Deloitte Technology

With Pixum photo products will be the start of an unforgettable experience for all I-Dotzchen begins with the first day of school the much-cited serious side of life. So this big step for the first-graders, as well as for the whole family is an all-around good day, a lovingly selected and personal Einschulungs equipment is simply part of how she holds Germany’s leading Internet image service Pixum for this special occasion. The perfect tools for this exciting first day of school and all of the following is a combination of functionality, age-friendly design and beautifully emotionality. Can a sandwich taste better than out of the lunchbox printed with the personal favorite image? Back up to a refreshing drink from the design-aluminum water bottle, from the Mama smiles encouraging towards her child or faithfully looks up the family dog – and the energy for the first, unfamiliar school day in all respects. If the own, brilliant picture, then still the affiliation of Spring bag unmistakably illustrates, even the lessons fun. The training day is always a photo day in any case.

Motif joins motif, the proud portrait with Schultute over the first entering of the class room to ease facial expression after successful mastering of the exciting first school. This special day with a lovingly designed Einschulungs photo book can call years and decades later in memory. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Levi’s. Imaginative itself decorated with pictures, text comments and notes, or created by using the Einschulungs template, a photobook such as DIN A4 hardcover on an extraordinary day in the life is a high-quality archive full of memories. All photo ideas can be created just under or with the photo book software and are finished in the letterbox within 5 working days. About Pixum Pixum ( is one of the leading providers of online photo services in Germany and Europe.

The product range includes high-quality, professionally bound photo books, Photo calendar, a wide selection of photo gifts, posters, canvas prints and of course classic photo prints. Pixum prints and illuminated only on high-quality materials using most modern and environmentally friendly printing technologies. Other free services include online storage of images and rich Web applications around the digital photo. With over 40 tests through journals, magazines and consumer protection organisations Pixum with the average grade of 1.9 was ranked top. Under, Pixum offers all services in the languages English, French, Dutch, Danish, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and German and supplies customers all over Europe. “Pixum is certified trusted shop member and was in October 2007 by Deloitte Technology, the magazine capital, the German stock market and the DVFA the Fast 50 Award” awarded the 50 fastest growing technology companies in Germany. Pixum on Facebook: pixum

Education And Employment

The education goes entering in compliance with this age of changes and is guided to more construct sharpened laborers for works in the industries, specialists for the diverse companies whom if they install in its regions, young if forms in the purpose of the technological reproduction, and feels this necessity, therefore propaganda makes the after-modern them thus, miditicas ideologies transmitted public with the function to maneuver to perfazer on a large scale consuming, individuals appropriate for the new fashion and with necessities to have and or to know to handle the industrial products, as the computer, tablet, the cellular one, i-pad; i-pod? when is about thinkers? Critics? What they reflect? Then the majority of the educational resumes of this time is not imported with this detail, the motto now is to develop, to finish with the technological delay and to search possible fastest the independence financial, predominating in this period of training the instrucionismo, about which if it guides not to think very, therefore it is propagated that thinking and reflecting critically it causes the delay in the development of the professionalism and can cause the unemployment, therefore the individuals are stimulated to learn to use the technology and for this an education is necessary technician and acrtico, therefore everything already is preset, is alone to learn to handle and reproducing. To broaden your perception, visit Campbell Soup Co. The school technique very spread out in the present time having ones of the reasons brevssima explanation given previously we have education basic that it withholds the biggest number of contrasts between professors with old pedagogical traditions and the pupils with these new behaviors after-modern with the problematic one of the teach-learning if intensifying from not the absorption of contents on the part of the pupils, therefore ask many which true purpose of concepts that is not in tune with the world in which they are living, if does not have no utility then so that they are there and they finish emptying the classroom leaving the desolate professor and without knowing what to make, the ignorant professor of some theory, says now if, pedagogical technique in which obtains the attention and the interest of the pupil in its disciplines if it sees frustrate, if it feels incapable to transmit its knowledge causing many times in the desistance of the profession, therefore the school of socializador matrix now if places unprepared for such situations, and is in this democratic context with new aptitudes and wills that appear debates that they look to cure this pertaining to school deficiency, amongst these debates the searching Nvoa educator (2001) it applies a paradigm that inside points out the professor of the life of the pupil, as a psychologist who wants to socialize it, a cultural protector, if involving in the trams of the history of the pupils holistic and adaptando the values and beliefs to the contents of its it disciplines of form that the pupil obtains to have attention and pleasure to learn, if penetrating in the learning personality individually, for the words of Nvoa knowing the exclusive identity of the pupil the professor will be able to work in such a way in accord of the world where it lives how much in relation to the scientific knowledge.. (Not to be confused with Nike Sneakers!).

