(Note: The previous discussion on the real wages talks about his cyclical variation; the growth throughout the time is associate when increasing the productivity, that also would have to be seen favored by the reform although, again, the persistence of the temporality will harm east objective.) The great absentee: the active and passive policies of use. A few months ago I attended a conference in the OECD on use policies and what it alarmed to me more it was to state the old fashioned thing that have remained Spain in this field. More info: Nike. In Europe there is an ample consensus on two points. First it is that (like tenth here), the perception of benefits by unemployment, besides an essential program to mitigate the very negative effects of the unemployment situation on the people, is not only a right acquired by the previous contribution, but also entails to have to look for work. Therefore, it must be conditional to the effective search of use or the participation in programs of labor production or formation. The second consensus point is that the active policies good designed they are useful to reduce the duration of the periods of unemployment.
For a given level of vacant positions available, I discourage to look for use generated by the perception of benefits and the inadequate qualification of the unemployed contributes to increase the duration of unemployment. In fact, those policies are the third leg, along with costs of dismissal low and generous benefits by unemployment, of the call flexiguridad, that countries like Denmark practice. A route in increase in countries like Germany, Australia, Austria, Denmark, the United States and the United Kingdom is the collaboration between the services use public and the deprived agencies of positioning. It is not the panacea and still it is being learned with the experience on his optimal design, but it seems clear that they would have to be part of the solution.