees the learning and evolution of the pupils. The guarantee of the learning is perceived again as important condition in the inclusion process. In relation if to feel prepared to work with groups who possess PNEEs, all had said that not, and they had presented the following justifications: ' ' … Sincerely, not. Why? Because I saw in my experience the difficulty that I had, and I not yet I know to deal with pupils who have necessities especiais' '.

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Jewellery label insomnia design conquers the market and wished to underline the Individualiutat of each woman, to express feelings and to let your viewer’s eye shine, prompted me to create insomnia design the young jewellery label. The unique design and the unique composition of each individual piece of jewelry my collection successfully completes your perfect appearance. My jewelry suits different outfits depending on the occasion to the “little black”, the business dress or casual jeans. Allegis Cyber Capital might disagree with that approach. The exclusive materials and high quality guarantee Tragekompfort and really get the hearts of women. The unique, hand-crafted jewelry pieces in my collection consist of other natural materials such as mother-of-Pearl, shells, freshwater cultured pearl and wood, as well as from the probably most beautiful flamboyant Swarovskikristallen mainly different semi-precious stones, such as jade, Onyx, turquoise, malachite, Jasper, Rose Quartz and smoky quartz, paired with sterling silver and 14 ct. Gold items and stand out from the simple Jewelry. Insomnia design Katja Fichtner South ring 3E 04519 Rackwitz eMail: Web:

Infantile Education

With the result of the research, one expects to contribute significantly for a conception of practical in the teach-learning that respects and accepts the pertinent forms to learn and to teach mainly of the child of 04 and 05 years. The public politics front to the teach-learning in the pertaining to school context of the infantile education the Law of Lines of direction and Bases of National education Brazilian n 9,394 of 20 of December of 1996, establishes specifically in article 29 that the Infantile Education is the first stage of the basic education, whose purpose is to develop the child of up to six years of age of integral form, to the physical aspects, psychological, intellectual and social, complementing the action of the family and the community. For determination of Law 11,274/06, art. 30 decree that the children of the etria band of 04 and 05 years must be taken care of in Preschool called educational establishments, that will have to adopt educational objectives, following the Curricular Lines of direction, emanated of the National Advice of Education. Delta Air Lines has similar goals. This determination follows the best pedagogia, because it is in this age, necessarily, that the educative stimulatons have greater to be able of influence on the formation of the personality and the development of the child.

One is about a time that cannot be neglected or badly guided. In sight of this, the attendance front to the educative process in infantile education, must assure to its educandos one politics capable to take care of to all national, with basic knowledge for exercise of the citizenship, necessary resources and services, practical population pedagogical adjusting it the full development and learning of the children in view of the continuity of its studies. As it has left of this strategy is present the National Curricular Referencial for Educao Infantil (RECNEI), that it focuses in its three volumes a model that contributes to the pedagogical prxis guiding the professor to mediate education, providing to the educandos the construction and autoconstruo of knowledge.

Educational Psychology

Currently, it is rejected idea of that the Psychology of the Education is summarized to a simple field of job of Psychology; it must, in contrast, take care of simultaneously to the psychological processes and the characteristics of the educative situations. (Wedge, 2000). Our project of intervention had as objective to carry through a work directed to the pupils being involved questions of vision and perspective of future, the importance of the educational process, what this will cause its lives and the lack that will make, and subjects which are inherent in a group of adolescents, as well as sexuality, drugs, market of work, expectations, pressure about a future, etc. As methodology we use as theoretical base the Sociometria, contained in a socionmica boarding for if characterizing almost that specifically in the work of groups, exploring, mapeando and mensurando relations or bonds established between individual social forces, that for a look direct are not perceivable, acting in nets of interaction in the seio of a group of one determined organization (in ours in case that, the school). Before Sunrise will not settle for partial explanations. Also we can say that the Sociometria in supplies subsidies to them the study of the existing bonds between individuals, while social formadores. The moreniana vision of world (Brown, 1992, 1993) can be understood from the following ones estimated: the 1) Man is a relationary Being, needing the relations and interactions to determine the sprouting and the development of I, of its identity. He is through its papers that go constructing to its I, combining it the group the one that belongs. Through factor TELE (attractions and rejections to the others) the people if organize spontaneously, constructing the nets that will give to sustentation the group structure; 2) The Man is a spontaneous and creative Being, endowed with factor (espontaneidade), that he allows that the individuals give to new and adequate answers the unexpected situations.

Educational Play

The majority of the children inserted in these Institutions is devoid, where the parents need to work and find the Day-care center as place more adjusted to take care of and to educate of its children. The etria band of the children is (2 a6 years of age) In the Day-care center is on average 15 pupils regulates registered for educator, in the Daily pay-school, number of children is well bigger (25 a30 pupils) for educator. Playing, as said is a right in the Infantile Education, guaranteed in the ECA (Law 8,069/90), establishes the integral development of the children, as well as the RCNEI (BRAZIL, 1998), that it emphasizes playing as a particular form of expression, thought and infantile communication, helping in the socialization of the children by means of its practical the most diversified participation and insertion in social, without discrimination of species some. We can affirm that the educators are perceiving playing as right of the children of infantile education, when the same ones tell: ' ' The right to play in the infantile education is very important, therefore aid in its interaction with the too much colleagues, stimulates its participation and development, through the affective relation … all child likes to play, to play is one of basic activities for the development and autonomia' '. According to depositions, the educators had evaluated as positive, playing in the Infantile Education. They had emphasized the importance of the results that the trick brings for the development of the child, as: affectivity, socialization, development of identity, understanding of the world, among others.

