To play is a basic experience for any age, mainly for the children of the Infantile Education. Of this form, the trick already does not have to be more activity used for the professor to only amuse the children, but as activity in same itself, that it is part of the plan of lesson of the school. Therefore, it fits to the educator to create an environment that congregates the elements of motivation for the children. To create activities that provide concepts that prepare for the reading, for the numbers, logic concepts that involve classification, ordinance, amongst others. To motivate the pupils to work in team in the resolution of problems, being thus learned to express its proper points of view in relation to the other. The process of education and learning in the school must be constructed, then, taking as starting point the level of real development of the child, in data moment and with its relation to determined one to be developed content, and as point of arrived the objectives established for the school, supposedly adjusted to the etria band and the level of knowledge and abilities of each group of children. The passage to be followed in this process will be demarcated by the possibilities of the children, that is, for its level of potential development.
At last, to be to the side of the pupil, following its development, to raise problems that the light one to formulate hypotheses. Toys adjusted for age, with objective to provide to the infantile development and the acquisition of knowledge in all the aspects. From the reading of these authors we can verify that the ludicidade, the tricks, the toys and the games are ways that the child uses to become related with the physical and social environment of where she lives, despertando its curiosity and extending its knowledge and its abilities, in the aspects physical, social, cultural, affective, emotional and cognitivo, and thus, we have the theoretical beddings to deduce the importance that must be given to experience of the infantile education.