Isabel University

From the edition of 2009 of the National Examination of Average Education, the ENEM. Initially created with the objective to evaluate the average education of the country, door of access for superior education and the attainment of the certificate of conclusion of average education becomes, being a great dbia generating many repercussions in the media. Access to superior education is a possibility through the System of Unified Election (SiSU), for the method of candidatar on-line in programmed dates and best respective notes to the course selected by the candidates, who are approved. The new method of conclusion of average education, being able to be compared with supplementary, however the most efficient one in the contribution of the rise of the escolaridade of the realizantes, becomes target of many controversies, some had also been to even stop in the Court of Justice. As examples: A great example is the pupil, Isabel Tolentino, of 16 years student at the time of 2 year of average education when it was approved in the University of the Mato Grosso of Sul (UFMS) with the gotten note in the ENEM. However its registers was vetoed, a time that the State Secretariat of Education alleged that Isabel did not have minimum age of 18 years to get the certification by means of the Enem, then the family decided to appeal to the Court of justice to grant to the certification right, where the threshold was granted so that the document was emitted. Already another example is Bianca student Torquato of the interior of So Paulo, obtained in Justice the right to study in the college of electric engineering of the So Paulo State University (Unesp), in Ilha Solteira (SP), before exactly to finish education average. The lawyer of the family alleging that Bianca had conditions to continue studying in a school and to attend a course the college at the same time. .