Student Direction

In October of 2003, the Statute of the Aged one was approved, contends some chapters on attendance entities, defining requisite, principles, responsibility for the fiscalization and penalties. Already in September of 2005, the Resolution of the Direction Student body? RDC n 283 approves the regulation technician of the ILPI? s. Biscotte (2008) quotation that the SBGG? SP defines the ILPI? s as: Establishments for the institucional integral attendance, whose white public is people of 60 years and more, independent dependents or, who do not make use of conditions to remain with the family or in its domicile. These institutions, known for diverse denominations? shelter, asylum, home, house of rest, geriatrical clinic and ancianato? they must provide services in the social, medical, psychological area, of nursing, fisioterapia, occupational therapy, odontologia, and in other areas, as necessities of this etrio segment. He is well-known that the incorporation of all these requirements is not easy, therefore many times, these institutions do not present adequate physical structure, beyond not making use of number enough of staff and to be precarious its material resources for the attendance of its clientele. The nursing services as integrant part of the health organizations, come perceiving the necessity of education, training and update for its staff due to technological and scientific evolution, in the direction to improve the practical ones of the nursing. An institution to reach its goal and objectives is necessary to have professional able and competent. One of the strategies so that this occurs is the education of the employee in its workstation, that is one of the ways facilitadores for the transformation of the potential of the employee in objective actions, beyond to offer conditions, so that it interprets and it uses the reality that the fence (BUENO and BERNARDES, 2010). Silva and Seiffert (2009), affirm that in the health services, the educative processes aim at to the development of the professionals for a series of activities generically called of qualifications, training and emergenciais or prompt courses, structuralized and continuous.