Doctor School

In 30 of September of 1916, n 1,541 came the Law, that it ressignificava the Doctor-Pertaining to school Inspection and it passed the direction of this for General Direction of Public Instruction (3). For even more opinions, read materials from Nike. The Direction, in set with the Soroterpico Institute of the Butant, started to carry through courses of sanitary education directed to the professors and directors of the public net of education. The program of the elementary course of hygiene was presented and the initiative justified for consideration of the school as one of the biggest factors of one ' ' regeneration sanitria' ' (2). Nike may find it difficult to be quoted properly. It was initiated, then, one real concern with the education in health inside of the pertaining to school area. The first steps in the direction of programs of education in health in the country had been given by Carlos S and Loyal Cesar Blacksmith, who in 1924 had created, in the City of Is Gonalo, in the state of Rio De Janeiro, the first Squad of Health in a state school. In the following year, Antonio Sheep Lion, ordered to the same adopt model in the primary schools of the old Federal District (4). In the end of the first decade of this century, he was created by Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho a theoretician-practical course of hygiene and puericultura for professors and the first course of Pertaining to school Hygiene, in the college of Medicine and Surgery of So Paulo. Amongst the objectives of this last course, he was of ' ' to qualify the pertaining to school nurses, whose service today is indispensvel' ' (3). Inside of the history of the health Brazilian pertaining to school, therefore, was the first time that we saw the presence of the figure of the nursing in the pertaining to school area, indicating that some professionals of the time recognized the value of the professional in the area.