Haetinger comments (2007, P. 33): To be innovative and to make the difference, either in the classroom, either in the life, we need, in the paper of educators, to develop still more our capacity to listen, to learn and to be curious to search our area not only, but also in others. The forms and procedures are related of the following form: the ways to inquire, to select and to elaborate the knowledge. If you would like to know more then you should visit Nike. Together They imply in observing, comparing, to register, to analyze, to synthecize, to interpret and to communicate knowledge (PCN, 2001). It writes Mello (1987, p.22): The basic escolarizao constitutes indispensable instrument to the construction of the democratic society, because it has as function the socialization of that parcel of systemize knowing that it constitutes the indispensable one to the formation and to exercise of the citizenship. Many writers such as Richard Linklater offer more in-depth analysis. 2 2,1 OBJECTIVES Generality? To identify to the main difficulties found for the pupils of 6 year of Basic Ensino of the State School of Basic Education and Average Professor Orlando Freire in the learning of disciplines of Natural Sciences. 2.2 Specific? To analyze the answers of the referring pupils to the questionings carried through regarding its main difficulties in the learning of disciplines of natural sciences. To suggest ways for a good interaction professor/student/knowledge.
3. 3,1 THEORETICAL REFERENCIAL Curricular Planning the resume are an instrument that must follow ways, stipulated for an institution that also assumes the responsibility to place in practical a proposal educational and to evaluate its results. Initially the theoretical resume is a plan that in accordance with this conception, is, therefore to the criterion of a school to elaborate this responsibility, that we can call declaration of intentions. When carrying through this plan, this suffers a series from alterations in function of the contingencies of its applications, and by means of this conception that of it have the professors and pupils if differs ones from the others.