The AMBIENT QUESTION the incessant search for the generation and commercialization of wealth has taken the humanity to a great ambient crisis, which if has alarmingly aggravated, (Santana, 2005). Although the technological development has proportionate advances in the society, at the same time, this has alavancado ambient problems and risks that compromise quality of life of the current and future generations. The concern with the protection of the environment increased in last the thirty years, the point of the majority of the countries to have enclosed the ambient guardianship in its Constitutions and created specific legislaes in the attempt to reach a sustainable development for the nations. Ahead of this, the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 if configures as one of the most evolved in the ambient guardianship and foresees in its text, beyond other measures directed for the guarantee of an ambient balance, the accomplishment of a massiva ambient education in all the education levels and the public awareness for the preservation of the environment. In this context, we can analyze until point the ambient education can contribute for the viabilizao of a sustainable and democratic development, in view of that civil engineering is large-scale consumer of the natural resources. Through the influence of the ambientalistas movements organized and of the agreement of that the environment is a basic legally protected interest for the guarantee of the life in the planet, the constitutional legislator included a special chapter in the Federal Constitution of 1988 on the integral protection of the environment, as well as disposals on the subject in several other tickets constitutional. The Ambient Education was enclosed in the Brazilian normative system first through Law 6,938/81 that it turns on the National Politics of the Environment and, later, in the Great Letter (Article 225, 1, VI), charging the public power of the promotion of the ambient education in all the education levels, as well as of the awareness of the collective for the active participation in the ambient guardianship. . .