The Educators

What we see are professors with the function to educate, but that they meet lost and rightened for this ‘ ‘ nova’ ‘ educational vision, where the note is not most important. Such perspective makes in them to think about the formation of professors and of as this initiative could facilitate to the entrance and permanence of the children with NEE in regular schools. However this is not the only joined controversy when the inclusion is argued. Many are the managers and the educators who only believe that the inclusion is made by the socialization, for the convivncia. Critical they are made to this conception of inclusion as socialization. For example, critical produced for Oak (2004), that it affirms that practical educative the established ones in this significao tend to deny, to mask the difference, as if it did not exist e, therefore, they ignore the necessity to think it, to problematizar it, to place it nas daily guidelines of the quarrels. Mantoan (2006) brings in them that the inclusion will happen when will have a paradigm change on what we understand as pertaining to school education and which its paper in our society today. The author brings in them despite ‘ ‘ the school if obstructed of the formalism of the rationality and was cindiu in modalities of education, curricular types of service, gratings, burocracia’ ‘ (MANTOAN, 2006, P.

14) that they only construct barriers so that the inclusion happens. A total and democratic inclusion, in this contrary perspective the inclusion as socialization, suggests that let us leave of side the thought of that the massificao 1 of education already is the sufficient for the insertion of all igualitariamente when denouncing that the school opened space for ‘ ‘ (…) new social groups, but not to the new knowledge.