Mathematics Education

But not a separate disciplines or sporadically a project. According you experts in educational technology should be daily tool you promote and enhance student learning.The main authors were Vygotsky, who attaches great importance you the social rolls of the school and mathematics in the construction of knowledge and Ubiratan D’ techniques applied to only far in working with this disciplines.The methodology is based on the hermeneutic paradigm whose research is qualitative in nature using first the bibliographical research.Thereafter, the social-interactionist dialectical study of the main points of the theories and educational ideas about the rolls of school according you these theories and of the importance of the uses of technology in the classroom. This work promotes reflection of how mathematics is treated in the classroom, looking will be ways you avoid the dislike that many students shows in relation that disciplines integrating the human, technological, individual, group and society. Keywords: Mathematics Education. Etthnomatematics. Technology. Partner interacionism.

1 INTRODUCTION The world lives in constant evolution and, obviously, this evolutivo process imposes significant changes in the vision of world of the man, in its way to make, to think and to feel the things. The Education, for the proper dynamic nature characterizes that it, is changedded, improved, aiming at to follow these changes and to tend to the imperatives determined for the modern life in which the technology is used daily. These changes can be observed in all the sectors of the society and, being social practical Education one, its importance is basic, since, beyond assumeing the excellent role to form individuals that act in this society, it is still responsible for the development of the creative capacity of the man. E, if changes are observed in all the areas of the society, in the Education, the changes occur how much to the objectives and the procedures or methods or techniques for it used.

Ambient Education

The activities proposals must if of the one in a continuous process, taking in consideration the reality of the pupils and its to know systemize, that is, she is necessary to adopt a dynamics that privileges the action-reflection-action. The Ambient education in the school must search values that lead to a harmonic convivncia with the way and the too much species that they inhabit in it, assisting educating for an ecological conscience when analyzing the anthropocentric principle that provides to a destruction inconsequente of the natural resources and of some species of the nature. Ahead of as many tracks to accomplish one practical one of Ambient Education in the School, and to have the knowledge, previously of the ambient perception of the involved actors in this research, they allow in them to make some recommendations: Continued formation educators to be able them to rethink, to reelaborar or even though to modify its practical conceptions and of Ambient Education in the School; The developed actions must be based by the cooperation and a generation of autonomy of all involved ones on the process, that culminates in changes of mentalities so that they can exceed beyond the pertaining to school space; The professors must bring for the classroom, texts that stimulate the reflexivas readings of ambient subjects as: water scarcity, decurrent illnesses of the lack of basic sanitation, catastrophes, urban garbage, consumption, alternative misery, energies, technological innovations in the ambient area among others deriving problems of the lack of preservation of the environment etc. At last, leaving of the thought of Pablo Freire, for who the education must have as objective greater to desvelar the overwhelming relations lived by the men, transforming them so that they transform the world, and searching to make with that the State School Prof. Marluce Lucas exerts its paper in the formation of the ambient conscience of its alunado, considers it implantation of Ambient Education in the Project Pedagogical Politician of the School, in accordance with the PCN? s and the current law, with the objective to form critical and conscientious citizens, made use to take new attitudes and to adopt new styles of life, aiming at the construction of possible futures, through the optics of the ecological support and the social equity. In this manner, they consider essential the adoption of measures whose objective is to consolidate new pertaining to school paradigms, in the direction of the briefing and transformation of the reality.

The ways are not difficult, the documents and the ideas of as if of to approach the thematic one they are gifts in our daily one, fits to each one to create its proper passage. .

Henry Ford

The first thing I thought when I saw this opportunity was: If in this business I can not achieve financial freedom, do not arrive in any other and it is true, because it is not easy, but depends on each one and the effort and work we take to achieve that goal, i.e., the way is the same for all affiliates, if an affiliate arrives, then all we can get. After reading all the valuable information and to listen to and watch the videos of my sponsor training, I ran into another obstacle, (and is very good to find them because we thus learn to Dodge them). Something that I learned from my sponsor is the importance of the creation of a blog with own, autobiographical content, where overturning my experiences about business and teamwork in GTC and to be honest, I cost much work to start writing my own experiences, since I had never created a blog, but it is very important to create entries and keep the blog update dis part of the layout I mentioned before where we must copy the positive experiences of people who already have success and which were once, as I am today, taking the first step and work to achieve our goals.

It is also important to believe in this opportunity, believe and trust in this work that is real, legal possibility and be convinced that depends on each achieve financial freedom, and incredibly good is that it makes teamwork and is an ideal situation to carry out a multilevel marketing business since you have the help and advice of persons who already arrived or who are about to arrive at the financial freedom and all they provide such wisdom you do exactly the same thing and take advantage of the leverage and follow duplicate. I am very happy to be part of this company (this is my first day and I’m working to shape my future) and I am sure that I will be able to meet my goals because I believe in the team, and is that depends on me, this in my hands reaching financial freedom at the time at which I proposed, and with that do security, I say: after viewing the presentation and have researched about Global Telecom Connect After seeing all the information and the different ways of making money, the bonus for leaders where there are no limits affiliates and therefore profits, after seeing all that, feel no desire to try to change the way of working? Once heard a phrase from Henry Ford who stirred little interest to me and made me change my way of seeing the opportunities: whether you think you can, as if you think that you can not, right from that moment I realized that I can achieve what I propose working hard every day..