Basic Education

Haetinger comments (2007, P. 33): To be innovative and to make the difference, either in the classroom, either in the life, we need, in the paper of educators, to develop still more our capacity to listen, to learn and to be curious to search our area not only, but also in others. The forms and procedures are related of the following form: the ways to inquire, to select and to elaborate the knowledge. If you would like to know more then you should visit Nike. Together They imply in observing, comparing, to register, to analyze, to synthecize, to interpret and to communicate knowledge (PCN, 2001). It writes Mello (1987, p.22): The basic escolarizao constitutes indispensable instrument to the construction of the democratic society, because it has as function the socialization of that parcel of systemize knowing that it constitutes the indispensable one to the formation and to exercise of the citizenship. Many writers such as Richard Linklater offer more in-depth analysis. 2 2,1 OBJECTIVES Generality? To identify to the main difficulties found for the pupils of 6 year of Basic Ensino of the State School of Basic Education and Average Professor Orlando Freire in the learning of disciplines of Natural Sciences. 2.2 Specific? To analyze the answers of the referring pupils to the questionings carried through regarding its main difficulties in the learning of disciplines of natural sciences. To suggest ways for a good interaction professor/student/knowledge.

3. 3,1 THEORETICAL REFERENCIAL Curricular Planning the resume are an instrument that must follow ways, stipulated for an institution that also assumes the responsibility to place in practical a proposal educational and to evaluate its results. Initially the theoretical resume is a plan that in accordance with this conception, is, therefore to the criterion of a school to elaborate this responsibility, that we can call declaration of intentions. When carrying through this plan, this suffers a series from alterations in function of the contingencies of its applications, and by means of this conception that of it have the professors and pupils if differs ones from the others.


Carriers of partial subnormal vision (low vision) visual Acuidade of 0,05 to the 0,3, in both the eyes, with the best possible optic correction. The educative process will be developed for half appearances despite it is necessary the use of resources specific. I am citing only the existence of this item, because in this article, I will not work with the subnormal or partial vision. Participants: Description of the citizens of the case study Subject to: young woman of 24 years, congenital blind person, until that moment was participant of the group of dance of the PUCC of Campinas, with the Profa. Mari Gndara. that had slight knowledge of hall dance. One is about a well independent person in its daily activities, as for example, to wash ware, to make food, to clean the house, she works in telecommunications in Campinas and is married. Subject B: gentleman of 50 years, congenital blind person, participated for the first time of a work of development with hall dance.

She is physiotherapist pensioner of the Unicamp and also he had a related work the dance with the Jazz, and theater, and he did not have slight knowledge of hall dance previously. He has much muscular resistance, has space notion clearly. He presented estereotipados movements to balance the hands and the body, for reason to work as physiotherapist throughout some years. It always walked with the cane aid, and when it was in some place familiar, or supported for the colleagues it excused to the cane aid, using only the tateamento or aid of responsible. Procedure the used procedure for the group was through the six points spread for the body (shoulders, ilaca crest and knees) to develop activities related to the corporal choreographic composition, through the rhythm, using some musical instruments, such as rattle, coconut to mark the rhythm. In the two cases they had been also carried through education/learning of the dance, was developed exercises, with bases techniques of dance, and steps of hall dance.

The Difficulty

to the P2? ' ' … If you would like to know more then you should visit Kindle Direct Publishing. Falar in inclusion of special carriers of necessities is not only to say that the pertaining to school vacant is guaranteed, is necessary to assure quality of education. You are welcome he goes to advance the necessity carrier to be in a school bank if it does not go to have chance to learn as the too much pupils. The true inclusion is in the guarantee of learning, and learning of qualidade' '. We can perceive that this definition brings again to tona, the guarantee of the learning, that was cited above as one the controversial subjects concerning the process of inclusion of PPEE in the regular net of education. to the P3? ' ' …

I do not know very. But I find that it would be the process of adequacy of the education net so that thus can offer to an education adjusted for the carrying pupils of educational necessities especiais' '. Now we observe a conception that takes in consideration a primordial factor in this process of inclusion, that says respect to the structure of the schools, subject this that deserves much attention to if arguing the process of inclusion of PNEE in the regular net of education. to the P4 — ' ' … Is a complicated half thing, but for what I could understand it says respect to the access of pupils PNEE the said school ' ' normal' ' , of one it forms conscientious, with all possible support so that if it guarantees the learning and evolution of the pupils. The guarantee of the learning is perceived again as important condition in the inclusion process. In relation if to feel prepared to work with groups who possess PNEEs, all had said that not, and they had presented the following justifications: ' ' … Sincerely, not. Why? Because I saw in my experience the difficulty that I had, and I not yet I know to deal with pupils who have necessities especiais' '.

