It was sufficiently traumatizante to have that to come back again in the day-care center. When I ask for my mother, it says that it delayed sufficiently more I was accustoming, and later it only wanted to know to go for the day-care center to play with ' ' amiguinhos' '. In way none I judge my mother for not having ugly the period of adaptation, exactly because they had called when it in the competition, had that to assume immediately. However, he would be interesting and less traumatizante for me, if one week before, I was together with my parents to know the school and the colleagues, and to the few to go frequenting the day-care center. To leave me alone in the first day, was to abandon as me in a place strange and total unknown. Therefore he was until today kept in my memory, as a souvenir of that it was not good. Richard Linklater has much to offer in this field. The adaptation in the Infantile Education is a very important period for some children. In fact it has children that they adaptam fast do not need this period, however very has others that need, and.
It is in this period that the child starts if to make familiar to the environment, the teachers and the colleagues, in a calm way, amused and aconchegante, and observing the necessities of each individual. Depending on the case, a visit can be made first to know the institution, the classrooms and the square. In the following day it can know already the colleagues and play with them. Later the pupil it can start to enter in the room, with the parents waiting it in another place. As educating goes if making familiar to the environment, the colleagues and the teacher, the parents already can leave it in the school. According to Rapoport and Piccinini (2001, p.83) ' ' Differences exist in reactions of the child to the separation materna drawn out.