This work is based on three books of Ramon Gallegos: the education of the heart, communities of learning and education than the need humanity, also presents educational model multinivel-multidimension. Through them we can gain knowledge of what are the most fundamental guidelines to achieve better levels of consciousness based on a holistic learning, which is presented in this new educational paradigm. Points out Furthermore the process of evolution of consciousness and the corresponding educational paradigms, likewise describes the end of the dominance of the movement of educational quality that has made education a failure. It also presents a model of holistic educational evaluation. In addition, underlines the great importance of financial education in a spiritual context, everything in order to achieve an education holistic whose practice of auto spiritual realization, cultivate happiness, equanimity, compassion and love. The education of the heart. In this book Dr. Ramon Gallegos Nava us It presents twelve educational principles fundamental to holistas of 21st century schools, which can be used at all levels where it is through the practical spiritual integral.
so we return to a culture of universal brotherhood. It tells us that learner permits learning comprehensive and thus the evolution of consciousness. To do this you must start by transforming education institutions into learning communities. Holistic learning community is inclusive and applies both to educating students, as well as who is learning about his life, about yourself the educator. In the learning community are all students, it is a continuous process where learning is live and live is to learn as they educate for life and for the life. Integrated curriculum and people. Also that sustainable society is one that is compatible with the learning community holistic, forming human beings in balance with environmental awareness and compassionate attitude, that fight to improve the conditions of life in the future of the planet, developing siem0re the global awareness and global citizenship.