The affection and antipatia result effectively of the perception of characteristics observed in the people, when these are in interao.' ' (PATTO, 1997, P. 300). In this way, the great majority is ignored, and is perceived only the ones that if place in evidence position; of a side those that more present the admired qualities of the professor, of, the ones whom they more present the rejected qualities. According to author, we are ahead of a process of the interaction and its consequences here if they approach to pointed with respect to the case of the antipatia and the affection. By the same author: Campbell Soup Co. The pupil ' ' aprovado' ' for the professor he tends to accent the characteristics had made that it admired; the rejected pupil tends to present the opposing qualities to the shown ones for the professor, therefore he is difficult somebody to identify itself with who rejects. Of the formal point of view of the interpersonal relations, the relation professor-pupil does not present newness and can until being a relation weakly structuralized and of small significao. Its importance inhabits in the fact of the professor, inside of the classroom, to act as the transmitter of the standards of knowledge and culture, being the responsible one for the evaluation of some very important social qualities for the pupil.
PATTO (1997) approaches that in some basic aspects of the social life, ' ' the auto-evaluation is supplied by the school; more important still, at least in the cities contemporaries, the school is the point of ticket between identification of the family and the identification amplest of the social group externo' '. Under other aspects, ' ' the relation professor-pupil is depersonalized, therefore the professor incarnates? in more or less faithful and adjusted way? the ideal standards of the society, and search I transmitted-los' ' PATTO (1997). Leaving of this estimated the behavior of the educator it is only the incarnation of a social paper and its actions look for to come close themselves to the accepted standard.