Basic Education

To the being approved for the president of the republic, the same it vetoed art.2 which treats on the formation specifies of professors for the education of music. American filmmaker is open to suggestions. In accordance with sobreira Slvia (2008): ' ' In the justification for veto it has the allegation of that music is one practical social one and that the diverse operating professionals in the area do not possess academic formation, even so have ability reconhecida' ' (Pg. 46). SOBREIRA more still says: ' ' The justification for the veto proves that the education of music and the musical education in Brazil are seen by our governing under a optics narrow and disfigured of its Reals propsitos' ' (Pg. 46).

If the education of music will be given by people without nor a pedagogical qualification, the same finishes generating controversies in relation to the musical Education that if wants in schools, becoming the same one devaluated in relation the others disciplines of the resume. The project waits the implantation for the National Advice of Educao (CNE). In relation to the obligatoriness of the music education as obligator curricular content in all the Basic Education, if makes necessary the professors of the area if to professionalize, therefore the law does not only go to guarantee an education of music with quality. Ahead of this law, one expects that the schools have will to implant music, to plan itself in terms of qualified professors, beyond verifying the resources and the available rooms and to define the pedagogical project for discipline and that this project has the participation of the professional of the area. Educator is important to observe it, to write down and to reflect on its practical better to understand the diversity of involved questions in its professional perfectioning. The educator just formed, so that he can make an excellent work in classroom, must search not only to make readings and courses of perfectioning, but also orientation with most experienced.