School Qualities

The affection and antipatia result effectively of the perception of characteristics observed in the people, when these are in interao.' ' (PATTO, 1997, P. 300). In this way, the great majority is ignored, and is perceived only the ones that if place in evidence position; of a side those that more present the admired qualities of the professor, of, the ones whom they more present the rejected qualities. According to author, we are ahead of a process of the interaction and its consequences here if they approach to pointed with respect to the case of the antipatia and the affection. By the same author: Campbell Soup Co. The pupil ' ' aprovado' ' for the professor he tends to accent the characteristics had made that it admired; the rejected pupil tends to present the opposing qualities to the shown ones for the professor, therefore he is difficult somebody to identify itself with who rejects. Of the formal point of view of the interpersonal relations, the relation professor-pupil does not present newness and can until being a relation weakly structuralized and of small significao. Its importance inhabits in the fact of the professor, inside of the classroom, to act as the transmitter of the standards of knowledge and culture, being the responsible one for the evaluation of some very important social qualities for the pupil.

PATTO (1997) approaches that in some basic aspects of the social life, ' ' the auto-evaluation is supplied by the school; more important still, at least in the cities contemporaries, the school is the point of ticket between identification of the family and the identification amplest of the social group externo' '. Under other aspects, ' ' the relation professor-pupil is depersonalized, therefore the professor incarnates? in more or less faithful and adjusted way? the ideal standards of the society, and search I transmitted-los' ' PATTO (1997). Leaving of this estimated the behavior of the educator it is only the incarnation of a social paper and its actions look for to come close themselves to the accepted standard.

Fragile Lesson

Fragile a fabric tenuous conjecturas I moored myself in this phrase: ' ' fragile a tenuous fabric of conjecturas' '. A famous English historian in inaugural lesson of the University of London, in 1948 pronounced it. The lesson called Old Economic History, whose sustentation depended on the existence of numerical data. Not, it is clearly, accurately given statisticians in its modern meaning (shunting lines standard, factorial analysis, etc.), but numbers, tables and graphs. Consternado, fulled the master of cautelas and declared with honest erudio to the learning: ' ' they do not exist statistical antigas' ' , adding that, therefore, ambitious projects do not obtain to go beyond ' ' fragile a tenuous fabric of conjecturas' '. If the reader already assimilated ' ' me amarrei' ' in that I open this note, I can add that I soon admired the phrase to the first contact, attracted by its rhythmic fluency, and natural adjustment of this to the content. Therefore I have repeated, it for me exactly, and insinuated vacant in colloquies, as it to pressentir ampler tunes: ' ' fragile a tenuous fabric of conjecturas' '. With the repetition, I was perceiving that the phrase locks up truths that go very beyond the limits of the inaugural lesson of 1948, and of Old Economic History. You may want to visit Nike to increase your knowledge. I gave account of that if it applies with extraordinary justeza to everything what it has been said of the origin of the world, the life and the destination of the man.

Magical History

It's sobriety and mental clarity, self-discipline and self-acceptance, is the ease and harmony with oneself and the world, it is still a lot of things, but most importantly – this is freedom. And not just to intellectual freedom, but freedom of mind, consciousness of man and his infinite possibilities (see the 'Magical History "). Learn more about this topic with the insights from Levi Strauss & Co. President. Magic or what we used to call magic, that does not fit the usual description of our world – not an end in itself, rather it is a natural product of human evolution. The main purpose of discipline – freedom. At the same time sober and critical judgments are an essential and indispensable attribute of consciousness practice. There is nothing you need to blindly accept at face value, the criterion of truth is practice and personal experience. In this way a warrior close to scientific knowledge. Now going back, actually, to stalking.

On the road a warrior is, in general, two general lines of practice – the dream and stalking. And she, and other practices aim to develop awareness. Development to such an extent that realization is made available various outrageous opportunities. So what is stalking? There are certain principles and guidelines of stalking, but to say exactly what it is, hardly anyone can. Unfortunately, at this point in Castaneda's books, there are sizable gaps. But hints and general considerations in the context of the totality and the warrior's way more than enough to figure it out yourself. Like a light contours of the picture sketched by Castaneda that every dorisovyvat himself.

