“Co-founder of the Stefan Morsch Foundation goes to retire October 1 the Stefan Morsch Foundation would be a ship, it should say: the tax woman goes by the Board.” “” Tina Morsch, the 1986 along with her husband Emil, who founded Birkenfeld Foundation as a help for leukemia and cancer sufferers, retires: time see what life brings so “, says the head of the” human resources and Office Manager of the charity. The Stammzellspenderdatei in Birkenfeld was initially only a small rescue boat for leukemia sufferers: founded and named after the death of the son of Stefan Emil and Tina started rotten, to inform the registry of unrelated donors in Germany. A procedure which belongs yet completely unknown in Europe at the time but today was the standard repertoire in the treatment of Leukemia patients. The first European bone marrow of a foreign donor has been delegated Stefan was rotten. When children at the end of the 70s became ill from leukemia, then that meant for more than the statistically Half of the death sentence. Today, the survival rate rose to 90 percent, shows a study by the University of Oxford in 2005.
This pioneering work is involved in the Foundation, which has transformed itself from a nutshell to the Seenotrettungskreuzer with a 62-member team. This team ensures that every day at least one or two patients will get a chance to be cured. Hiltrud Maka and her husband Emil captain and tax woman of this vessel that has become part of a worldwide networked rescue system for Leukemia patients. Tina is an unwavering rotten. “It always has been: when her son was ill with leukemia, she made hot hell doctors and nurses, when she had the feeling that the supply of young patients something runs not optimally.” This is a fighter – even today when it comes to that patient and unrelated get what’s coming to them.