The Caves

Such is the literal translation of the word "Theodosius". So-called "Holy towns" in earlier times formed the basis of human civilization, its first form, and its first, the longest stage – an era of temple civilization. The material in this chapter help us understand some important aspects of archaic life and pushed to quit looking to the even more ancient times: for archaeological finds in the caves to see not "home" notorious "cave residents ", and the ancient sanctuaries, and even churches, and as a consequence – indeed archaic forms of social life. Imaginary "cave inhabitants – at least in Europe – were not those" savages "as they represented in the writings of many contemporary authors. We had to look at the oldest – the initial – the page of history, artifacts, which have not yet learned to find. In other words, by setting extremely important, and the a certain stage, even the decisive role of churches and sanctuaries in the lives of ancient societies, ancient and preceded the earlier civilizations, the author step by step, delving into the archaeological material, all descended below the depth stories, revealing the evolution of ancient human formations and development of religious forms, the occurrence of which was spent not only in doneandertalskie, but in a much more ancient times. The discovery of these archaic, but organizing forms of ancient life, which reflected higher representations of the world those days people like to naively simple, rude or wrong they may be, in itself makes ridiculous statements about all scholastic "Semianimal life of these people who supposedly" small little groups, "lived the life wanderers – wandering hunter-gatherers." The appearance of the sanctuary (even hundreds of thousands of years ago!), And then the churches (at least during the so-called "Neanderthal"!), The formation of stable traditions in the administration of then-cult, facilitated the integration of communities into tribes, the mere existence of a public institution shrines and temples in an extremely ancient can be saved, by the way, even today, is not compatible with the grotesque "primitive" that never existed forms of life that painting in the so-called "Special" literature.