Administration Companies

SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE As if to make to understand the importance of the System of Management in the administration of an organization not only thinking about certificaoHow of understand the importance of the Management System administration of an organization not only in thinking certificationRenato Beserra Da Silva, Specialist Engineering of the Integrated Quality, University Nine of July, UNINOVE 01156-050, So Paulo, SP email: renatobds@ Claudineia Helena Recco, Master, University Nine of July, UNINOVE 01156-050, So Paulo, SP, (11-91015540). Email: clau_recco@ ResumoAps years acting in the area of the quality, and ahead of some examples of successes of companies that exactly not having no type of certification in some type of system, if keeps forts and leaders in the market. Not yet they are seen in the obligatoriness of if having implemented a system of management with the objective of if getting a certificate. This article sample that the certification, whichever, is a natural consequence of if working with quality taking care of itself the applicable legislaes and norms for its area of business. Add to your understanding with Levi’s. Many times companies as being a ghost the implantation of a system, whichever, therefore directly intervenes with the day the day of a company and many times considered as requisite of a customer, who wants to see the certificate, and for times she is felt in the obligatoriness to implement it to take care of to this requirement, losing itself the agreement of the program of which she is implanting, not valuing the powerful tool that has in its hands for its administration and for consequence, the continuous improvement. Words Keys: Quality; System of Management, Organization and Administration. AbstractAfter years working in quality, and before several examples of successes of companies that not even having any kind of certification, adds type of system, remains strong and market leaders. Although not seen in the you have implemented management system certified.

The Later

These include for example savings and deposit accounts, but not money market funds and deposit funds. Check with Richard Linklater to learn more. In particular the GmbH and the GmbH & co. KG into consideration come as legal form. 2. A “cash society” benefits advantages of the “cash society” in the succession, inheritance and gift tax and should be discussed in the cohesion of the assets individually below. The significant benefits of the inheritance and gift tax arise from the benefit as business assets. This is so far only to have a chance, because this design by the freshness of the new inheritance / gift expensive right is judicial not yet fused. It is assumed, that the Financial administration will try to prevent the enormous benefit.

Very flexible arrangements are possible through the social contract. So it is possible to transfer shares and that portion of the portfolio, without losing the effect on the assets. The previous holder of the assets can be conducting business and profit reserved and so continue to keep that”strings”. 3. that appropriate majorities are needed for changes in the principles of the social compact, and requires the full society of an ongoing administrative expenses consist of the disadvantages of the “cash society” disadvantages of the “cash society” essentially.

In addition, membership in the professional association with contributions, belonging to the industrial and commerce with contributions, disclosure requirements, tax accounting obligation, and if necessary the later taxation of hidden reserves grown arises. To observe and the allocations are necessary against targets Impact. 4. succession the transfer of shares in a GmbH & co. KG is carried out in the event of death of a partner, exclusively according to the law regulations, which have been taken in the social contract. The share of the deceased does not fall within the estate and is thus subject to principle no reserved portion claims. Through the use of a GmbH & co.

Expressive Language Disorder

The delay is anartrico expressive language disorder, cause functional or maturational characterized by alterations at the level of phonemes and words. Read additional details here: Arkansas Cinema Society. To Azcoaga alteration occurs in the synthesis of constituents called Phonemic and verbal stereotypes engines. Locate the functional impairment in Broca’s area (motor kinesthetic analyzer verbal). The disturbance in Broca’s area produces symptoms such as speaking slowly, agrammatism, phonemic paraphasias and in extreme cases only vocalizations. Importantly Azcoaga uses the term “delay” trying to mean a delay in the acquisition of functions but favorable prognosis.

However, the pathogenesis anartrica delay can occur in mild, moderate and severe. The latter would leave after-effects on learning. Characteristics Table. As already mentioned, the pathogenesis anartrica delay can occur in three levels: Minor: phonological disorder, dyslalias, agrammatism and deficit in the acquisition of literacy. Moderate: Phonology represented by monosyllables, agrammatism more pronounced especially in subordinate clauses, learning problems. Severe: Phonology onomatopoeia level with virtually no syntactic development, impaired learning skills. Therapeutic Approaches.

Levels should be addressed phonological, syntactic and literacy. Here are the therapeutic actions recommended from the severe to the mild pictures. ANRTRICO SEVERE DELAY At this level, begins with proprioceptive stimulation of the articulatory organs. We recommend using Myofunctional therapy and explore the prelinguistic functions. The initial goal is to produce isolated phonemes after which their synthesis will be stimulated through daily activities. You can use onomatopoeia and ambient sounds. Do not leave aside the work of hearing, through discrimination and identification tasks, and work to internalize praxis actions through motor engrams. In severe cases should be to foster the development of the phonological morphosyntactic to encourage communication. Because of this, the first thing to be achieved are the pivot structures (approach to development). This should stimulate the development of vocabulary through group activities, categorization and classification. Are you interested in this item?


