The horizontalidades will be the domnios of the proximity, of those neighboring places congregated by a territorial continuity, while the social uprights would be formed by distant points ones of the others, on for all the forms and processes. (SAINTS, 1998.p.16) CONCLUSION Of this form, the territorializao of Half-Barren Northeastern, basically presents the habitual desertificaes that can be characterized by the lack, insufficience, high space and secular variability of rains. For the sequence of years followed of it dries, intensely conditioning the regional collective through the environment, to continue to necessarily live especially of entailed economic activities to agriculture and the cattle one. Looking for always to carry through the best possible application of the favorable natural species, supported in metodolgicos beddings, using in the extension of the cases, traditional technologies. Although the urbanization happened in recent years for the capital craft of its force of work through the farming one. The agrarian structure well is centered, despite the number of small establishments or units of familiar farming is grown. Recognizing that ambiently, great part of ground if displays very it degrades in function of the climatic vulnerabilities of Half-Barren. For the insufficience of the hdricos resources and the raised levels of pollution of its waters, causing the flora and the fauna a great predatory action of the man.
Through the delicate ecosystems of the region, that are forsaken, threatening the survival of many vegetal and animal and creating impetuses to the occupation human beings, also pertinent species the methodology, in course, of desertificao. Being thus, with the new delimitation of the States that composes the Half-Barren Region, the knowledge of the diverse aspects of this region of the forms becomes necessary as it is a structuralized fraction of the territory. For composing a structure, the region has an identity that it admits to differentiate it of its entorno. For everything this, this regional originalidade makes possible its delimitation from the apprehension and of the especificidade that it dominates, for the lack of resources. For being a region, consequently, concrete, observvel and demarcated.
As fraction of the space, the region is diligent person, historically established and interacts all with social and the territorial one. Therefore, its internal characteristics are seated and determinative of this interaction.