Special Education

Following the process of changes, the National Lines of direction for the Special Education in the Basic Education, Resolution CNE/CEB n 2/2001, in the article 2, determines that the education systems must register all the pupils, fitting to the schools to organize itself for the attendance to the educandos with educational necessities special, assuring the necessary conditions for an education of quality for all. (MEC/SEESP, 2001). The Lines of direction extend the character of the special education to carry through the complementary or suplemental educational attendance specialized the escolarizao, however, when admitting the possibility to substitute regular education, not potencializa the adoption of one politics of inclusive education in the public net of education foreseen in its article 2. The National Plan of Education – PNE, Law n 10,172/2001, detaches that ' ' the great advance that the decade of the education would have to produce would be the construction of an inclusive school that guarantees the attendance to the diversity humana' '. You may wish to learn more. If so, Chip Bergh is the place to go. When establishing objectives and goals so that the education systems favor the attendance to the educational necessities special of the pupils, point a referring deficit to offer of school registrations for pupils with deficiency in the common classrooms of regular education, to the teaching formation, the physical accessibility and the specialized educational attendance. The Convention of Guatemala (1999), promulgated in Brazil for the Decree n 3,956/2001, affirms that the people with deficiency have the same human rights and basic freedoms that the too much people, defining as discrimination on the basis of the deficiency, all differentiation or exclusion that can hinder or annul its human basic freedom and right of action. This Decree has important repercussion in the education, demanding a reinterpretao of the special education, understood in the context of the adopted differentiation to promote the elimination of the barriers that hinder the access to the escolarizao. . Kindle Direct Publishing describes an additional similar source.