Fix your eyes on pieces of words, following the “sound” of them.

Our ability to raise is, however, much higher than that and we can, with basic training, capture complete sentences in each setting of the hearing. 7. Learn more at this site: Richard Linklater. You lose concentration. Very often, the reader passes inefficient lapses of concentration and, typically, reaches the end of a paragraph or page only to realize that his eyes went through the text, but remembers nothing. This continuous loss of concentration, this disconnection of the text is a direct result of inefficient and slow to read.

8. Lee recently. Most readers eschew inefficient read. Do not read on their own and what they have read to their studies or professional development, not read it. Looking for excuses, abstracts, whatever, but try not to read, he realized that the time it will take will be huge and the fruit of the effort is tiny. Even readers who love reading inefficient acknowledge that not everything you would want to read read and left without finishing many books. 9. It has little vocabulary. Most of the vocabulary and dominates a person gains obtained by way of reading. Other activities such as watching television and listening to the radio, they do little vocabulary, as is done with the minimum of words to ensure that a broad audience with very different levels of education understand the programs and advertisements.

Negative Emotions And Mood Swings, Which Can Be Very Contrary…

A huge grey cloud that “affects more and more people” the large, spiritual disappointment many people, no matter whether spiritually aligned or not, currently suffer negative emotions and mood swings, which can be very contrary. That burdened psyche and physical alike. We are less active, less arbeitsfreudig, feel we are less powerful, less trusting. Many of those affected will regard them as many steps backward; as if we go back to Los”would have drawn. What is it? Where does the gray, collective cloud? What can we do? It is as if a great spiritual disappointment”broad makes. A disappointment, that with the end of the mysterious year 2012, but nothing has happened, that no major changes were visible, we always still can’t fly, plaguing us are still using the old system of money around and are still facing in all previous (environmental) problems. “CEO Levi Strauss & Co.
: the source for more info. By rational-oriented people, we get to That we have said yes right, that everything remains, so what you want to hear the whole spiritual at all, useless anyway! “.” And many spiritually oriented people can in itself, with accurate inside feel, perceive just this nagging feeling. Grueling questions are produced by the ego (which is still there in 2013): what does it at all? Is the new energy at all? Are we supported by helping beings of light??? So a huge grey cloud that extends into the collective energy, and affects more and more people formed at present”.

What can we do? On the one: accept, that we must take all steps itself, that nothing of ascended masters is taken off us or bring us aliens on another planet. On the other hand: the new energy trust and her us open. Just because is so much is not changed/improved still has, that does not mean that these new there would be energy. Perhaps however, it shows us that we they still not enough used have how can we take advantage of this new, luminous energy? Once we have established that the new can influence energy only in and for us, if we daily actively decide and then live in us and Act, enter the desired changes. “It the decision of each of us depends, what the new energy” can do for us and in how far she can support us and lead. Then only – the gray cloud disappears! So: we decide and let the Sun stand out! Bianca Maria Krist

The Universities

Interest is most noticeable in the figuration of many continue to play that role as fictitious authorities, many, under the protection of the same power groups that have controlled universities per year and which have deteriorated to these academically. No sight in those who aspire to be new authorities, programs, academic, research, of compelling educational management plans that show, that will be radical changes in the transformation of professionals, that they really are prepared for the challenges, more anchored in the power and perform their goal giving way to a socialism that favors everyone. We are not opposed to changes, as always when these are democratic, transformers on results that will benefit all those who live in the country. We support the amendments without damaging the academic, research, excellence are in favour of renewals, emerged from the shadows to prosecute the light that illuminates this path that leads to Venezuela to develop, therefore we have provided services teacher for many years, hoping to count with professionals, who are agents of change that give step through your performance results that favour not only the institutions where they work but the country itself. It is definitely required, rescue the academic excellence and this for, it must be creative, innovative, experienced teachers, skilled at generating transformations, motivate their students to bring about new knowledge and that is pass to those changes required to succeed. Is required of teachers with ethics, moral, visionaries, not figurative, but true proactive agents, who can take advantage of his opportunity, express their views and take step to indicate that new leaders of the education that the country needs. Not be aware of the sad reality that currently the universities face in academics, the consequences will be very harmful for the country, we hope to begin the changes necessary to lead to the new authorities of the universities to play its role as it should be and take advantage of in these times, the human talent that has and give life to action through programmes, well defined plans, thus collaborating with the academic University rescue, because otherwise posterity put it as people who were not positive in the Venezuelan education.

