Contributions of the Article pertaining to school Education and culture (s): constructing ways This is a critical summary of the main contributions of the article ' ' Pertaining to school education and culture (s): constructing caminhos' ' , of Antonio Flavio Barbosa Moreira (Doutorem Education London University professor of the University Catholic of Petrpolis) and Vera Candau Maria (doctor in Education for the University Complutense de Madrid (Spain) that titular teacher of the Department of Education of the Pontifical University Catholic of the RIO DE JANEIRO). In other words, it supports that, beyond the concern with the economic inaquality, the school and the resume they need to take in account the cultural plurality of our society, searching to defy the relations of being able that they produce and they preserve the differences. The centralidade of the culture in the society argues contemporary, analyzes pedagogical strategies to deal with the cultural plurality and present points to be enclosed in the formation of professors () multiculturally guided. In the scope of the schools as of other spaces of not formal education, considering to exceed it pluralism ' ' benigno' ' of current vises of multiculturalismo and to affirm the voices and the points of view of ethnic and racial minorities kept out of society and men and women of the popular layers. However, the spite of the conquests and the contributions of these experiences, not yet we can consider that a multicultural orientation in a emancipatria perspective (Sousa Saints, 2003) custom to guide practical the curricular ones of the schools and is present, in significant way, in the courses that form the professors who in them teach. We are still distant of what Connell (1993) calls of curricular justice, pautada, its to see, for three principles: (a) the less the most favored interests of, (b) participation and common escolarizao and (c) the historical production of the equality.