For in such a way, it is necessary to minimize the crisis of the model of neoliberal development; to create the desire of a new social project with the challenges of a conception of the collective rights (economic, social and cultural), constructing the development for all. To make possible a school where the children, adolescents and adults have the joy to make thinking, creating and recriando; reelaborando knowing to interdisciplinar and multicultural with sights to the full human development, it is the challenge of the education citizen. SUBJECT: Methodology of education in Cheap the Magalhes School. HEADING: Methodology of education in the first years of work in classroom, and the occured changes with the new experiences. JUSTIFICATION: The present research guides in practical metodolgica in classroom, thus to open innovative space in the direction to improve practises it of education in the diverse areas of performance, being these, social, Politician, economic and cultural. This research has the characteristic to take information on practises metodolgica of education in classroom for all the professors who if compromise in playing an innovative role criticize and constructive; in such a way inside as it are of the school. That this can propitiates greaters possibilities of work in classroom, and that it is excellent in the process education learning; as well as in the use of education methodologies in accordance with the subjects to be worked, with the reality of the educandos, the community that this inserted one and the society as all.
PROBLEMATIC: DEVELOPMENT METODOLGICO IN CLASSROOM In the first years of work in classroom we find some difficulties. Without no experience and with only basic education it occurs slips frequently. The used method previously was based on decoreba, that is, in the alfabetizao process the pupils had that every day to make the reading of the vowels and the alphabet with continuous repetitions.