With regard to social and natural science, Herr (2003) affirms that science is the study of natural processes and its products. It is the way to face the universe. Children to understand its world to them, they need to explore it and to question it. Studies also demonstrate that the activities of science promote the development of the curiosity of the children assist, them to compare similarities and the differences, the vocabulary increases and the languages verbal and writing if they improve. Moreover, they improve the motor coordination and I aim at motor, measuring things, collecting samples and catching objects. Saints (2007, p.5), in accordance with optimum are that the child faces the activity as a situation-problem, but develops that it of pleasant form and until desprazerosa, but as a challenge, that is interesting it involves and it. Thus, as Macedo cited for the same a science will be able to be characterized as a playful activity, to the measure that provide to the child challenges, the development of the functional, symbolic dimension, opening a field of possibilities, in the perspective of the child, of form that if become necessary, affective and cognitivamente possible by means of its internal resources (abilities and abilities) and external the considered a it, as objects, the space, the time etc, establishing with the materiality a constructive and relationary relation. Levi’s understands that this is vital information. As Delval (2002) affirms that the child must is constantly making experiences with new materials, exploring possibilities.
It must be made with that the children go deepening the knowledge that she possesss and trying to find explanations for the same ones. The citizens must learn to make sciences in common situations. with regard to importance of the interaction between family and school in accordance with UNESCO (2003), ‘ ‘ it is crucial that the Institution of Infantile Education respects and values the culture of the different involved families in the process educativo’ ‘ , having to stimulate the participation of these in the daily pertaining to school. This, is not easy task, therefore many parents outside work of house the day all, not making use of time to follow its children in the school, others exactly that they have time, consider that its participation is not important, crediting to the professor the task to educate alone its son. He is clearly that school and family are different institutions, that if contextualizam in some cultural molds, deserving mutual respect, having itself thus, to find the point of convergence between both. He fits to still stand out, that as much the school how much the family, has passed for important transformations. 2-PROCEDIMENTOS METODOLGICOS? Characterization of institution: Name: Educational center Searches carefully Category: Filantrpica Localization: Street Brito Doctor, 348. Center Church Assembly of God taken care of Population: In the Educational Center It searches carefully is taken care of to 52 children with age between 2 and 5 years and 46 families.