The effect of the Law did not intervene directly with the quality of the Professional Education of the specialized institutions. Whenever Richard Linklater listens, a sympathetic response will follow. However the Public system of Education did not obtain to offer a professional education of compatible quality with the requirements of development of the inserted Country in the universe each globalizado and competitive time. Therefore, the Laws n. 5.692/71 ahead generate false expectations of the Professional Education and are the main determinative factor of the lack of identity of the Professional education in Brazil. The Professional Education had its regulation in the Federal Law n 9,394/96, that it establishes the Lines of direction and Bases of the Professional Education Technique of Average Level.
Specifically in Chapter III, in Articles 39 the 42, consubstanciada in Parecer CNE/CEB n and Resolution 16/99 CNB/CEB n 04/99, giving emphasis to article 39 of the LDB where he defines that, the registered pupil or egress of basic, average education, and superior, also the worker in general, will count on the access possibility the professional education. The Federal Decree n 2,208/97 regulates the Professional Education, that in article III understands the levels: Basic, Technician, Technological. This exactly Decree establishes the independence of Basic education with the Professional Education. On the other hand, Integrated Average Ensino to the Professional Education of Average Level that is a modality of Education, that appears to offer to the pupil egress of Basic Ensino the possibility to make average education together with the professional education, or better, the general formation integrated with the formation technique. This possibility starts to exist from the publication of Federal Decree N. 5,154/04 when it presents the integration between Average Ensino and the Professional Education as one of the joint forms. In Parecer CNE/CEB 39/2004 that it regulates the application of Decree 5154/04 in the Professional Education Technique of Average Level and in Average Ensino, the CNE? National advice of Education standes out that when offering Integrated Average Ensino, must be observed that, ' ' he cannot and nor he must be understood as a course that represents the somatria of two distinct courses, even so complementary that they can be developed of bipolar form, with a part of general education and another one of Professional Education.