And although, with some success, in general there was agreement that this knowledge should be located in the last or before last year’s race, is not always worked on fundamental issues on which all subject, should be based is to say: what is teach?, how do you teach? and what do you teach?. From there until a few years ago was not strange to take a program of any University and verify that the thematic axes of the same were a sort of civil law course, summarized and accelerated with some references to the laws of hospitality and travel agencies. Nothing more contradictory or away from the content, skills and assessments that the learner should incorporate in this stage of his training. The underlying idea seems to have been: there should be a matter of law, we do not know how or why; which content the Attorney who handed down it to put it and that’s how we have seen the absurdity of seeing tourism students trying to elucidate the degree of the cardholders right within a complex succession, or questioning the differences between divorce and the separation of fact and other lindeces by style. Click E-books to learn more. The experience, thus raised, others are saying it has proved frustrating for everyone. It is not difficult to think that this problem would have been avoided if they had been taken as reference similar and already proven pedagogical experiences; as for example the teachers of law within careers in economics and vice versa that long ago they had work overcoming obstacles for the sake of an integrating vision. The law is not a panacea that will solve all the ills of the sector, however tempers them, modulate them, channeled them and in this sense, because it is a cross-cutting activity as is the Tourism, good is that the matter is at the end of the academic training. .