Latin Education

Therefore the pupil will be answering to the environment and the stimulaton received at that determined moment. To create emotions that can provoke the pupils and take them it action and motivation. In this process we perceive that psicopedagogo will be able to assist the professors to take the pupils to try the feelings of adjusted form, being able to arrive at the motivation. The school must be worried in awaking in the pupils the access its emotions. Since, neurological studies and mannering experiences show that we can learn procedures that they aim at to manage with some emphasis our emotional states.

As White (1989, P. 03), ' ' the most beautiful workmanship that the men already had occupied is to deal with minds humanas' '. According to Chalita (2001), in the education three great pillars exist: the cognitiva ability, the social ability and the emotional ability. At this moment, we go to only consider the emotional ability, the great pillar of the education, for stimulating the liberating learning and the happiness of the educator and educating. It is not possible to develop the cognitiva ability and the social one without let us work the emotion.

To work emotions in classroom is a work arduous, however essential. But this ' ' trabalho' ' that perhaps for some professors they seem to be distant and difficult to materialize will be softer to the being divided with psicopedagogo institucional that the pupil will lead if to perceive, and if auto – to know, thus to control its feelings. (IN) it disciplines – Conceptualization Etimologicamente, the term ' ' disciplina' ' one originated from the Latin it disciplines, it comes from the same root of disciple and learning; for Gmez, Mir, Serrats (1990, p.13): ' ' its meaning conotava the existing relation between the master, education, the education and proper discpulo' '.