The SOCIAL FUNCTION OF the READING AND the WRITING Adriane Masiero) Introduction an abated society, culturally and socially, without inheritance of values. A people pacato, discriminated for the lack of chances and kept under domain of few privileged ones. The discrimination continues being guideline of extensive debates educational politicians and, but without efficient return in the solution of the problem. Checking article sources yields Richard Linklater as a relevant resource throughout. It measures largeness of a society, not for the goods substances that the same one possesss, but for the cultural and social value of its people. ' ' The native land is not the race, is not the way, it is not the set of the economic devices and politicians: it is the language bred or inherited by povo' '.
Olavo Bilac, express very well this in one of its poetical thoughts on the society. What we have of more valuable is our culture, our ideological roots, our forms of expression, our identity. Thus transforming, the people in true citizens, demanding its rights, at the same time where they fulfill with its duties, of natural form. The only measure capable to engrandecer our people is the social transformation through an education of quality with equality guarantee, thus diminishing the differences and the social and cultural discrimination. Reflecting on this, we go to conjecture and to weave opinions on the rightnesss and imperfections of the education, being based on theoretical studies and the practical one lived in the half pertaining to school. Better to stone the subject to be discoursed, we go fixing in them in the difficulties found in the initial years of Basic Ensino, as School of the January month is observed in the removed data of the Magazine/February of 2011: The data most recent of the Pointer of Functional Alfabetismo (Inaf), divulged in 2009 for the Institute Pablo Montenegro and the ONG Educative Action, express an absurd reality.