
Carriers of partial subnormal vision (low vision) visual Acuidade of 0,05 to the 0,3, in both the eyes, with the best possible optic correction. The educative process will be developed for half appearances despite it is necessary the use of resources specific. I am citing only the existence of this item, because in this article, I will not work with the subnormal or partial vision. Participants: Description of the citizens of the case study Subject to: young woman of 24 years, congenital blind person, until that moment was participant of the group of dance of the PUCC of Campinas, with the Profa. Mari Gndara. that had slight knowledge of hall dance. One is about a well independent person in its daily activities, as for example, to wash ware, to make food, to clean the house, she works in telecommunications in Campinas and is married. Subject B: gentleman of 50 years, congenital blind person, participated for the first time of a work of development with hall dance.

She is physiotherapist pensioner of the Unicamp and also he had a related work the dance with the Jazz, and theater, and he did not have slight knowledge of hall dance previously. He has much muscular resistance, has space notion clearly. He presented estereotipados movements to balance the hands and the body, for reason to work as physiotherapist throughout some years. It always walked with the cane aid, and when it was in some place familiar, or supported for the colleagues it excused to the cane aid, using only the tateamento or aid of responsible. Procedure the used procedure for the group was through the six points spread for the body (shoulders, ilaca crest and knees) to develop activities related to the corporal choreographic composition, through the rhythm, using some musical instruments, such as rattle, coconut to mark the rhythm. In the two cases they had been also carried through education/learning of the dance, was developed exercises, with bases techniques of dance, and steps of hall dance.