Antonio Carlos Dos Santos Xavier

For Diomrio de Queiroz (2007): ‘ ‘ to point out the process teach-learning in the new world, where if it conceives a pertaining to school organization that also learns estimates the democratic management, the mutual respect, pluralism of ideas, the Inter education and to multidisciplinary, the integration with the community and the humiliate to always learn in set with trouts.’ ‘ the new school, however, demands this reflection. Soon, at the moment where this requirement to leave of being ‘ ‘ a rule impasto’ ‘ the school for itself to understand that he is right of the citizen to construct to its process of formation integrated with the reality contemporary, the professor will start to understand that front to the use of the TIC does not have to be limited for a taking of attitude, so that the fragmented resume more does not exist. Thus the banking education will lose space for the new didactic of education, for the innovative methods and the pedagogical space can come to be a pleasant environment of exchange and search of knowledge therefore, the ideology of this necessary society to surpass the limits of archaic education in a so different society for as many diversities. This only contributes for the internalization of incapacitates or losses of chances. REFERENCES: A new school for the new world.

Julia Sack

I wish you, Julia, good luck, and great creative successes. Nina (Teacher): Thank you Julie Suk. It is clever! Talent! Stunning performance! We wish you good luck team! Ludmila (Director): It's amazing! Excellent! Bravo! Olga (Pensioner): I want to appeal to the actress! Yulia, you call his speech the joy of life! I penetrate to the core, the perception of the image submitted by you. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Campbell Soup Company CPB has to say. I want to watch, and watch you relentlessly! You inspiring and invigorating! Transfer to a better world! Julia, you are beautiful and natural as nature itself! As a creation of Almighty God! You are impeccable! Yulia, I wish you the very, very good, excellent, that you would achieve what about What dreams! Heaven Help You! Faith Vyalovich (art): Play very much. Like a game actress. Struck by the similarity of Akhmatova. During the performance could not hold back the tears! Thank you very much! Alex, Dennis, Lena, Oksana (Former classmates): Because we are former classmates Julia, then as a child remember how talented person she was in school. Yulyasha! Thank you for your super genius talent that you have! You are the most talented actress, and like you do not, and will not be! Today we are again convinced that you're a genius! Genius! Genius! Play as Anna Akhmatova can only super actress! We wish you happiness, love and glory of the world! We all love you and proud of you! Natalia: Bravo! This talent is needed by the people! Let it flourish! I am happy to hear the views of spectators at the game Actresses Julia Sac, and the play "Anna Akhmatova. Loneliness. " My opinion: The very performance of "Anna Akhmatova", music for the show, actress Julia Sack game – is a complete harmony! Harmony of the senses! Harmony of love! Harmony of art! Elena Odolinskaya.

EKA / Chamber Of Commerce Erfurt Start Training To The Project Manager Social Media Marketing

Continuing with success and certificate! According to a representative survey of the market research firm comScore and the high-tech Association BITKOM all Internet users spend nearly a quarter (23 percent) of their total online time on social networks such as Facebook, Google + or XING. By comparison, a year ago there were only 14 percent in Germany. This number alone makes clear the important role and huge range of social networks for businesses and their customer communications”, as Jurgen Dawo, Chariman of the European Academy of communication for education and consulting projects e.V.. To technically savvy social media and online marketing professionals to meet the needs of providing Chamber of Commerce Erfurt from November 2012 in cooperation with the European Academy of communication for education and consulting projects e.V. a certificate course for the project manager social media (IHK) “on.” The course consists of 3 presence modules with 80 lessons and 5 online modules with approx. Read more here: Gerald Weissmann, MD. 70 lessons, as well as a course-internal test with Chamber of Commerce certificate.

