State University of hte Bahia

To know necessary to practical the educative one. So Paulo, 23a edition, Publishing company Peace and Land, 2002. Pablo Freire Nasceu in Recife in 1921 and faleceu in 1997. One of the great pedagogos of the respected present time is considered and world-wide. It published some workmanships that had been translated and commented some countries. Its first educational experiences had been carried through in 1962 in Angicos, in the Rio Grande of the North, where 300 agricultural workers if alfabetizaram in 45 days Its activities are interrupted with the military blow of 1964.

Some of its main workmanships: Education as Practical of Freedom, Pedagogia of the Oppressed one, Letters to the Guin Bissau, Living and Learning, the importance of the act to read. According to author, is necessary to have hope to face the problematic one of the learning and if not to deliver to the comodismo. Thus, to look for of certain form to thus instigate the reflection and the brainstorming and to become possible to weave the life with objectives. Therefore of this reasoning, to open a quarrel in the innovative direction, therefore to be in the problem and not to search solutions does not have bedding and the meaningless life, as the pointed ranks. She is necessary that each citizen, is not only one citizen or object of study of history, but that it is a citizen in action, capable to transform from certainties of changes, therefore the citizen that if bothers with the situation and does not search solutions for its problems it will not be capable to find its identity, its reality and to look ways that can of certain form change the way to think and to act about the situation where to be impregnated in the society where it is part.

State University

The statistical data of this study had been collected in compliance with inherent the metodolgicos and ethical procedures to a research of this nature, next to the sector of Human resources of the State University of Clear Mounts and data of the IBGE. To the light of the hermeneutics, I analyzed the collected data, for believing the effectiveness of this method that consists of making with that the researcher interprets the text says, it, the deposition, of form to weave consideraes and to construct knowledge on thematic the proposal. , Having as thus norteador the theoretical referencial presented, collected documents and data they had been analyzed and interpreted resulting in this article that brings to the knowledge of the reader, reflections that they had contributed a posteriori for the deepening of the knowledge and, being able in the future, to serve of base for new research on the subject. THE HISTORICAL SUBMISSION OF THE WOMAN IN BRAZIL (…) your desire will be for your husband, and it will dominate you to it. Genesis 3:16 (Bible Sacred) I do not have the pretension, to promote in this article a speech feminist or religious, however, it would not be possible to carry through it without before weaveeing some consideraes on the historical roots of the feminine submission considering the base of the education in Brazil. The Brazilian education has roots in jesutico education, therefore, is possible to affirm that the culture and the social relations of Brazil had been constructed under the Christian religious influence that was imposed the natives, therefore ' ' (…) when the Europeans had this way arrived they had not found no will of the population in opting to the Christian faith. So that this was possible, they had decimated good part of this populao' ' (BELLO, 2001, p.1). On this fact, the author still affirms that, under the excuse of superiority of a culture for the other, the culture that if judges superior, waits that its values are spread out to any cost.