University Press

Then each time that we will be to a speech, in one beats papo, in an informal colloquy gives to attention what it is said, therefore ' ' fogo' ' as much can mean to shoot in somebody, to inform of a fire, as to be a simple form of speaking. exists innumerable examples of these and who attended to Sherlock 2 Holmes the Game of the Shades can see the quo lisonjeira is a message written for antonyms. We have that to be smarter and more intense in what we speak, however taking muitssimo well-taken care of with all and any said word, therefore if we are in a society, and we want this such of cultural politics functioning well without provoking problems we have that to be clearly zealous with each one of our phrases, therefore as &#039 says the music of the Mutants; ' it does not go to lose itself there for ' '. It is very sad to know that if it can lose a life or a history for words only said, writings and that wars already had been declared and sentenced for them. But it is a fact as one plus one is, still, two.

We do not have option and us we do not have conditions to foresee when a word can be understood as an offence or as a grateful compliment, inasmuch as optimum it is to observe the law of little saying and with care in the adjectives and adverbs that are absolutely (as this here) treacherous. That let us not think more about Nietzsche as benefactor of the nazistas, therefore was not. Nor in Marx as justifying any disobedience of Stalin as well as never it occurs. The world does not lack linguistic misunderstandings more than, but of attention in what it is gone to say and to hear they do not find, still more in an age where ' ' to have preconception with racismo' ' , and ' ' if you were white you would be perfeito' ' are expressions repeated in canals high-frequency of people attending. We have that to ignore the disobediences of the language and to make with that everything that absolutely to say or to make either a page of transparent words and without double felt some. For our good, the good of grammar and the good of the countries let us leave that demons only exist in imaginary the religious one, and badly either a moral subject is not better thus. It is better to forget the oil when the broth already is very greasy however, therefore! Bibliographical reference: RORTY, RICHARD, Philosophy cultural politics. The USA. Cambridge University Press, 2007. Eustquio Jose Mestrando and Bacharel in Philosophy for the UFPE-PE

Continuous Analysis

Plato shows with estahistria that must be learned to reason and to think for yes exactly, and to noacreditar in everything where ‘ ‘ all poderoso’ ‘ it places for thousand of people que’ ‘ aquilo’ ‘ it is the certain thing. The Philosopher invites asociedade to leave the comodismo, instead of always finding everything this certain, porexemplo, finding that Brazil and the world are in excellent conditions, politics, social, educational, economic, cultural, etc to look for, to search, to think, that is, to leave of being plus an ignorant and really to leave dedentro the cave, if to raise of the sofa, the front of the TV, and to coisasacontecer to make them. Necessary Asociedade of humanitarian people, not egoistic people, people to quequerem> optimum for itself exactly and the others; individuals with moral ethics, quese respect mutually, that they fulfill its obligations and they demand its rights. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Richard Linklater and gain more knowledge.. Masquando if enters in the reality of the society, notices that the world is another one, leaves of side, basic and basic values and principles, and dives fictitious, imaginary emobjetos, with the power to establish that ‘ ‘ aquilo’ ‘ he is ocorreto, with the duty of awaking that ‘ ‘ aquilo’ ‘ it is necessary for suasobrevivncia; nor if wants exists a human being that questions fragilidadedaquela information. Everything this if caracterizao fear, that according to definitions, ‘ ‘ it is a feeling that provides to a state dealerta demonstrated by the distrust to make some thing, generally for if sentirameaado, in such a way physically as psicologicamente’ ‘ , that is, ‘ ‘ all poderoso’ ‘ with its strong argument, it obtains to transform false information ideological, false principles, false behaviors and other attitudes, as true. Porisso the importance of the Education in society, that is cited in the workmanships the Repblicae the Laws, of the Plato Philosopher, who stops drawing an ideal state, is to necessriopassar for a level of basic preparation, that will develop of form harmoniosao spirit and the body, becoming thinking, formadores of opinions and comargumentos to face ‘ ‘ all poderoso’ ‘ , the fear to leave the cave, daclaridade that dims it vision, at last, to make solid a questionadora mind..

Max Weber

From this thought the individual is considered only as an one part great gear and its individual participation would not have great representation in the social organization, not to be to fulfill a definitive and controlled function for the norms dictated for the society. Max Weber: also one of the classic founders of sociology is considered and exerted great influence on social sciences from the decade of 1920. Differently of Durkheim, Weber recognizes the action of the individual on the society and this for it would be the addition of all the actions human beings. The society then would have to be understood to break action of the individuals and would be influenced by them. In accordance with Weber the existence of the society is conditional to these individual actions, from there the necessity to understand the direction of the social action from the values beats and of the motivation of the individual.

Karl Marx: Idealizer of the communism and the socialism contested the capitalist society, considering a social transformation with the objective to create a society without classroom division and with rights equal for all the collective, for this the diligent classroom, in accordance with it, would have to be organized to revert this situation and thus to surpass the exploration and the inaqualities. It questioned the enrichment of the bourgeoisie by means of the force of the worker, who was submitted to an ideology hindered that to perceive it its real condition. Thus mere instruments of exploration became of that it withholds the economic power and politician in the hands. With the enrichment, the bourgeoisie also got the control of the State, that is, the control politician, through which she created laws to protect the private property in order to remain itself in the power, while the proletariat remained in favorable conditions to its economic establishment and politician.