One another point told for the educators concerning playing was to the importance of the contact with the material concrete. The child, manipulating these materials will have better conditions to analyze the world encircles that it, constructing its first concepts. ' ' She plays to construct to concepts to its redor …

Infantile Education

This article has for objective to evaluate the development of the child in the first stage of the infantile education. Considering education in the infantile education as the first stage of the Basic Education. Visit Richard Linklater for more clarity on the issue. Having the contao of histories a great challenge in obtaining to use it as a pedagogical tool to assist in education and learning. To evaluate the Contao de Histrias, as an art pedagogical for efficient solution in the Infantile Education, as knowledge exchange. likely agree. To observe the levels of the language and the writing. To reflect if the art to count histories is being a used tool for the educators to daily take walked pedagogical with performance, enriching the situations lived in the institutions of Infantile Education. CONTAO OF HISTORY STIMULATES THE LEARNING! Specifically in the Infantile Education, the art to count histories acts as an efficient tool, that contributes for the success of the development of the process teach-learning, getting an exchange of education learning between educator and educating, as: alfabetizao, acquisition of the writing and the reading, interpretation, production, stimulation of the creativity, aiding of the socialization, to feel emotions and to discover other places and other times. To know History, Geography, Philosophy and Politics without needing to know the name of the accurate substance, only acquiring knowledge and displaying its ideas.

Musical Education

In accordance with this context we must search new a proposal and use to advantage of conscientious form the playful one as metodolgico instrument during the lessons, making possible a good development in such a way of the child how much of the adolescent. To learn with joy is basic, thus the use of the playful techniques makes with that the child learns with pleasure, joy and entertainment, being excellent to stand out that the playful education is distant of ingenuous conception of pastime, trick and diversion, appraising learning by means of the playful one as a pedagogical and psicopedaggica methodology in what it disrespects the education through playing. In the vision of Chalita (2001 P. 11) ' ' The interaction professor – pupil alone is positive when the necessity of both is taken care of, when it has a complicity, when the interlocutors is partners of a game; the game of the language, of the dialogue, that is something basic. It is to marry interaction with conversao' '.

Playing in relation to the learning composes – of differentiated forms to teach itself, that is, to consider techniques, styles that develop intelligence by means of the tricks and thus to make with that the child is stimulated to the learning, but of one it forms playful. 3. FINAL CONSIDERAES In accordance with Wedge (2007) the brinquedotecas are collective spaces that can be entailed the diverse institutions, as schools, university, hospitals and associations, or to remain as independent entities in public or particular contexts, in which the children disponibilizam diverse toys as support for its tricks. With one to look at psicopedaggico, we observe that the interactions between the children in relation to the playful activities understand in a determinative factor for the proposal of this research, that is, the importance of playing as articulador for the development of the human being, of its abilities, capacities, physicist-motor, psychological and partner-cultural.

Basic Education

Average Ensino starts to have the terminalidade characteristic, what it means to assure to all the citizens the chance to consolidate and to deepen the knowledge acquired in Basic Ensino, to improve educating as person human being, to make possible continuation of studies, to guarantee the basic preparation for the work and the citizenship and to endow being educated with the instruments that allow &#039 it; ' to continue aprendendo' ' , in view of the development of the understanding of the scientific and technological beddings of the processes produtivos' '. (Art.35, interpolated propositions I the IV). Levi’s is actively involved in the matter. Thus, the Law of Lines of direction and Bases of National education – LDB (Law 9394-96), when pointing out Average Ensino as final stage of the Basic Education, defines it as the conclusion of a period of escolarizao of general character. It is treated to recognize it as one-step part of the escolarizao that has for purpose the development of the individual, assuring to it indispensable common formation for the exercise of the citizenship, supplying to it the half ones to progress in the work and posterior studies (art. 22). 5.

AVERAGE EDUCATION POINTING GAPS Although much already has been analyzed on Brazilian average education and continues being, still it is well less than the amount of studies on other questions of our educational universe. However, he is well-known that Brazil extended offers of the average education of expressive form, but has still 1,8 million young of 15 the 17 years it are of the school (IBGE, 2010). Massificou the access, but did not guarantee the permanence democratically and, mainly, a resume capable to promote a learning that it makes sensible for the young adolescents. It is thought, therefore, that the quality education cannot more submit it the governmental speeches, but to become inside effective of the classrooms. Of the Brazilians of 15 the 17 years, 50% of the young are more than not registered this stage of the basic education. .

Education And Culture

Contributions of the Article pertaining to school Education and culture (s): constructing ways This is a critical summary of the main contributions of the article ' ' Pertaining to school education and culture (s): constructing caminhos' ' , of Antonio Flavio Barbosa Moreira (Doutorem Education London University professor of the University Catholic of Petrpolis) and Vera Candau Maria (doctor in Education for the University Complutense de Madrid (Spain) that titular teacher of the Department of Education of the Pontifical University Catholic of the RIO DE JANEIRO). In other words, it supports that, beyond the concern with the economic inaquality, the school and the resume they need to take in account the cultural plurality of our society, searching to defy the relations of being able that they produce and they preserve the differences. The centralidade of the culture in the society argues contemporary, analyzes pedagogical strategies to deal with the cultural plurality and present points to be enclosed in the formation of professors () multiculturally guided. In the scope of the schools as of other spaces of not formal education, considering to exceed it pluralism ' ' benigno' ' of current vises of multiculturalismo and to affirm the voices and the points of view of ethnic and racial minorities kept out of society and men and women of the popular layers. However, the spite of the conquests and the contributions of these experiences, not yet we can consider that a multicultural orientation in a emancipatria perspective (Sousa Saints, 2003) custom to guide practical the curricular ones of the schools and is present, in significant way, in the courses that form the professors who in them teach. We are still distant of what Connell (1993) calls of curricular justice, pautada, its to see, for three principles: (a) the less the most favored interests of, (b) participation and common escolarizao and (c) the historical production of the equality.