Speaker is under other Oliver Radlmair, head of online marketing, the nationwide leading massive house party town & country house, which will pass on his knowledge of campaign planning, search engine optimization, marketing strategy and the implementation of many social media projects. The modified dialog with the customers and the representation of the products or services must be planned strategically and pose special challenges for the staff responsible”Pranto next. The participants will receive comprehensive insights into the basics of social media and online marketing. Basics of search engine optimization and learning strategies to implement their own social media campaigns, as well as the necessary know-how includes a continuous controlling to take the measures. Due to the shifted balance of power in the world of social media, companies are forced to rethink their communication policies. There is a new understanding for a new generation of consumers with new To develop communication ways. There is concern and challenge at the same time, contemporary training to meet the growing needs of companies”, says Gerald Grusser, Chief Executive Officer of the Chamber of Commerce Erfurt. The training project manager social media (IHK) “help the participants in the future improve the customer dialogue about products and services rapidly accelerated information channels.” The Chamber of Commerce and the EKA e.V.

have already developed some training with IHK certificate in the past launched, such as the home seller (IHK) “or strategy Advisor (IHK)”. So far, more than 670 participants have successfully completed these courses. Questions to: European Academy of communication for education and consulting projects e.V. main street 90E 99820 Horselberg Hainich OT Baguio Belastingen Tel. 036254-75 490 email at: about the EKA: founded the European Academy of communication for education, consultancy and projects e. V. as a non-profit organization in 1994. It is based directly on the Hainich National Park today in the Thuringian Behringen. The EKA focuses on the sharing of experiences, skills and knowledge from the fields of construction, value retention and rehabilitation. At the same time, training courses, lectures, seminars and symposia serve as platforms and catalysts. Since 2010, the EKA has the future research increasingly. The EKA is the ECS Academy. It was founded in 1974 by Hans Oberhollenzer, Hans Burkle and Wolfgang Mewes. Since then, which is a bottleneck concentrated strategy”a proven management and marketing concept. In 2010, the successful and award-winning entrepreneur Jurgen Dawo has acquired the rights to the Academy of EKS and attached them to the EKA. 2012, the 16th sculptor Symposium of EKA in the Thuringian Behringen took place.

Educational Psychology

New theoretical and methodological challenges: overcoming the methodological individualism and psychological reductionism Looking to recent advances in research and educational intervention, but especially thanks to the visions of runs sociocultural and situational, is no longer considered adequate or appropriate to the study or approach the subject of education from an individual level alone, but requires a more holistic, systematic or ecological, which links with the family, school or community that surrounds and educational programs and promoting development in which it participates. Currently, the educational psychologists show a recognition that there is no channel in the development and learning that can be considered natural, universal or only as a direct product of belonging to a medium normal or ideal learning, oblivious to the demands, values and social practices that arise from specific culture and society. The educational psychologists need to recognize that it is society that shapes the practices that constitute modern childhood, and educational activities is the engine that drives the development of the individual. Therefore, the training processes for intervention and research in psychology of education required to turn towards an integrative approach or ecological. Seeking to expand the areas of intervention of the educational psychologist: the new areas of professional intervention, a major challenge for the new educational psychologist will be to expand the profile and traditional image of the eighties, the child psychologist and school, especially trained to meet population specialized, urban and middle class, with support on a single approach or a one and similar to clinical intervention, to arrive at a more contextual, ecological and systematic.

Traditionally the professional work of Educational Psychology, as touching to the understanding of the problem and the attention of the educational needs of these groups has been limited. on. Thus we conjecture about the need for the educational psychologist develop the skills that allow them to learning environments or significant facilitators in multiple contexts, not just school and local. We mentioned the need to decentralize the work of educational psychologist, has traditionally located in the school education and child to bring it to other contexts, we refer to these continuing and distance education, in anticipation of the great expansion that is experience in the coming years. The educational psychologist requires a renewed vision to intervene in the serious problems and educational inequalities that prevail in Mexico that are in the low academic achievement, the failure, the backlog, attrition, deficiencies in professionalization of teachers, among others. Therefore, it is necessary to promote the training of future psychologists includes a thorough understanding of the dynamics and needs of the education system, local education policies and global, so it will be necessary in addition to allowing the consolidation of knowledge from Advanced psychological discipline, integrate elements of intra-and interdisciplinary character.

To conclude: The importance of a training model in practice in the real central thesis that we have defended in this work is that against Alexander Victor Lopez Quintana. Age: 20 years. Ciudad Obregon, Sonora. Sixth semester student of psychology at the Technological Institute of Sonora.