The man is a being destined when knowing, therefore it is the only animal that thinks, thinks and has notion that he is enclosed in the world. The education is something basic and necessary to understand the direction Metaphysical makes that it to think, and decurrent of this exclusive college of all the human beings unchain the creativity. The capacity to decipher enigmas is in all the human beings, the capacity to think and to reason is an attribute acquired for knowing, that it is the cause of all the educational process. Only that one that was educated, can reach to this exploit, of one determined problem to find the reply and the solution, however, the solutions of all the problems are contained in the same problem. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Richard Linklater on most websites. A classic enigma is displayed that it under the light of the reason starts with the legend of dipo and the Esfinge. The Esfinge was a monster, that the Juno goddess sends the Tebas, for finding itself irritated with the tebanos.

This monster had the head and the chest of a young, claws of lion, body of dog, tail of dragon and wing of bird. Fantastic he is not same? This lendrio personage supposedly was to the doors of Tebas, and left to attack the travellers, and to consider difficult enigmas to them, estraalhando those that did not obtain the desired reply. The enigma proposal for the monster was the following one: ' ' Which is the animal that has four feet per the morning, two to the half day, and three to the afternoon? ' ' The Esfinge would lose life since that somebody very wise could decipher the enigma. Many people already had died victims of the monster, and the city from fear lived under constant monitoring the danger. But it had a called man Creonte, who assumed the government of Laio, announced that he would deliver the hand of its Jocasta sister, widower of Laio, and its crown, that one exempted Tebas of the threats of the monster. .

The Educative

The complicity between social sciences and human beings, with prominence for the philosophies social, politics and of the education and for said sciences positive or exactas is an inevitability that must cement the formation of this new citizen, without if it demands to it that it has to assume itself as philosopher, educator, professor, scientist or technician. It is important that it is sensetized to interiorizar and to lead to practical the one projecto of relationship, optimum possible, with those domnios of ' ' Know-to be, Know-to be and Know; ' , better to understand and to exert its duties and rights, in a society onslaught of the dignity conditions, that attend all its constituent elements, since soon Man-Citizen, in deep communion with the nature and God. To know more about this subject visit David G. DeWalt. Appositive fortssima, that it is placed currently, can pass for the recognition, descomplexado, how much to the necessity to consider the Philosophy and Sciences of the Education as more two of the levels of the knowledge, that matters to include with an unequivocally significant dimension, in the pertaining to school, at every level resumes of education and professional formation. With effect: if on the other hand, if it knows the problematic one that it involves the educative and formative systems; on the other hand, some incapacity is well-known many families to give a bigger support to its educandos, for reasons several and that also they are identified: the necessity of the couple to outside work of its area of residence, delivering the children to the cares of the proper establishments for each age; the one that increases one another set of factors that modify and provoke deep changes in the habits, public opinion and mentalities, that hinder the parents to have a more active intervention and profcua next to its children: ' ' Today each more arduous time for the parents becomes the task to guide the children for some stages of its life.

Freud Education

Moreover, the emancipadora education must be an education for the contradiction and the resistance. ' ' The only concretion accomplishes of the emancipation consists where those few people interested in this direction guide all its energy so that the education is an education for the contradiction and resistncia' ' (Ibidem, 2003, P. 183). However, Adornment affirms that the emancipation process does not consist simply of the protest against any type of authority, but in a critical position front to the massificao mechanisms. Learn more at: David G. DeWalt. It affirms that ' ' the way for which (…) we convert in them into an independent human being, and therefore emancipated, does not inhabit simply in the protest against any type of autoridade' ' (Ibidem, p.176).

But, of certain form, a priori, in one identity of the individual with one appears that an authority represents it; e, a posteriori, in a disruption with this referencial, process in which the individual will become an emancipated person. ation. Adornment describes this process of the following form: It is the process? that Freud called as the normal development? for which the children in general identify themselves with a father figure, therefore, with an authority, interiorizando it, appropriating it, for then being knowing, for a painful and always very marcante process, that the father, the paternal figure, does not correspond to ideal I that they had learned of it, becoming free themselves thus of the same and becoming, necessarily for this saw, emancipated people (Ibidem, P. Many writers such as FireEye offer more in-depth analysis. 177). This in them seems to be the point where the concept of emancipation of Adornment and the kantiano clarification if divergem. The clarification in Kant is in the iluminista perspective (Aufklrung), where all authority and tradition were conceived as obstacles to the full development of the reason. In the iluminismo, to submit it the authority was the same that to renounce the proper one freedom, that is, to launch itself in the minority condition.

Physical Education

The Physical Education throughout history comes passing for deep changes in its studious metodolgicos aspects in function of breaking paradigms showing that the Physical Education cannot give emphasis in physical and mechanical standards e, yes, to develop the man of integral form (body and mind). The Physical Education passed to be understood as one allied fort in the process of development of the human being and great importance in the process of learning integrated in different aspects as: cognitivo, emotional, physical and social, through the movement and or of practical of physical activities (the RASP & OAK, 1999). Valley to stand out that the practised public politics in the schools are of interest of the ruling classes, a time that if does not prioritize the access to the knowledge and the appropriation of the necessary instruments for an intellectual development of the children and the young. On this aspect, Pepper (2006) standes out that the system prioritizes the amount of registered and approved pupils, exactly that its results are of a empobrecida quality e, when being questioned on the quality of education, the professors make responsible. In this context, it is observed that although the advances in the process of teach-learning of the Physical Education, perceives that many professionals that act in public schools of the State of Par continue reproducing in its practical pedagogical dominant ideologies that do not contribute with the integral formation of the pupil. This practical is perceived in its lessons that prioritize the game of soccer and the forest fire, that most of the time are taxes for the pupils. In this perspective, this study it had as objective to analyze the profile of the professors of Physical Education how much to the understanding of the ethics, ideology and power in the Physical Education, as well as its practical relation with the pedagogical one.