Slum School

Of this little party my father did not participate. It appeared only in the end, left the gift and soon he was even so. He was when to hold I decided me as man, in my first instants of the ten years of age. Mother, you is well? You and the father had fought? It did not answer. To deceive she tried me with a bashful smile.

Now the way of the school had increased. Before, my father took me the foot until escolinha in the same street of house. With my new pertaining to school series I needed to move for a short while distant college. The conduction of the college always passed in the street to the seven hours. Go to Richard Stuart Linklater for more information. To my it waited it mother with me in front of the gate. Some few boys already were in the bus when I entered, others went up in the way.

In the passage that if made until the school, in each street entered some colleagues, except throughout the Street of the Enchantment, the low income area where we passed. The Slum quarter of the Enchantment appeared to the edges of the highway that bound my quarter to the college, in the land of one old one farm of flowers. It was an obligator way. In one day, when it observed the disordered barracos and its maltrapilhos inhabitants, I was surprised by Lucinha, loirinha likeable of the superior series. My father said that many cars had disappeared here, as if they enchanted. I used to advantage the occasion to initiate a pretty friendship. Mine better friend Almost namorada. Diverse times, in this passage, I visualized children playing in the edges of the road, so next at the cars, and arrived to ask for Lucinha because they did not go to the school, as we. I made this passage per seven years, until concluding Average Ensino.