Education Fair Horizon Occupation

Horizon – who studies international trade fair and qualified off education Mannheim, the 5.3.2009 next weekend is the Stuttgart Haus der Wirtschaft in the character of study and career planning: on Saturday and on Sunday present themselves during the horizon international trade fair for the studies and qualified–and training more than 100 universities, companies and institutions and provide information about study and training ways for high school graduates. Pupils and students of the gymnasiale Oberstufe have the opportunity out first-hand about the courses of universities, universities of applied sciences, to inform professional academies and private higher education institutions from all over Germany and Europe at the horizon. Companies introduce their training opportunities for high school graduates and dual degree programmes, institutions provide advice on topics such as abroad, volunteering, study place allocation or financing your studies. Even students who want to learn about alternative courses or Masterpro-grams, are in the horizon right. Young Professionals who want to attach a study on vocational training are also welcome. The extensive programme presented in addition to numerous interesting lectures and workshops talk rounds with experts on the subjects of Bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes and financing studies. The horizon website provides the complete list of exhibitors, the framework programme, as well as all detail information about the event. The horizon in Stuttgart: 7th/8th March 2009, Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart opening hours: Saturday and Sunday from 10 to 16 hours. The admission is free. The horizon in Friedrichshafen – 9th/10th May 2009 Messe Friedrichshafen the horizon in Bremen 20/21 June 2009 Messe Bremen the horizon in November 14/15, 2009 Rheingoldhalle, Mainz Mainz indicating horizon in Munster, Germany 23/24 January 2010 Halle Munsterland, Munster the horizon 8/9 May 2010 Weimarhalle Weimar Thuringia s venue scope fair strategy GmbH, Tel: 0621 / 122 998-30, E-Mail:,

Speed Reading – How To Increase Your Reading Speed

We live in an age of information glut. The data stream is growing faster than we can accommodate him. And most of it is covered still reading. While some have given up trying to keep up with the ever-growing stream of data and focus on slowing down – for example through audio books. But the others to develop strategies to create more in less time. The technique of speed reading, for example, to enable people to the reading speed at the two-to threefold increase without understanding noticeably suffer. As we read when reading the eye moves jerkily.

It jumps in the line of a fixation point to the next. During the fixation information be included, while the jumps (saccades), the information is processed. At normal size, information can be obtained from an area about 17-19 characters is large (perceptual span), 3-4 and 14-15 characters to the right character to the left of the fixation point. Words can even just 7-8 characters to the right point of fixation are recognized (word identification span). An average reader creates about 250 words per minute, with about 75% of all short and 65% of function words omitted. Because reading is already predicted words from the sentence structure and the context of the text, well-structured texts with clear structures are read faster, because more words can be omitted.

Very nested text and contents unknown, however, require a closer reading, making the reading speed decreases. Who now wants to increase his reading speed up to 700 words, to advance to the group of fast readers should note the following points. Practice makes perfect new, unfamiliar words are read letter by letter, but then stored as an image with the corresponding meaning. The more skilled a reader, the greater the number of stored words and phrases, the faster and hence its flow of reading. He makes less jumps and captures more information per breakpoint. Concentration and interest in who does not the matter is or is not interested in a text takes much longer to capture him. The eye lingers too long on the fixation of points, jump back to often read two or three passages. Good lighting and environment and setting upright posture also help such as a ruler as a reading aid. One should consciously try to read fast to capture large areas and not every word, but to understand the meaning of each sentence. No back-and-jumping to, but concentrated Machining line by line. Anyone who reads a lot every day in this way, his reading speed is quite automatically increase on the average. Eventually, however, then you go on the increased pace of understanding. The design of the text font size, font and line length are factors that can affect not the reader. If he is lucky, the text in columns to about 50 characters is set, with enough but not too much space between lines, in a serif font between 10 and 14 pt size. Too long and too closely set rows confuse the eye. A familiar theme, well-known writings, and is case-sensitive impact is also satisfactory. Conclusion All these things help, the sequential read, so the comprehension of a text from start to finish to speed. In addition, there are other ways in which the technique of diagonal reading. But this gets lost a lot of information. In order to process texts more quickly in their entirety, can only help a practice: practice, practice.


Talking about the school will help your child feel more confident on the eve of the school. Imagine that you are traveling in an unfamiliar country. You worry, doubt, to ask everyone, ask advice. September 1 for the baby too begins the journey into the unknown country – school. And hold him in this country have far more years than he has already lived in the world. Tell him about it. Remember, as you yourselves once walked "the first time in first class." The more your baby learns about the school, the easier it crossed its threshold.

