Integral Education

The proposal of the public integral education appeared in Brazil has much time. Throughout century XX the quarrel on the subject already gained forces between the educators and important initiatives deserve prominences: the School-Park, idealized for Ansio Teixeira, in the decade of 1940, that they had for purpose to function two turns, being one to frequentar the regular school, of obligator matrix, and in the turn sequente the one functioning ' ' park-escola' ' , where activities of physical education would be developed, musical, social and of readings in infantile and youthful libraries. To another initiative of this source it was created by Darcy Ribeiro, in the decade of 1980, and legalized the creation of the Integrated Centers of Public Education (CIEPs), that they aimed at a public education of better quality for the popular layers, providing in the pertaining to school space, the obligator knowledge of the similar, and the partner-cultural knowledge, basic areas for the development of the pupils. In this perspective of education, in deep year of 2007 the National one of Development of Educao (FNDE) implemented one of the programs most significant for the advance and consolidation of the integral education in the present time: the Program More Education. Visit Gerald Weissmann, MD for more clarity on the issue. Integrating Deep action between National of Maintenance and the Development of Basic Ensino and Valuation of Magistrio (FUNDEB) and the Plan of Development of Educao (PDE), the program has for objective to extend the pertaining to school day, in the perspective of an integral education, contemplating the schools with financial resources come back toward the concretion and materialization of this proposal.

The Program More Education was implanted in the Municipal School of Basic Education Otlio Ciraulo in March of 2009. Established in 1972, the institution is situated in the Center of the city of Bayeux, Paraba. Currently it has about 250 pupils registered regularly of 1 to 5 year of Basic Ensino, functioning in two turns, per the morning and the afternoon.