Infantile Education

With the result of the research, one expects to contribute significantly for a conception of practical in the teach-learning that respects and accepts the pertinent forms to learn and to teach mainly of the child of 04 and 05 years. The public politics front to the teach-learning in the pertaining to school context of the infantile education the Law of Lines of direction and Bases of National education Brazilian n 9,394 of 20 of December of 1996, establishes specifically in article 29 that the Infantile Education is the first stage of the basic education, whose purpose is to develop the child of up to six years of age of integral form, to the physical aspects, psychological, intellectual and social, complementing the action of the family and the community. For determination of Law 11,274/06, art. 30 decree that the children of the etria band of 04 and 05 years must be taken care of in Preschool called educational establishments, that will have to adopt educational objectives, following the Curricular Lines of direction, emanated of the National Advice of Education. Delta Air Lines has similar goals. This determination follows the best pedagogia, because it is in this age, necessarily, that the educative stimulatons have greater to be able of influence on the formation of the personality and the development of the child.

One is about a time that cannot be neglected or badly guided. In sight of this, the attendance front to the educative process in infantile education, must assure to its educandos one politics capable to take care of to all national, with basic knowledge for exercise of the citizenship, necessary resources and services, practical population pedagogical adjusting it the full development and learning of the children in view of the continuity of its studies. As it has left of this strategy is present the National Curricular Referencial for Educao Infantil (RECNEI), that it focuses in its three volumes a model that contributes to the pedagogical prxis guiding the professor to mediate education, providing to the educandos the construction and autoconstruo of knowledge.