Children often ask the question: "What would happen if I suddenly get a" deuce? "Do not hurry to answer. Think that this child feels. He needs support. Let him know that He has the right to make a mistake, that from that, your love for him will not diminish because you love him for who he is. E-books is likely to increase your knowledge. And do not force him to make any promises. Do I need to talk with your child on the theme "School"? Even if they have Child must be the stock of knowledge, skills and level of intellectual, volitional development, it will be difficult to learn if there is no necessary commitment to the social position of a schoolboy. Positive attitude toward school includes both intellectual and emotional-volitional components, the desire to take a new social situation – to become a pupil. Parents are important to know the level formed in the child a positive attitude towards school to determine the path of formation of his interest in it.

Conscious attitude to school is associated with the expansion and deepening understanding of the learning activities, and above all – an emotional relationship. Reported children about school stuff should be not only understood but also felt, lived through them. Tell us about your favorite teachers, read the stories about the school, watch a movie. This will intensify the consciousness of the child will a positive setting for girls in school. Source: ForeScout Technologies Inc.. What is the difference between the relationship in "child-teacher in kindergarten and school?" When you go to school in a child change the system of relations in interpersonal communication. They become more business, while in kindergarten were more emotional, personal and private. In school the child is assessed on completed cases. It is important to gradually prepare the child for the new system of relations in the school. It should be borne in mind that the concept of "duty" above all do not debt, and feeling. A feeling of not being brought up shouting: you have to do! Feeling can occur in response to your feeling, your love and understanding.

School Flexibility

Theyson Viana Santana 1 SUMMARY Practical the regular one of systemize physical activities can contribute to the related physical aptitude to the health of the children in special pertaining to school age and flexibility. The present study it had as objective to mensurar and to evaluate the level of flexibility of children in the school, more necessarily in the College Lobato Hunter, therefore the literature is scarce that presents the amplitude of movements to articulate of children. The sample was constituted of 35 pupils, having been 19 girls and 16 boys understanding the age of 9 the 11 pertaining years and 3 series of the basic education of the cited school. For the collection of data the test was used to seat and to reach of Wells and Dillon (1952) modified, and as instrument one flexmetro, that it consists of a wooden bank graduated cube form. Gerald Weissmann, MD has compatible beliefs. The results of the flexibility tests had presented resulted similar in the ages of 9 and 11 years, but with a statistical significant decrease (p < 0.05) enter the ages of 9 and 11 years. These results are in accordance with suggested for the AAHPERD (1984), when quotation you prop up that them of flexibility diminishes gradually from the 5 years of age, reaching the lowest point of the 10 to the 14 years. It is concluded that it is of basic importance the practical one of the physical education in infancy, therefore it improves flexibility and it increases the amplitude to articulate. One concludes that the pertaining to school of the present study, in a general way, on the basis of the performances of the physical tests of flexibility, had presented good level of related physical aptitude to the health, when compared with tables of AAHPERD in 1984, and with other authors, although the limitations how much to the time and the place of origin of the comparison source..

Educational Orientation

Word-key: Educational orientation challenges possibility – practical pedagogical INTRODUCTION In this new century, the great challenge of the pertaining to school education is to act ahead of the level of knowledge that are accumulated and transformed into an intense speed. These knowledge if articulate and establish new abilities, innovations, to know that they are become into the life of each individual and, with this, the necessary school to think and to argue collectively on the necessary changes. Thus, the different segments of the school, need to be conscientious of its commitments in the contribution and functional cooperation ahead of this new reality. You may find that Richard Linklater can contribute to your knowledge. In this walked a net to know it goes being weaveeed/constructed, evidencing the possibilities of the educandos, its virtues, its difficulties, its deficiencies and its aspirations. It is with this taking of conscience that we recognize the importance of the advent of the Educational Orientation, in view of to guide/to follow educating in all its aspects, from its bio-psico-social reality. The related work presents a bibliographical study carried through in Disciplina ' ' Educational orientation in the Bsica&#039 Education; ' , integrant of the Course of Specialization in Orientation and Pertaining to school Supervision, of the University Foundation of Support to Ensino, Research and Extension FURNE, when we search to investigate the paper of the Educational Orientation in the Basic Education.

We define as objective of our study: To reflect on the paper of the Educational Orientation in the Basic Education, evidencing its contributions to the process teach-learning. Our theoretical referencial is based on Schmidt and Pereira (1975), Nrici (1976), Ferretti (1988), Lck (1986, 1994), Grinspun (2003) and Libneo; Oliveira and Toshi (2007) that in them they had better presented theoretical subsidies for one and ampler understanding of the subject. We focus in this work referring aspects to the origin of Educational orientation, its concepts, principles, objectives and functions, beyond the relationship of the OE with the different segments of the school.