Magalhes School

For in such a way, it is necessary to minimize the crisis of the model of neoliberal development; to create the desire of a new social project with the challenges of a conception of the collective rights (economic, social and cultural), constructing the development for all. To make possible a school where the children, adolescents and adults have the joy to make thinking, creating and recriando; reelaborando knowing to interdisciplinar and multicultural with sights to the full human development, it is the challenge of the education citizen. SUBJECT: Methodology of education in Cheap the Magalhes School. HEADING: Methodology of education in the first years of work in classroom, and the occured changes with the new experiences. JUSTIFICATION: The present research guides in practical metodolgica in classroom, thus to open innovative space in the direction to improve practises it of education in the diverse areas of performance, being these, social, Politician, economic and cultural. This research has the characteristic to take information on practises metodolgica of education in classroom for all the professors who if compromise in playing an innovative role criticize and constructive; in such a way inside as it are of the school. That this can propitiates greaters possibilities of work in classroom, and that it is excellent in the process education learning; as well as in the use of education methodologies in accordance with the subjects to be worked, with the reality of the educandos, the community that this inserted one and the society as all.

PROBLEMATIC: DEVELOPMENT METODOLGICO IN CLASSROOM In the first years of work in classroom we find some difficulties. Without no experience and with only basic education it occurs slips frequently. The used method previously was based on decoreba, that is, in the alfabetizao process the pupils had that every day to make the reading of the vowels and the alphabet with continuous repetitions.

State University Valley

Research presented in disciplines of History of Brazil II, for the course of Licenciatura in History, the State University Valley of the Acara, given for the teacher Maria of the Aid Heifer. INTRODUCTION In the regencial period the Brazilian provinces had been marked by some popular revolts, also the old Province of the Parahyba, with the popular revolt ' ' Break; ' , agitating not only the Paraba as well as the provinces of: Pernambuco, Alagoas, Rio Grande of Norte and Cear. It had some reasons for the cause of this revolt, amongst them we can cite: the raised taxes, military conscription them services, that only convoked the poor persons and opponents to the government, the religious question that the Dom priest involved Vital that made front to the masonry, interditando the participation of maons in religious acts, having been imprisoned and the convict, priests use to advantage the chance to demand against the government therefore the church pass to support the revolt of the Break-kilos and against the advance of the capitalism the service of the structure of the metric system decimal. For 1870 return, the economy of the Paraba if found in full crisis due at the cost of the cotton and of the sugar it is in low. The taxes were charged on the old prices of the products, to complete, the government started to demand the fulfilment of an imperial law of 1862, instituted the metric system official decimal and weight. Until then, the measures known and used in accordance with the customs of each locality were the pole, cvado, fathom, handspan, fourth, cuia one, Canada, etc. To weigh, they used rocks, in corresponding volume the certain number of pounds or ounces. Everything this would have that to be substituted by kilogram, meter, liter, etc. The products alone could be commercialized with observance the measures and weights that the imperial government instituted established in the French metric system, who disregarded the law would pay heavy fine and would be punished with arrest of five the ten years.

Silk Road

The fact that the miracle of water-Iron Mountain known for a long time, no doubt. Discovered the most ancient settlements in the precincts of the modern city, the ruins of fortifications along the Silk Road on the mountain Razvalka, the remnants of an old wooden tub, found when clearing source "Gryaznushka" – all said to use mineral water to treat local people. And when here in 1810, came Dr. FP Haas, water found them in the shared source dripping stone bath. The first written mention of the sources of lead naturalist PS Pallas, seconded to the area Pyatigorje in 1793 by the Russian Academy of Sciences. In his report he mention of mineral springs, located between Beshtau and Iron. About them he had been told by locals and asserted that "between these sources of a mineral hot." In the late XVIII and early XIX century the area was Pyatigorje densely populated Kabardins, abazintsami and Nogais. And, of course, they knew about the existence of Mineral Waters Mountain Gooch-tau, but reluctantly showed them to researchers.

This could see Dr. Haas, who in his first visit in 1809 was not able to find the mysterious mineral keys. And the only immediate assistance in the following year Prince Ismail Bey Atazhukina, who personally led Haas through dense forest to the mountain Gooch-tau, which on its southern slope, and were identified three sources. "We arrived at the place at half past five – wrote Haas in his book" My Journey to Aleksandrov water "- and I immediately determined to taste and form small glandular source, that crossed our path.

The Best

Because as we saw a moment ago, decreasing the prices of the fuels the price of these products will decrease in the same proportion, so while some people say that the time of the forced diet has come the projections say otherwise, that if and as you consume with everything that must be done in moderation. Perhaps the biggest problem that will shed the global crisis will be unemployment affecting mainly workers of large multinationals, SMEs sectors will have the great opportunity of their lives, since the high costs of production and maintenance of labour of their giant competitors will decrease the supply of their products, so it is time to start to compete with quality, with affordable prices thanks to the reduction of that brand positioning. On the other hand, for those who arrived to losing their jobs, all is not lost, the world economy will recover after overcoming its crisis, so in the medium term everything will return to normal. Of course, if they decide to return to their companies, I say this because it is also the perfect opportunity to start own businesses, reasons 1 – the economic slowdown will lead banks to reduce their credit interest rates, so that if we need capital, we will be able to obtain it with low interest. 2 As the importation of manufactured products is declining there will be shortages of some products, if you have a good eye, the new employer may recognize which road to take to meet the demands of the market and begin to position your own company creating jobs and helping gradually to normalize the economic pace. You can also deliver the best in you as Chief, given your experience in your old job you will know that it is what he most likes in terms of treatment and chances of emerging a good worker, you will also learn to appreciate the opportunities and take advantage of them when they appear.