CampusChances Hamburg

In addition, the German-Dutch advises Chamber of Commerce on the subject of “Study and work opportunities in the Netherlands” in the Rhine metropolis. In addition, experienced professionals from the practice are answer to various questions relating to the application and career topics in career presentations. Career lectures – the program 12:00: the interview 12:45: successfully on the net – Karrierefallen avoid, strengthen online reputation 13:30: career planning – with enthusiasm and commitment to the success of 14:15: problems and gaps of the first employment contract 15:00: the salary negotiation 15:45 in Hamburg: job search in times of crisis 15:45 in Cologne: study and work opportunities in the Netherlands 16:30: networking – the success factor for the own career 17:15 CET: the written application of the visitor center and the guidance on the career-mile fee will be charged. Registration is not required. For more information see hamburg koeln on the CampusChances the KarriereMessen of CampusChances in Hamburg and Cologne inform students and graduates of all disciplines and semester internships and job opportunities. Over 50 companies in various industries have more than 2,000 jobs up for grabs and visitors from 12 am to 6 pm in the Chamber of Commerce Hamburg (Adolphsplatz 1) as well as in the IHK Koln (under Sachsenhausen 10-26) speech and reply.

Thus, the CampusChances Hamburg and Cologne in the summer are the largest events of its kind in the region. Who has been more accurate ideas about his professional future, may be in advance of the fairs for career interviews at the issuing Company login. The online registration is registration for Hamburg occurs under. possible until May 27 and Cologne until June 7.