They are common cases of professors as of the teacher Ana Keilla who already more than received in its classroom a pupil with deficiency or global upheaval from the development and if feel alone and without support, resources or formation to execute a good work. ' ' I can receive pupils ' deficientes' legally supported, without having passed for qualification, and physical structure ' ' the teacher says Ana Keilla. The trend, happily, is of change, slow and even so still different. Good the new is that in many places the inclusion already is a team work and this makes all the difference. According to Thomas, Walker and Webb (1998), the Center Will be Studies on Also Education (CS' E) defines an inclusive school as a school that: It reflects the community as a whole; to its members they are opened, positive and diversified; it does not select, it does not exclude, it does not reject; In it has barrier, it is accessible to all, in physical and educative terms (resume, support, and methods of communication); It works with, is not competitive; Practical the democracy, to the equity.
Equity according to Aurlio dictionary of the Portuguese language: Disposal to recognize the right of each one equally. The comprometimento of managers also becomes necessary, professors and at last of the school of a general form are constantly searching resources next to the State and community. Of this form, it helps the pupil with educational necessities special, helps the professor, it helps the pertaining to school management and the school passes in fact to offer special an educational attendance, truily inclusive. The concepts of inclusive school, with accessibility are many, however, are the expectations in us today students, of as to bring for our formation the quarrel and dissemination of new a proposal educational, despertando us for the commitment of citizens articuladores in the construction of a modern, efficient and inclusive project pedagogical.