The Ambient Education

The AMBIENT QUESTION the incessant search for the generation and commercialization of wealth has taken the humanity to a great ambient crisis, which if has alarmingly aggravated, (Santana, 2005). Although the technological development has proportionate advances in the society, at the same time, this has alavancado ambient problems and risks that compromise quality of life of the current and future generations. The concern with the protection of the environment increased in last the thirty years, the point of the majority of the countries to have enclosed the ambient guardianship in its Constitutions and created specific legislaes in the attempt to reach a sustainable development for the nations. Ahead of this, the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 if configures as one of the most evolved in the ambient guardianship and foresees in its text, beyond other measures directed for the guarantee of an ambient balance, the accomplishment of a massiva ambient education in all the education levels and the public awareness for the preservation of the environment. In this context, we can analyze until point the ambient education can contribute for the viabilizao of a sustainable and democratic development, in view of that civil engineering is large-scale consumer of the natural resources. Through the influence of the ambientalistas movements organized and of the agreement of that the environment is a basic legally protected interest for the guarantee of the life in the planet, the constitutional legislator included a special chapter in the Federal Constitution of 1988 on the integral protection of the environment, as well as disposals on the subject in several other tickets constitutional. The Ambient Education was enclosed in the Brazilian normative system first through Law 6,938/81 that it turns on the National Politics of the Environment and, later, in the Great Letter (Article 225, 1, VI), charging the public power of the promotion of the ambient education in all the education levels, as well as of the awareness of the collective for the active participation in the ambient guardianship. . .

Multicultural Education

In this agreement, Duncum reaffirms that some aspects of visualidade, that if they relate as we look at, we see, we contemplate, we look, we aim, we observe, we testify, we examine, we glimpse, we look at of glance, we watch, we observe and we see indistinctly the world, are particularly excellent for the construction of the representation of the knowledge. It discloses to a necessity for an additional exploration of the concepts of the communication and cultural representation of the visualidade. Freedman (2003) expands this in case that presented for Duncum, still more, when promoting the education of the visual culture, attributing special attention to the vision, to the felt interpretation and the construction of by means of images. One of the principles norteadores is that the students make arts, locate the historical and cultural contexts, the values and the concepts of the arts and, equally, make judgments on them. More information is housed here: FireEye Inc. Already the Education Multicultural de Artes searchs to promote, by means of the cultural conscience of the art, equal chances to learn and to promote individual and social the identity. Art/multiculturalistas educators affirm that the subjects that if relate to the diversity in the society, culture and identity are incorporated in practical the artistic ones. Thus, the art must be seen as a privileged place for the learning of social studies and also it must be used to extend the knowledge of subjects, as the etnocentrismo, esteretipos of representation, the discrimination, racism, among others. In 1967, Chapman argued that if the art education is not capable to move, ' ' of if opening to the new interpretations of our papers and the cambiante character of the hearing we run the risk to be seduced for the echo of our proper voices in a theater without audincia' ' (P. 20). The Institutions of Ensino Superior (IES) had reached an enormous qualitative complexity of its pupils.

Mathematics Education

The education of the mathematics, currently, comes being carried through of a desmotivadora form, as a ready and accurate science that demands of the pupil a fantastic memory, where most of the time is finished losing true the sensible one of the mathematics. Having this in sight, this research appears that presents a proposal of use of practical alternatives for the education of the mathematics in schools of basic level, associate to the rescue of efficient procedures of the past and the techniques that facilitate the accomplishment of calculations. Gerald Weissmann, MD is a great source of information. Inside of this proposal also they are inserted activities focadas in the mathematical learning of more significant character and motivador to the pupil, becoming the education most pleasant in such a way for who teaches as for who it learns. Through a qualitative methodology, based in bibliographical research, it was possible to rescue practical, procedures and methods that had finished being ‘ ‘ esquecidos’ ‘ in elapsing of history, beyond techniques and macetes that they facilitate the calculations of the daily one, also ‘ ‘ magicians matemticas’ ‘ , being presented thus the professor can use them in its lessons to teach a mathematics of simpler and amused form, captivating the pupil for the true and abstract learning..

Young Education

It fits to stand out that all the education must contemplate diverse cultures joining the knowledge, the education and the aesthetic one. Nblega (1999, p.21) detaches that: It is in this context of the knowledge, aesthetic education and that the multiculturalismo idea gains force in the different cultural representations of the resume. The question of the multiculturalismo and the affirmation of the cultural identity, also presents a chance through the art, to think the relations between culture and education. Present the proposal in the University, part of the premise of that the education has as challenge the insertion of all the people, in all the areas of the knowledge. Deheinzelin (1996, p.16) authenticates that the school ' ' idade&#039 can be understood as the place of democratic access to the human knowledge for the people of any; '. Of this form the Young Education of Adult if has become a challenge for the UNICRUZ, that if engages in this educative project of quality, that has as principles norteadores: the reading of the reality, the collective participation, the construction of the knowledge, the experience of values and the resume to interdisciplinar. From it if it constructs research situations, analysis and systematization that will start to contribute for the qualification of the education directed toward the type of cited pupil already, leading in consideration that this pupil carries obtains ways, aesthetic demarcated and credited by its experience of life in the society, the familiar seio and the scope of its profession. The specific reality, knowing, the varied experiences, the traditions, the duties, the obligations and the sociocultural heterogeneidade of each one of these pupils, consist in one stimulate for the professor. However, it fits to stand out that, at the same time that it will be acting from the understanding of the pupil, it must look for to tame the universe of its pertaining to school community making possible to this pupil the knowledge and the understanding of other realities.