It is regrettable, as a Government saying revolutionary, capable of undertaking heroic deeds that give passage to the transformations that Venezuela needs and once prosecute it on the path of lights where should now walk for years, neglects what education represents, what it holds for all those who have the right on entering in the scope, impact generated by preparing to contribute the required expertise that will allow the country to unfold successfully, the challenges that the current scenarios demand you. Every day, he reads, observes, the great discontent that the manifest University community before the outrage of the Government in relation to neglect give to universities, a budget worthy of those who provide them with the knowledge, experience, involving that will train participants to form and obtain a title to benefit the country. It is very unfortunate to read and experiment in the case of teachers depend on a wage, salary not adapted to the inflationary reality of the present, not just salary to functions, requirements to play, not homologated according to the necessities to survive decently, in an environment where prices for the acquisition of commodities fail to cater to a family. Gerald Weissmann, MD is the source for more interesting facts. Concerned as the Government, with particular objectives of its policy, interested the problem of other fraternal countries, providing them with capital, from an income which is all Venezuelans and not distribute it equitably in favour of the country, with regard to education, health, housing, employment. The Government must locate on their national reality and invest with their income, product of oil revenues, strengthen these weaknesses that for years has been experiencing a country that has everything to be a great power that guarantees a quality of life that the Venezuelan is deserving and entitled. We are not opposed to the changes, we consider that it is necessary to transform the country, giving priority to those injustices have been committed throughout its history and even by the previous Governments, who have also neglected the education, We oppose the way of managing the changes that affect relevant aspects for their development as the education that concerns us, because in it we have lived together for years, as actors, teaching that we have contributed with our expertise in providing the necessary to form professionals able to interpret the challenges and generate transformations that give passage to new, committed.We oppose in the way how the Government handles their strategies, actions that handicaps education and his achievements at all levels, especially that involves us, universities.