Spiritual Development

This pain develops the power of inner resistance that is condition indispensable for the spiritual development, and it forces to us to that we separate of the outside and we concentrate in the deepening of we ourself; it urges to look for advice, light and peace to us in our interior: it causes that we reveal ourselves against we ourself. Then For which whole what we see of negative way? , Why that pain stirs up to us, fills to us of rage and it pushes to us to cause the evil, to hate, or to the violence? Because we only accepted its worse face. Because we do not include/understand that in case does not have any force: it is only how we accepted it or we rejected, and what we allowed that does in us with us, which gives the power him to affect to us. The same thing can bring about a null suffering or a tragic earthquake following whom, and how it receives, it. The acceptance of the lesson that brings the suffering, and of the pain that causes, allows that it is diluted, and that later it appears and serenity settles, a sincere peace and an pleasant sensation of to have included/understood education. Our suffering puts to us in contact with the suffering of the fellow and it allows us to include/understand to them better, to be able to welcome and to help to them them with greater empathy It can have " pain espiritual"? Without a doubt. It is not a physical pain, although it would be possible to be gotten to somatizar, nor is located in a concrete point of the organism. It is a sensation that annihilates, a sorrow of unknown origin, an inconsolable sadness is a pain that is in the spirit; it is our divine nature that warns to us that something does not go or, and although we try to silence it with gifts or promises, distractions or denying it, continues pronouncing itself with insistence, luckyly, without stopping until we do case to him.